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My parenst finally decide to buy a house for us to live in, My whole life we have been living on a rental house and almost yearly we have need to change places due to my fathers work.
My dad is a Doctor, but there is no permanent Hospital that he is working, yearly he will be assigned to work on a different hospital and that is the reason why we are NPA meaning No Permanent Address.

My Mom on the other hand is a full fledge house wife, she is the one taking care of me and all the house chores while my dad is working.

Last year my dad decide to apply for a job in a different hospital located in South Korea and got accepted, he is working as a full fledged permanent doctor in one of the hospital in Soul. Unfortunately because of that he only have one or two month vacation leave if he's lucky to visit us in Thailand.

My dad have been working in Korea for almost a year and a half, finally they decided that we should buy our own house rather than keep staying in a rented home.

And that is why now Me and my mom are now on our way to our new house, I must say that I'm glad that I don't need to change school again because it is in ths same area from our old rented home.

"Beam son don't over think so much, I know you will like our new home." She said while driving, "And there are lots of kids with the same age of you that you can bond when you are bored." She added, making a quick glance at me.

"Mom you know I just prefer to stay inside the house and read some Novel books or do some art stuffs. "
I said while looking at the other cars passing by.

"I know son, But it's better for you to go out sometimes and make new friends, beside we will be living there in our entire life, so go make friends with our neighbours... is that okay?"

"I won't promise mom."

Finally we arrived our new home, after 20 minutes drive just because of the crazy traffic jam, I must say our new house is nice it's not too big or too small.

There no much people outside today maybe because it's Monday and most of the people are at their school or work, I have class today but I excuse my self telling my professor that I can't attend to my class because of I need to help my mom carry some of my stuffs. Well my mom said that there will be furniture inside already so we only have some of our clothes and other important things specially my school, and art stuffs.... Oh, you all might assume that I'm an Art student because of all my things but I'm actually a Medical student. I also want to be a doctor like my dad, and art... art is just my hobby.

We entered our house carrying our packages box by box, and as all of our things are inside mom decided to just cook a simple meal for us.

And right after we ate I decide to go to my own room which my mom told me just go up stairs turn right and the second room will be mine.

My room is not that small or big, It is just good for me- I think and it also have a small balcony so it's a win win for me. I can save electricity for not needing to turn on the lights even I'm doing some paintings or drawing.

I decide to just lay at my bed for a few minutes to at least have a short rest first before finally unboxing my stuffs, and arrange it inside the room. I'm glad that I have two separate cabinet inside my room now, and that I can put my canvas stand and bigger canvas inside it well I'm more thinking of putting all my painting supplies there for sure.

After arranging all my things I decide to go at the balcony and just look outside, I kinda like it well today; I like it because there are no people outside and that it makes so peaceful.

-Oh I just hope that all our neighbours are great people and don't like to gossip about life. That's one of my pet peeves.

It's is already night when me and my mom both decided to eat our dinner at the near food park I saw on our drive this morning, learning it is just a few minutes walk from our new house, and as a food lover I asked my mom if we could just eat there for tonight, which to she agreed.

We both decide to order some Tonkatsu with rice, and Orange juice for drink.

Just a few moments while we are still eating I was confused as there is a tall, muscular guy who suddenly approach my mom.

" Good afternoon auntie." The guy said as he wai' to my Mom.

"Ohh.. good afternoon son." Mom greeted back as she turn to look at the tall guy.

"..... Are you going to eat your dinner too?" Mom asked, making me assume that mom knows this guy. I listen to their exchange of words as I start to play with my food.

"Yes auntie, but I ordered take out's"
I heard him said and with my phrepeal vision I saw him lift the plastic bag he was holding.

"Ohh is that so....oh by the way, This is my son Beam." I heard my mom said making me put my spoon down and turned to look at my mom, and to the guy.

"Beam son this is Forth, he is the son of one of my Friend who suggest the house that we are living now." She introduced. And I flash my signature smile, the most awkward smile.

"Hello Beam nice to meet you."
Forth said offering his hand for a handshake which I decide to take even I don't want to.

"Hmmm... Hello ... P'." I awkwardly greeted, and I saw him smile as we let go of our hands.

"Well then... I'll be going off first Auntie, my mom might ask why did I take to long." Forth said as letting out a nervous laugh before he wai good bye to mom.

"Okay son, say hello to your mom for me, take care na." Mom said to the Forth guy.

"Bye auntie,... See you Beam." Forth said and finally walked away from us.

"Forth is a good guy Beam, you should be friends with him." Mom said as she start eating again.

And with that I just replied with a silent nod as I start eating too.

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