Chapter 63 - Memories

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On Saturday night, Ryder and I used our prize from the duet competition and went on a date at my favorite restaurant, Breadstix. It was an amazing time - the food was sub-par, but the company was more than incredible. After giggles through dinner and romantic moments of holding hands and playing footsies, we went back to Ryder's house. We were alone, so we went to his bedroom and we had sex together for the first time.

It was scary at first - I was anxious, my hands were shaking, and I had to ask Ryder to stop for a couple moments as we undressed each other because I was frightened. And then it was awkward, the first few minutes filled with silence and hesitant laughter as we had no idea what we were doing. And then it was magical. All my hesitations and fears went out the window as I felt his body up against mine, his lips on my skin, his eyes staring deeply into mine, his hands tracing over every curve in my body. I loved him and I trusted him, and it was the best experience of my life. And when it was over, we lay in bed, curled into each other, discussing everything and anything. 

As I stepped into Glee club on the Monday after our date, I felt different. I doubted anything had actually changed, but something inside of me had been flipped. I wasn't the scared of intimacy, innocent girl I was last week. I was a new version of Marley Rose. 

But no one noticed. 

I rushed over to my seat beside Ryder and enveloped him in a tight hug, kissing his forehead. He and I laughed softly before we both sunk into our seats, ready for the lesson. Mr. Schue came rushing in, more excited than ever. "We only have two weeks before school ends for the year, and that means this is the end of your high school experience for most of you." The mood in the room fell as the realization sunk in. "This week is 'Goodbye' week. We're going to sing a goodbye to each other, to end these years just the way they started - with a song."

I heard a quiet sniffle from the back of the room, and I turned to see Tina crying. "I don't wanna leave you guys. You all mean the world to me and you're my family and I don't want to leave." Tina started to sob heavily, burying her face in her hands. 

"Oh my God, shut up, Tina." Brittany sighed.

Blaine chuckled and wrapped an arm around Tina's shoulders. "None of us want to leave, Tina. But life is about change. We need to... to take it as it comes. It's a new beginning for all of us, and we all don't want to leave our lives behind, but it's all just leading up to someone else, you know?"

Though he wasn't speaking about Ryder moving away, I automatically related it to that. It was just a change for Ryder, a step in a different direction, one that will change everything for both of us, but it was going to be for the best for him. 

The room was awfully silent, so I decided to speak. "I don't want you guys to leave. It's going to be so different in here without you all next year." I took a look around the choir room, taking a glance at every single member smiling back at me. 

"I'm going to miss Tina crying and whining all the time." Kitty laughed from the front of the room, and we all joined her, even Tina, who was still in tears. 

"Can we just stay here this afternoon, please?" Sam asked, his voice hoarse, like he was on the verge of tears. "We need to treasure this time we have together, because we don't have very much of it left."

"I hate to do this to you guys," Mr. Schue said, stepping forward, "I do have some, uh, errands to run. But I'll see you all on Wednesday, and I'll see you, Sam, for the Spanish exam tomorrow." He stepped up to Brittany and gave her a hearty pat on the shoulder. "I'm proud of all of you."

The second Mr. Schue left, Finn pulled a chair up to the cluster on the steps and crossed his legs awkwardly, beaming brightly. "Let's reminisce, guys, come on."

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