Chapter 50 - I Only Have Eyes For You

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Ryder and I were swaying slowly in the midst of the students for the second slow song in a row, dancing in silence and just enjoying our time together. When I lifted my head from Ryder's shoulder, I caught sight of Blaine sitting down all by himself. He looked lonely. "Hey, Ryd, I might go and dance with Blaine..."

"Great timing," Ryder flashed a smile and kissed my cheek, "I have to do something for Finn." He walked away, and grabbed Jake on the way. He disappeared into the crowd. 

When I turned around to find Blaine, he had moved; he was now at the drinks table, pouring himself a glass of Coach Sue's "prized" punch. I pushed through the crowd, calling him name, "Blaine! Blaine!" He couldn't hear me over the hustle of students. When I reached him, I hovered my mouth by his ear. "Blaine!" I shouted. 

He jumped, spilling his punch all over the white table cloth. He held his hand up to his ear, muttering, "ow, ow, ow." I laughed at him and leaned in to give him a hug. He hugged me back. "Marley, you scared me!"

"Sorry!" I giggled, holding my hand out to him. "Do you want to dance with me?"

"This is truly a night of female empowerment," Blaine laughed, walking with me to the dance floor. "Hey, how about we mess up the system?" While the slow song played, Blaine began to dance how he would to an upbeat song; shaking his torso and moving his knees back and forth, bouncing on his toes. 

I laughed. "What are you doing?" The people around us were staring, even the Glee club. 

"Slow songs aren't fun! Let's make it fun, dance with me!" Sam and Brittany rushed over to us and joined Blaine, bouncing and dancing, looking like a group of idiots. I joined in, shaking my shoulders and twisting my knees back and forth. We were all laughing, having a good time while the people around us stared, until Sam and Blaine rushed off in laughter - what was going on with these boys?

Brittany shrugged her shoulders and held her hand out to me. "Dance with me!" She grabbed me and pulled me to the middle of the dance floor. We jumped up and down and danced ridiculously just as we did before. By the time the song ended, I was completely out of breath. Brittany and I hugged tightly, and then she left to go and dance with Tina. 

Heavy footsteps echoed on the stage. I raised my head to see Ryder, under a spotlight, standing in front of a microphone. My mouth slowly dropped open, and he sent a wink in my direction. The New Directions boys all filed in behind Ryder, standing in a line behind him. 

"Good evening, everyone," Ryder said softly, "we have another slow song tonight, which I would like to dedicate to my beautiful, stunning, amazing girlfriend... Marley Rose." My face went bright red, and I felt the stares of the other students burning into my back. Ryder's smile looked as if he was about to break his face. The music began and all the couples around me began to dance. I pushed my way through the crowd to the stage, gazing up at Ryder.

"Uh, hi, guys" Ryder mumbled, avoiding the audiences' gaze. "We have another slow song for you, which I'd like to dedicate to my beautiful girlfriend, Marley." She smiled at me, causing my face to go bright red. "So... enjoy." He mumbled The music begun and all the couple danced around me while I made my way to the front of the stage, gazing up at Ryder.

My love must be a kind of blind love,
I can't see anyone but you
Are the stars out tonight? 
I don't know if it's cloudy or bright 

I only have eyes for you, dear

The moon maybe high 
but I can't see a thing in the sky
'Cause I only have eyes for you

Jake and Sam stepped forward as they harmonized, and they tugged me onto the stage, forcing me to stand in the spotlight with my boyfriend. I blushed brightly and covered my face in my hands. Ryder grinned, taking the microphone out of the stand, and slowly circling me. 

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