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It's been 9 months already since I start courting Beam, well if we will count the days before the ignoring thing happened.

So I have thought that maybe this is the right time for me to propose to be his official boyfriend now?

Well I have an Idea but I need some help so decide to ask Ming, I know asking my junior specially Ming for help in this kind of thing seems a bad idea but in this one he is the only one reasonable and close to me that comes to my mind.

I have to make Beam agree to have an out of the country vacation for three days straight.

And so as Ming's Family is one of the top riches family here in Thailand along with the family of Phana and Wayo of course.

I told him to make an alibi such as his father was giving them a ticket for 3 days vacation in Japan but the reality is it was me who bought the tickets which he agreed, and suggested to tell everyone as well except Beam so at least the ticket I should need to be buying was for me and Beam instead for all of us six which I originally planned.

And so with that, I have made a group chat with Pha, Kit, Wayo and Ming for me to also inform the the three about my plan, which they all got excited, and somewhat made me feel nervous.

Tomorrow will be the last day of our class so we have decide to booked a flight for the 3rd day of our summer vacation as if ever Beam might take long on thinking and they should have force him to join they have plan to ask aunty for a permission too just in case Beam made up some reason regarding her not letting him go. And so all the plan A and plan B was ready to execute. 


Roday is the last day of our class and it will be now our summer break which is a lovely heaven for me as I can stay 24/7 inside my room, not I did not do it everyday but still, heaven.

Me, Forth, Phana, Wayo, Kit and Ming are at our usual place peacefully having our lunch, just then as all of us are having our each different words.

Ming have grab all of our attention as he fake-ly cleared his throat.

"So— I almost forgot Dad gave me six tickets for three daya vacation at Japan for the next next next day." He announces showing six plane tickets that he is now fanning to the air.

"About the Visa, dad will work on it." He added, "So who is comming?" Ming asked, and it was Wayo who first to react.

"P'Pha let's go to Japan the last time I went there is when I was still a kid." He said, showing his powerful puppy eyes to my friend. "Sure baby." to which Pha of course gave in easily.

"So the 4 of us are going, how about you Forth? Beam?" Kit asked, of course Kit is also going, it was his lover who's in charge after all.

"I will only go if Beam does." I then heard Forth said as he looked at me.

"I— uh, I don't know if I can." I answered,

"Come on P'Beam, it will be fun if the six of us are complete." Ming stated, and everyone have their eyes on me, even Forth.

"I will ask for my mothers permit firts." I told them, which of course I won't, I know my mom will let me go heck she will be glad.

It's not that I don't want to hang out with them, it's just that I hate going out of the town or country or anywhere else that is far away from the comfort of my own bedroom.

"Let us go to your house after this and ask auntie." Both Kit and Pha declared at the same time.

"Do what ever you want." I told them.

I'm doomed, Oh lord I do wish mom will say No about me leaving the country for 3 days.

And so that After having our food we went home, and as what they said all five of them went to my ask my mom to let me go with them to a three days vacation in Japan which my mom have no doubt agree instantly.

"Don't worry Beam, sure it will be fun there." Forth tried to brighten me when it was just us two in my room.

"Sure fun for an extrovert." I said sarcastically.

"We can go to Universal Studio there and go to Hogwarts." He motivate, and as what have Forth says I suddenly remembered that I have told my self before that I will go to that place someday, and so I just agreed to go, three days is not bad right? I'm with my friends, also Forth is there.


It's already 11 pm at night And I can't sleep, feeling anxious as tomorrow Morning is the day that our flight will be. And now I'm excited and nervous at the same time and I don't even know why.

But just then because of a single text message my excitement was gone, and it replace it with just full anxiety.

💌 " Beam, I'm sorry I can't go tomorrow with you guys, as There is a sudden urgent happend . I wish you will enjoy your vacation time there. 💕 I'm really sorry love."

Sorry love my ass! Enjoy? How do you expect me to have fun tomorrow when I will be a wonder third wheel to my friends?

..... I hate you Forth.

Introvert Meets Extrovert | ForthBeamOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz