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Yesterday was terrible

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Yesterday was terrible. A massive headache inhibited me from being productive so I ended up just napping with all of my textbooks out. I was basically hungover the whole time.

When the week started back up I regretted not doing any of my homework because now I had like ten assignments due soon.

I was actually not stressed about seeing Isaiah in class. We weren't friends, but we weren't enemies. Despite kidnapping me, which was a relatively minor offense for him, he hadn't tried to kill me.

My first two classes were uneventful. When music theory came around, I sat down in the front row like always and took out my chem homework to avoid talking to Isaiah. Sofie and her friends usually talked to him anyway.

The AP exam was coming up so Mrs. Weaver was drilling us pretty hard now. She had us listen to two CDs, one with piano music and the other violin, and then write the notes down. Then, with the same CD music, gave us a short quiz about the history, composition and technique.

"For the next section, get with your partner." The teacher told us.

Since Isaiah was always next to me, he'd been my partner from now on. Whether I liked it or not, his musical knowledge always got us high scores.

Everybody moved their desks next to their partner's and waited for her instructions. I hoped it wasn't too long.

"You'll be given a short piece to sight read for one minute. Then, you'll recite the melody as accurately as possible within another minute while your partner scores you." Mrs. Weaver handed out sheets of music. When everyone had one, she said, "Each student gets a different piece so try your best."

"I'll go first," Isaiah said and I let him.

"Your first minute to sight read starts. . . now!" She started her timer and Isaiah flipped over his music. He looked like he was in a deep trance. When it was time to sing, she said, "And now another minute to sing and for your partner to follow along."

The room was loud with everyone singing at once. Some voices were very off-key, while others were passing. But Isaiah's was pitch perfect and better than most male singers on the radio.

His voice was almost angelic in a way, with a low undertone and light raspiness. It was a perfect voice.

I followed the sheet music and wasn't surprised at how accurate he was. Not only had he memorized the lyrics, but he sang like the music had belonged to him. Like he was the one it was for.

I kind of hated him for singing so perfectly.

When it came to scoring, I didn't want to but I scored him a five out of five.

"Now switch, it's time for the other partner to do some sight singing." She said and as soon as she started the timer, I studied the music.

It was compound in meter and major in key, which made it slightly harder. There was a key change in the last two lines that could also prove difficult. The lyrics were poetic though and easy to memorize.

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