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Is Beam avoiding me? It's been weeks that I have keep on visiting to their house but aunty always says that Beam was not there or Beam was busy and told her that he don't want any visitors, even his friends.

I have tried also to visit him to the Medical faculty but he is no where to be found. He did not even Hang out with his friends when they are at the Engineering faculty, I tried to ask Phana but he said Beam just always went straight back home.

I tried to call him and send him some text message but he is not answering any of it.

We really never see each other, I ask N'Ming if the doctor gang have change their schedule but he said they did not.

But if he is really trying to ignore me, Why?
Did I do something bad? did I say something bad without noticing it?

Everytime I get out of the house of before going inside I always take a glance to the window on his room hoping that I could see him, but I never had a chance.

Until today has come. My mom asked me to send something to her office so I went there, and as I was walking to our street on my way back to home.

I saw Beam walking and he is wearing earphones and focusing to his phone and not on where he is walking.

So I have decide to block his way for me to greet him.


After that day when I asked my two best friends on how to know if an extrovert like a certain person and they said based on my answers from their research Forth, is sure have a romantic kind of feeling to me.

The whole night I recalled all the things that we do together, thinking what in the possible act of him tells that he is really interested in me.

Number 1 is he always bring food as what Kit and Phana said.

So what are the others?  I can't think of anything possible. I'm sure all his act to me was just him being a good person.

But what if Kit and Phana was right? What if Forth do really? No way. We are both guys... I'm straight not attracted to men right?

And so My final decision have come, I decide to Hide from Forth, What if I develop some feelings to? And I still want to have some time to think as my mind feels so all messed up right now.

It's been 3 weeks almost one month already that I cut our ties, is that how it called?

I tried to avoid him every single day. I know that he know my class schedules so I do some time adjustments. I always go to class two hours early, and go home 2 hours late, At least at that kind of time I know we will not meet.

And Mom have always told me that Forth always visit our house after class but as I was still at school my mom always tells him that I'm busy, There is a day also that I'm really am busy. So I have told mom that I want no one to disturb me, so if Phana Or Kit ever tried to visit go kick them out.

But the thing I hate is— is that I'm avoiding Forth, but why I feel like I missed his presence? Every night before I fall a sleep I have all of a sudden recall of all the moments that we have done together.

Just then today an unexpected thing happend I saw Forth walking as I'm sure that he was on his way back to their house, and I on the other hand was about to go to the food park to buy some lunch as mom was not home.

Fortunately I'm wearing earphone, So if ever well for sure he will try to call my name or greet me, I have a reason why I did not so called noticed or hear him right? And to add more act I play on my phone switching the music randomly focusing on my phone for me to avoid eye contact with him. So I can still avoid him.

Or so that is what I thought.....

Not until when I bump on someone, someone who is tall and have a very toned figure.

And as I raised my head up I found that someone is Forth.

"Hey Beam."
         He said as he show his bright smiled to me.

But then as I saw his face, his smile I felt my heart have palpitate all of a sudden.

"H–hi... Fo-forth.
      I said as my voice was trembling , damn why I'm suddenly acting like this.

"Sorry Forth, I'm in hurry."
     I said so fast like I'm rapping, then rushed to walk away.

I don't want to have conversation with him. What if he suddenly ask why I'm so called busy for 3 weeks.

Ughh.... I should not have plan to go out, this is really a bad Idea, If our refrigerator is not empty I will be sure not going out.

I hope that this will be the last time he will saw me.

Introvert Meets Extrovert | ForthBeamWhere stories live. Discover now