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 It was 1:00 Pm when Beam and I left to go to the place that he want to visit, I still don't know where exactly it is as he haven't told be, but instead navigating me as I drive my motorbike.

"It's here, let's just park first."
     He said as he pointed at a big building, and so that I just parked my bike at the parking lot.

"What building is this?" I asked, "It's my first time here."

"Let's go inside."
      He said all smiling as he walk pass me.

"Babe, wait!"
        I called and grab his hand as we walk side by side.

As soon as we got inside there is a large stair way to the second floor, and when we are about to go up the stairs a lady who's standing by the corner have gave us some headphones and a flyers(?)

"Where exactly are we going?"
     I asked Beam as we are walking upstairs.

"Art museum." He announced, and as he continue to speak I can see the sparkle of excitement in his eye, "Upstairs there are the paintings of some famous painters like Pablo Picasso, Johannes Vermeer, Leonardo da Vinci, Grant Wood
, Vincent Van Gogh and other famous painters. There painting are going to stay here for one week and today is the last day so sure there will be just less people."

Before entering inside the room full of painting we need to wear the headphones as it was a 'silent place' and the music is only through those headphones, and the paper that I thought was a flyer was actually the list of displayed paintings there together with few info about it.

And as we entered inside wearing the earphones, Yeah there are peoples, but like what Beam have said there are only few people and all of them are busy looking at the classic paintings hang on the plain white wall.

Each wall there has a big tag name of the certain painter who paints the painting hang on the whole wall, Well I'm not into Painting actually But I know some famous paintings and Artist, that I can recognised like The Mona Lisa of  Leonardo da Vinci, The Starry Night of Vincent van Gogh, The Scream that I just find out that the painter of it is  Edvard Munch who I have zero idea who is that person.

And most of all the paintings are just new to me, and I have no Idea that, that painting existed, Like what I said I have no Idea about Painters and artworks of them.

After a minutes that feels actually like an hour now for me and I'm starting to fell bored and drain, as  I cant talk to Beam even I want to as speaking is not allowed inside. 

I acted to just fixed my headphones band removed it for just a second and I have found that the place is indeed so silent, it is silent that I can even hear a ringing inside my own ear.

But seeing Beam's smiling, and the amazed, and excitement look on his face I think I will be willing to endure this, it's not like I'm going to die right?

But seriously I thought Beam want to go out and be on a public place that is why I was so surprised when he told me that he want to go out, But I have remember that my boyfriend is actually an Introvert who deeply adore art works.

Maybe that is also the reason why he didn't told me that we will actually be going to a very silent art museum, as he maybe thought that I will not go with him. Well maybe I will not but, I'm willing to sacrifice for him, I sound so heroic with that sentence.

Finally after a—uh maybe that is 4  hours I don't know it feels really long hours for me.

We went out removed our headphones and there I can finally start to talk.

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