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"What if..... I do really like you?" Do I heard him right? He is joking right? He must be

"You are joking right?"
I said, forcing myself to laugh.

But then he reached for my hand as he speak, "What if I say that I'm serious, Beam."
He said while holding my left hand with both of his hand.

"What if I will say that...That I have fallen for you the first time I saw you?"

Seriously what is he talking right now, Is he telling the truth?

"But both of us are guys." I uttered, looking down on our hands.

"Is it a crime to love someone who have same gender as I am?" he asked.

Don't get me wrong... I'm not against about it, My friends are like that, and I also Like him... Yep I said it now to my self. I like him but— I'm not yet ready to this relationship.

"No— it's not." I tell him.

"Beam, Can I ask something?"
He asked, and I just nod slowly.

"By any chance, do you ever feel something for me? something beyond friendship?"

"I— I don't know." I'm not sure.

"By any chance, Do I have a chance to own your heart?"
He asked again and I just shrug my shoulders, ignoring the rapid beating of my heart that I hope he won't hear.

"By any chance, can I be your suitor?" And as he asked that to me. My eyes widen, and my heart beats more faster and feel my whole face heat up.

"Beam?" He called,  and I just found myself nodding my head.

"Is that a yes?"
He asked again, and I just nod.

"Can you say it? I need a clear answer." He pleaded, but I felt like my tongue was tied.

"Y-Yes" I manage to mumble.

"Yes what?" Seriously this guy? Is he teasing me or what?

"Yes, You can court me." I declared.

And that as I told him that he stand up, and hugs me tightly.

"Thank you Babe! I mean Beam Thank you!" He said as he was swinging our bodies left and right, still hugging me tight.


I'm so happy that he give me a chance and agreed  that I can court him.

I know it's just courting and not officially a couple, I know that Beam still need some time. The important thing is he agreed that I can prove to him my feelings, plus he said yes on courting him after our months of being cut, so that means I have 99% chance to be his official boyfriend soon, Right?

Just then as I was celebrating, hugging him like I don't want to ever let go—

"Can I eat the lasagna now?" I heard Beam asked.

"Oh yes , right... sure I totally forgot that. Uhh— can I use your kitchen? I think I should reheat it."


"Why are you staring at me?" He asked, as again he caught me looking at him, But this time I decide to tell him the real reason unlike before.

"Nothing, I just really found it cute everytime I watch you eating." I said, and he rolled his eyes, looking down to hide his tomato red face just like the huge slice of lasagna he's putting on his plate.

"You are a really messy eater aren't you?" I said as I saw a lot of sauce all over his mouth as usual, "You are like a baby." I told him wiping the sauce off with tissue.

"My baby."
    I continued.... and that he grabbed the tissue from my hand and wipe his own mouth.

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