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Our stressful exam week is finally over, well at least it is kinda over.
We will still be having our last exam after our lunch time.

Me and my two friends are now here at the canteen of Engineering faculty, why you might wonder? It is because both of their boyfriends are here well Kit's Boyfriend is an Engineering major, and Pha's Boyfriend may be a Science Major yet he is best friends with Ming who is Kit's boyfriend so that is why we are here having our lunch break while I watch these two pairs of couples at my left and right side. A life of a third wheel, well more like fifth wheel.

Well it's not that I'm mad at them, I'm actually used to it, and I'm happy that both of my best friends are happy with their own lovers.

I just don't like it sometimes when they feel pity for me being the only single of the group, But hey who to blame I actually like being alone well of course I'm an Introvert who always not talk to people and stay in his cave and when I mean cave my room 24/7 . And when there are girls who try to flirt I just ignore them.

I will be in a relationship too ... soon If I have find the right one who can bare with my introvert -ness , Because I cant still master the acting of how to be an Fake extrovert.

"Hey Beam! Earth to Beam." I hear Kit called  snapping me out from my thoughts.

"Are you saying something?" I asked.

"Ai' Beam wake to your day dream." Phana said, shaking his head.

"We are discussing about going to Sea Life aquarium, P'Beam." It was Wayo who speak.

"So are you In?" Kit asked.

"Nah? You know I'm not into crowded place person ai'Kit." I told  them.

"You are with us P' and it's not a bar or some place like you need to talk to stranger." Ming assured, but still...

"Ermmm.. I wil think about it." I told them so they'll just stop from convincing me.

"Don't think just come. It will be tomorrow." Kit stated.

"Tomorrow? Why all of a sudden?"

"Because it's weekend already, and our Exam is almost done we need to relax after that." Pha remarked, which is kinda true but still.

"I—" Thinking for a great excuse to have.

But just then when I'm about to say something, I heard someone calls my name, Or maybe I'm just assuming i'm not the only Beam in the world and no one knows me, specially here in Engineering faculty aside from n'Ming.

Or so I thought....

"Hey Beam,What are you doing." It was Forth, who I didn't know is also studying here.

"Oh Hey Nong' Ming, Nong' Yo, Kit, Phana." He greeted my friends, which I am more confused and surprised.

"I did not know you knew Beam." He continued to speak, while I'm still in daze. "It's such a small world after all."

"Hello P' Forth." Ming and Yo greeted at the same time.

"Oh hey Forth." Pha greeted.

"Hey bud," Kit greeted.

And I saw him looked at me "Hey- Forth? So I see..You study here?" I manage to speak.

"Well obviously yes." He answered. "I did not knew you are close with this love birds." He said pointing at the pairs.

"Yeah so do I." I said.

"P'Beam, P'Forth is one of our hazer here." Ming informed, and I just let our an "Ohh"

"So how are you two know—" Kit said looking curious "— Ohhh wait I remember now!!!" He exclaimed.

"I knew that name was familiar."

"Oh yeah, So he is the Forth." Phana said, seems to remember.

"What are the two of you trying to say?" Forth asked them looking confused to what is happening, while I'm here wanting to be swallowed by the floor.

"Forth the friendly neighbourhood." Pha stated.

"The Cake is good by the way." Kit commented

"Huh? What?" Forth asked sounding more confused. Oh holy floor please swallow me whole.

"Erm.. I gave them some of the strawberry cake that you gave to mom before." I manage to speak.

"Oh that." Forth said.

"Oh! P' Forth, do you have free schedule this weekend." Ming asked.

" I don't know, I might go out with my friends or play some sports. Why? do you need any help?"

"Uhm No P' not like that, But we are planning to go to Sea Life Aquarium tomorrow on the exact opening time maybe."

"Ohhh... then... are you going to Beam?" Forth asked, turning to look at me.

"I-I don't know... Still deciding." I answered.

"Okay, then I will go if Beam will go." He declared making the four of them pleaded me to come with them, thanks Forth.

"Ai' Beam, go agree now." Says Kit, to which even Pha agreed.

"Join us na P' Beam." Wayo pleaded.

"We are all your close friends anyways... you will not have an awkward situation. And it will be fun there." Pha tried to convinced.

"I heard it is a nice place specially if we go there on the opening or closing time  because the people are not much." Forth added not really helping me in this situation of me wanting to escape.

"Okay, okay.. I will go now with you guys." I said, just to make their annoying noises stop.

"Yaaass!!!! It's Aquarium timee!!!" The two pair of couples cheered in unison.

"Well yeah see you guys there, I need to leave now i still have my next class." Forth said, he was about to leave when he step back "Oh, and  Beam can I get your number?" He asked making me confused why he is asking.

"Uh? yeah sure." I said and he hand me his phone.

"Sorry, I always forgot to asked for your number everytime I visit your house."

"Nah, no need to be sorry." I said typing my number on his phone, "Here, done. Just let you be the one set the contact name."

"Thanks..See you later." He said and left as I nod.

"Looks like someone got a suitor." I head Kit said with his teasing voice.

"The friendly neighborhood, Forth Man." Pha added, "Damn it did not rhyme, but still can be use." He said shaking his head.

"What the heck are you both exactly talking about?" I said frowning at their silly thoughts.

"Can't you see, Forth likes you my dear friend." Says Kit gesturing his hand to where Forth was standing awhile ago

"Crazy, No way. He is just extrovert.. And we are both straight." I assure them.

"Kit and I used to say that too before. remember that Beam."

"Okay, But still no way, He is for sure just being friendly." I told them.

"I can just ask P'Forth if he likes P'Beam to make sure." Ming said making me scream at his stupid decision.

"What?! No Ming!"

"Seriously I'm outta here, I don't to late to our last exam."

Introvert Meets Extrovert | ForthBeamOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora