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Today is Sunday afternoon Me and my Mom just finished eating our lunch, and as it is because I have no any class today I'm a wonderful slave at home. My mom asked me to to water the plants after I wash the dishes, so I'm now about to get the hose just near our car when I hear someone call me.

"Hey! Beam right?" Turning around I saw a tall guy wearing gym tanktops .

"Uhmm yeah... You are???" I asked as de don't seem familiar to me, and I'm surprised to know my name.

"Forth, remember? We met at the food park last time and our mom's are friends."

"Oh yeah... that P'..sorry I forgot." I awkwardly said, now remembering him.

"Nah it's okay." He smiled, "- P'? .. I remembered my mom actually told me that we just have the same age, so remove the honorific." He stated.

"Hmmm.. yeah sure." I said as I connect the hose to the fossett.

"So are you about to water some plants?" He asked, still not leaving

"Obviously." I said sarcastically "My mom asked me to."

"Want me to help?" He offered, which I found weird.

"No thanks." I said, hoping he would leave already.

"Okay.. then.. See yah?" He said finally, I hummed then give him a forced smile.

"Just call me if you need help, I live just in front of your house there." He said as point at the house in front of our house.

I nod.

"I will go then." He wave good bye, and I watch him walk his way to their house.

Letting out a sigh, glad that he have left now. I really can't stand short conversations. That is one thing I hate.

After watering the plant's I decide to just stay inside my room and paint something.

As I got inside my bed room I grab my canvas stand and my painting supplies bringing it at the balcony for a better light.

I'm sitting in front of my canvas for I don't know how long already, thinking what should I paint but I can't think of any thing to paint so I just decide to paint the house in front of our house.

But just then after an half an hour of painting and keep looking at the house in front for me to copy. I take my last glance at the house, but surprised to saw that guy Forth standing at their balcony, looking back at me he wave his hand, and so I just smiled at him awkwardly before I grab my canvas together with my canvas stand, paint tubes, and brush and hurriedly walking inside my room.

I quickly go inside the bathroom and wash my paint brush, but as I was done cleaning all my paint brush My mom went up to my room and told me that I have a visitor, strange because ai'Pha and ai'Kit did not told me that they will be visiting today and as far as I know they are always busy with their boyfriends every weekends.

My mom told me to go down stairs at the kitchen because my visitor is there, and one more thing my mom keep on saying the word visitor when he actually know the names of my two best friends.

Just then when I got down stairs and reached at the kitchen I saw that guy Forth sitting and greeted me as soon as he saw me.

"Hey Beam, I bought some Pizza." He said.

"Hmm thanks? Do you need any help?" I asked as I take my sit in front of him.

"Nah, Just visiting a friend."

"Friend?" I confusedly asked, frowning my eyebrows.

"Yeah, you."

"Me?" I confirmed pointing to my self, and he nods.


"We haven't bond with each other. How that supposed to be called friend, and we only know each others name." I stated the facts.

"Then let us get to know each other and spent some time together, what do think about that?

"I don't think that both of us have any common interest.. Judging by your looks." I voiced out.

"Oh... really?" He said, sounding un convinced.

"Yuh." I try to argue.

"So... What is your course anyway? I'm studying Engineering." He said.

Short conversation on going in 3 2 1...
This is going to be a long ride to hell for me...

"Hmmm.. Medical student." I answered.

"Huh... So you will be a doctor soon."

"Obviously." I state, and he nods.

"Oh by the way... What are you painting just a few moments ago? can I know if you don't mind?" He asked now sounding more curious.

"Your house." I answered, and tried to explain myself "Just because My imagination is not cooperating to me yet I want to paint something so I do so."

"Ohh... I see you like arts?"

"Yeah but just a hobby."

"Can I see it? if you just don't mind."

"My art work?"

"What else."

"It's not that good you know unlike the paintings of some famous artist. " I said, hesitating as I'm not used of other people seeing my drawings.

"I still want to see it though."

"Ermm.. it's not that much."

"It- it's inside my room." Hoping he would decide not to look at it anyways.

"Uhh you wanna come?" Please say no please say no.

"Sure, I'm really curious about your arts." I wanna punch him, this is not the scenario I planned.

"Here... just those."
I uttered as I point at the wall in my room with full of my paintings well actually there is only 6 paintings on it.

"-And that is what I have paint a few awhile ago." I said as I point at the canvas on my canvas stand.

"Wow! Why do you say you don't arts that good, well actually it's not good it is so perfect." He exaggerated.

"Nah, you are just saying that because of sympathy."

"No, No... It is really great. base on just looking this I might think that you are a art student and not a medical student." He said, and I just hummed.

He keep looking around my paintings for few more minutes,

"Eemm now you have seen my paintings, should we go back at the kitchen?" I told him feeling more awkward already.

"Oh sure, let's eat some pizza then. I bought Cheesy bacon pizza.

"Really?!" I exclaimed, just by hearing my favourite pizza topping "Let's go down then."

"Wow excited all of a sudden." Forth said smirking.

"Well It is my favorite pizza toppings." I stated, not even trying to hide the fact. I'm a big foodie that is it.

"Well then I guess you have to take back what you have said back then."

"Said what?"

"About common interest." He remarked making me remember how I just judge him awhile ago.

Smirking He then claimed, "Cheesy bacon is my favorite type of pizza too."

"Hmm... You don't have bad taste when it comes to pizza then." I stated.

"So do you." He said, and with that we both went back down to the kitchen.

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