Chapter 51 - Te Amo

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After Figgins caught us kissing, we decided not to step foot outside of the gym again. So we danced the whole night long, jumping in a mosh pit and slow dancing. We only took one punch break, and we even sung a duet. 

As the clock struck ten, Ryder and I left. We walked down the dark road back to my house, hand in hand. "Tonight was fun," Ryder smiled, glancing over at me.

"It was actually so fun, but I'm so tired and my feet are sore!" I groaned, and then we both broke out into laughter. 

"Let's stop for a stretch," he smiled, pausing on the footpath. "Does your mom know what time you're coming home?"

"No, actually, I told her I'd call..." I raised my eyebrows, curious of what Ryder was thinking. 

"Come with me, then, we're going to the park," he gripped my hand and started to run down the road with me in tow. 

"Ryder, wait!" I laughed. "I can't run in these heels!"

Ryder stopped and bent down onto his knees, unbuckling my shoes for me. My feet touched the cold concrete beneath below me. Although it was getting close to autumn, the ground was still icy. "Will you be okay?" Ryder stood, carrying my shoes in his hands. 

"Oh, they'll be fine... as long as we're running!" I grinned, running down the bike track. "Race you!"

"Not fair, you got a head start!" He screamed, running after me. 

I pushed myself to run even faster. "Suck it, sweetheart." I took a glance over my shoulder, and with every step I took Ryder got closer and closer, until he eventually overtook me. 

I walked the last couple of yards to the park on my own, panting, my breath coming out in puffs of white. I saw Ryder sitting on the field of frosty grass, staring up at the stars. "Finally, you're here!" He shouted, signalling me over. I rushed up to him and collapsed on the cold wet grass. "Happy fortieth birthday, that's how slow you were."

I slapped him on the arm and giggled. "I wasn't that slow..."

Ryder wrapped his arm around my shoulder and let me rest my head on his bicep as we stared up at the sky. "Marley, can I ask you a question?" His voice sounded quiet and serious, so I nodded. "What... what would you think of me if I wasn't a.. virgin?" 

"Oh," I said softly. I didn't know what to say. "You've..."

"I guess." Ryder's eyes stayed trained to the stars. His cheeks were burning bright red.

I laughed. "You did, or you didn't, Ryder, which one?" 

"Are you... mad?" 

"Of course not! Unless you did it while we've been dating, then I'd be mad. But like, I'm not mad at you for having sex." I smiled. But I was curious, so I decided to ask him a few more questions. "Who... who was it with?"

Ryder laughed. "I don't blame you for wanting to know... it was last year, at my old school, with this blonde girl in the year above us. She was blonde and I think she had a crush on me, I don't even remember her name. I wish I had waited, Marls, then maybe it would be more special to me." His voice was low as he spoke, and I knew it was sincere. 

"I want you to know, Ryd, that I don't care. I still love you... what I do care about is that you're a little bit underage." I laughed. 

"You know me, a rule breaker," he joked, glancing over at me. He rolled from his position beside me so he was hovering on top of me. I whispered his name softly, and he leaned down and kissed me. The kiss felt like the one at the lockers, strong and forceful. 

In 7 Days [Book 1]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang