Kicked Out

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I just finished playing basketball with my friends as it's our summer break it becomes my daily routine. Planning of going to Beam's house after taking a shower but just then as soon as I got home and about to go to my room my mom who is at the kitchen called me.

"Forth come here for a minute." She shouts as she heard the door closed.

"You need help mom?" I asked as I got to the kitchen.

"No, not that but I need to tell you something."
"O-okay." I worriedly look at him, did I do something? Did I forgot to bring back some of his kitchenware that I brought to Beam's house? I swear I had returned it- "So I was planning, well on monday your classes will resume right?" Mom suddenly cut me from my anxious thoughts.

"Yeah, what about it?" I try to calmly ask.
"Well you see... I have saw a motor accident on the news, And you also own one and need to travel with it on your way to your university and way home." She said looking to my eyes that makes me worry of what she's got in her motherly mind.

"I have found that my friend own a condo unit just walking distance to your university, so I decide to take one unit for you." All of a sudden? Wait "Why?"

"So you can live there." Mom stated.

"Why even bother mom? I will graduate after 2 years anyways. It's just waste of money, plus you are alone here. I promise dad that I will take care if you as he was working." And I don't want to leave far from Beam, not that I'll say that.

"I appreciate you taking care of me, but I don't want you be involved on any motor accident."
"I always drive safe, don't worry about me." I try to reassure her.

"Yes you drive safe, but what if the cars around you don't. Please na', I'm just worried about you."
Mom said as she hugs me. And she know well I can't say no to her if she pleaded like this.

"And you will have a roommate there, so we will pay only half price."

"Room mate?" Sure I'm friendly as hell but I don't like sharing my rooms to others as I still like my privacy. "Do I know who is it?"

"Well he is a son of my good friend, I'm sure both of you will get along."

"Son?" Oh heck no, Beam might have is over-thinking brain if it's not one of my close friends "Mom, can I at least not have a roommate? I will just help you pay with that unit, I will split my allowance for that. I don't want Beam think that I'm cheating and living with a different person."

"Beam will not think like that, He is a good boy. Na'? so later we will go there."
She said tapping my shoulder, and I just nod making her finally let out a smile "My son really is a good boy."

"You know I can't say no."

"I know, Now go take a shower you smell so bad."


I'm now just inside my room well as usual, just doing some sketches on my sketch pad, when my mom suddenly knock and open the unlocked door.

"Son, can you go with me somewhere?" She said peeking her head by the door.

"Okay, I'll just change some clothes." I told her and start to tidy up my things.

"Okay, Hurry up na' I'll wait you down stairs." She said as she leave the room.

Now I wonder where is she going? We just got to the grocery 3 days ago.

I get dress and just wear a simple jean shorts and a black shirt. After getting dress I went down, and we went straight to her car.

"Mom where are we going?" I finally asked as she start to drive, it's been bugging me. Thinking if we're going to the market or groceries again of maybe just shopping. But her answer got me shock. "I actually buy a condo unit."

"Why? Are we moving there?" I asked confused as it's not been that long since we got our new house and as for I remember we will never move anymore? Did they change their plan?

"You only actually, It's near to your university and also walking distance it will be convenient." She stated so calmly but my eyes are all wide in confusion "What? I will? But mom why? It will cost more money."

"Don't worry you will have a roommate so we will only pay half price." She tapped my shoulder.

"Room mate?! Mom!" I whined, "You know I hate meeting other people. And the fact that I don't know that person, My life will be living hell. Let's just go back now to our house."
I told mom but she just ignored me and continue to drive. Until a few minutes we have already parked the car and went inside the building. Went to elevator stop at fourth floor and stopped at seventh room from the elevator.

Mom opened the door and so we enter inside. I will say it's kinda big? But remembering that Mom said that I will have a room mate this room is pretty good. But as I explore my self inside.

"Mom, Why there is only one Bedroom?"
I asked as realizing it was the only bedroom. I walked out to confirm it but what I see got me surprised and confused as there I saw Forth and his mom about to enter the main door.

"Forth! Aunty!" I exclaimed gaining there attention "Babe! Aunty!" Forth called in surprised to see me and my mom.

"Oh Here is your roommate." Both of our mothers' said in unison, mom pointing at Forth and Forth's mom pointing at me.

"Wait. What?!" I exclaimed more surprised and confused than before.

"Wow!" Forth exclaimed in wide eyes. "Wait, so Beam and I will live together?"

"In one bedroom?!" I asked confusedly and to assure as I'm still not recovering from the number of bedroom inside.

"There is only one bedroom?!" Foth shout surprised but look excited at the same time as he is smiling.

"Oho, lover boy quit smiling too much." I heard mom teased him.

"But why mom? auntie?" Forth asked looking back and forth to the two women standing beside us. "I mean why are you kicking us out the house?"

"As I told you I'm worried that you might be a victim of a motor accident. That is why." Aunty explained.

"But Beam?" Forth looked at my mom questioning, but it was his mother who answered for my mom "Well I know that the both of you always go to school together and go home together, I don't want my future son-in-law to also involved on a motor accident because of your reckless driving."

"Son-in-law!" I thought to my self as my eyes got widen, well because you know that term is kinda shocking and awkward at the same time.

"Why? You guys don't really like to stay in here?" It was my mom who asked this time.

"No auntie, I mean it's okay, we will stay here . for 2 years it's fine, right Beam?" Forth smiled, pulling me close to his side like an excited kid.

"Huh? Yeah sure?"
I said as I'm still in shock and confused about the happenings.

"Then go tour Forth now,Beam." Mom said with a teasing smile.

"Wow! there is really only one bedroom, and one bed. The kitchen is kinda small, but it will sure work." Forth voiced so excitedly while we walk around inside.

"I can't wait to move here this sunday."
He said as he back hug me so tight and it makes my face feel warm.

"Forth, get off, our moms' are here."
I whisper as I get off from his hug.

"So you guys like it?" We heard his mom asked.

"Yes! Thanks mom, aunty." Forth cheered making my mom comment something to teased him. "Someone sounds so happy."

"Of course aunty. I actually don't want to agree with mom a few hours ago but now I found that Beam is my room mate, Now i'm excited to move some of our stuff and stay here starting this sunday."

"Glad you guys like it."

After just lazying inside the condo unit, we have decide to go back home. And we take our dinner at Forth's house as auntie invited us.

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