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The first thing I did was drive to the hospital

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The first thing I did was drive to the hospital. Lily would need fresh blood soon and I didn't want her drinking from the vein. Especially from mine.

Crap, how was I supposed to break it to her? She didn't even know that vampires existed in the first place, how was I supposed to explain this?

There were so many thoughts racing in my head. I didn't want to do this alone.

The timing sucked because Dexter, Caius, and all the other vampires I knew were out of town. It would've helped to have someone who'd gone through the transition first hand. . .

"Where are we going?" Lily's voice was very high-pitched.

She may have been freaking out but so was I.

"I'll tell you when we get there but I need you to tell me everything. Start from the earliest you can remember." I said as I gunned the car down the winding road.

"I don't know. I don't remember. No matter how hard I try, it's like there's nothing there." She was freaking out and that wouldn't help either of us.

"Okay, what were you doing after school? You were at the planning committee, right?"

But she wasn't listening to me.

Her breathing grew louder and louder.

I wanted to freak out with her. Lily was innocent, and for a vampire who would ruin her life like this, it made me angry—but I had to be the calm one. If I started yelling or panicking or crying, it would make things worse.

"Lily," I snapped, "Think. This is important. Who was the last person you remember being with?"

"Cecelia." She replied after a minute.

"Do you remember if she bit you?"

She shut her eyes, as if her memory worked better with her eyes closed. "No. I don't."

"It's okay." That was all I needed anyway.

It had to be her, she was with her the whole evening, and even tried to befriend her. Maybe Cecelia just wanted a loyal follower. Or she was listening to Gaia and targeting our friends to weaken us.

"So what does that mean? How does that help?" She asked a string of questions at rapid-fire speed, "What's going on? What's happening to me? How do you know what's going on? Why are you so calm?"

I let her freak out before I started to explain it.

"I know because I've seen this before," I said slowly, "It happened with Dexter last year."

"But what's happening?"

I kept my eyes on the road but was dying to see her reaction.

"You were bit by a vampire. And yes—they exist. They aren't like in the movies, if anything, they're even more dangerous." I explained. "Somebody, most likely Cecelia, bit you, which is why you can't remember anything."

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