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           It's been a week since Forth haven't visited Beam at his house and not even sending Beam a Text message or visiting Beam to his faculty like what Forth always do every single day.


It's been weeks and Forth did not bother me, Is he still alive? But there is no funeral in here.

Is Forth just my imaginary friends something and he suddenly puff gone?

Hahahahaha!!! No way what Am I a kid?

No but seriously. He is not even trying to contact me through SNS.

Not even bring a food here, well forgot the food, he stops ranting to me too.

All of these are running through my mind as I was just staring at my phone, spinning it on the table.

Should I text him? And ask why he stop bugging me? Or maybe he's just so busy now beside he is a head hazer now... Right?

But I really want to text him? But I don't know what would I say on the message.

I don't know how to start a conversation, And besides he is the only one who always do the first move, The one who always text first.

Should I try to go to his house?

But what if his mom was there and ask me what I need?

His mom did not know me too. or maybe she do as she is a good friend of mom.

Its so shitty that I feel like this past few days my day is not friggin complete, it feels like I have been always forgetting something that I should do, even I'm sure that I have done all what I need to do.

Does that mean Forth bugging me have become part of my daily life? Probably?

Did I missed him? No, It's kinda nice to have a peaceful time.

But it's really strange that he is not bugging me.

Just then I got snap from my thoughts when someone have stop me from spinning my phone at the table.

"Shiyaaa!! Beam!! We have been calling your name for a long shit already, why you are so out of the world again!!" Kit screamed at me.

"Oh Kit, Pha, How long you have been here?" I asked, just realizing that my friends have arrived already.

"Five minutes." Pha stated. "You seems so out of the word, didn't notice us have been sitting in front of you."

"What are you thinking anyways? Or you are just day dreaming?" Kit asked.

"Nothing. So? Why are you not with your boyfriends anyway?" I asked, confused that they're here and not with their lover.s

"Wayo didn't come to class today, he is sick."

"Ming was busy with their project thing, Fixing machine and stuff you know Engineering thing. And that is why also It's been a week that we haven't spending time together, But today is the last day of their stress so he will be able to fetch me later." Kit stated.

"Oh that is why he is not bugging me." I thought.

"Bugging what? Who?" Both Pha and Kit said in unison.

"What?" I asked. "You said he's not bugging you?" They said, wanting to facepalm myself for not being aware that I have voiced it out. "Just Forth." I told them.

"Hey, Beam! Tell us the truth." Pha suddenly said.

"What truth?"

"Are you and Forth..." Kit said turning to Pha who continued the question "Are dating?"

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