Chapter 10 - Date Night

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I was so caught up in the moment, in my happiness, that I didn't realize Jake wasn't even here. It kind of went over my head before, but now that I wasn't seeing him around me it had fully sunk in. I looked around the room, only seeing the happy faces of my friends.

My friends. It felt so strange to me to say that, even in my head. I had never actually had real friends before and now I had so many amazing people. It was like this bubbly feeling all throughout my body, running through my veins. It was... indescribable, but it was a good feeling.

I looked up from the crowd of my smiling friends and saw a figure up near the door to the auditorium, looking down on us with a sour look on his face.

The figure looked oddly familiar. It was Jake.

I tried to get out of the crowd to talk to him, but by the time I had escaped, he was gone. I opened and closed my mouth like a goldfish, feeling absolutely clueless. Why would he do that? Why would he not come down and sing with us? And only God knows where he could have gone! I'd have to talk to him tomorrow, but I didn't think I could wait.

"Marls, you alright?" Unique asked, interrupting my thoughts. She placed her hand on my shoulder and pulled me back to reality.

"Fine, thank you." I smiled at her and turned around to see everyone was leaving, picking up their bags.

"Okay, great job today, guys!" Mr. Schue shouted. "I will see you all next lesson and maybe we will improve on this number some more! Have a good night!"

"Marley, what'cha doing tonight?" Sam said from behind me.

I spun around to meet his gorgeous eyes."Um, nothing." I replied, way quicker than any normal person would have. I felt my cheeks turn bright red. I took a deep breath and tried to talk again. "I don't think anything, at least. I'm not sure. Why?"

"I was wondering if maybe you'd like to come out to dinner with me? At Breadstix? It seems like it's the only restaurant in town so...?" Sam said nervously, biting his lips and staring at me.

My stomach was filled with anxious butterflies. My heart pounded harder and harder and faster and faster with every word he spoke. I couldn't believe this was even happening; it felt unreal, like some kind of stupid dream or joke or something! I didn't know what to do; I wanted to scream and jump and celebrate because oh my God, a boy asked me on a date! To Breadstix!

"I'll have to ask my mom, but yeah." I replied casually.

Oh. My. God.

I had a date. I had a date with Sam. My head couldn't comprehend it, and I doubted my mom would be able to either.

Sam smiled brightly and took a step back. "Awesome." He walked down the steps and I followed him, waving goodbye to Unique who was taking the backstage door. She sent me an over exaggerated wink. I laughed quietly under my breath and I walked a bit faster up the steps, to catch up with Sam. "You're taking my advice from earlier, I see."

"Yep, I am." I giggled, running up the steps to keep up with his pace.

We got into the hallway and walked in the same direction, towards the exit. "Er, where's your house? So I can pick you up tonight...?" Sam said, pushing his hands in his pockets awkwardly and giving me a quick shrug.

I just laughed at him and replied. "I have to walk home so... follow me." I was trying so hard not to stutter or show that I was sweating so ferociously. I had to stay calm. But oh God, I was so excited.

My sweaty hands fumbled with the door handle of the exit for a minute before it opened. I hoped he couldn't tell I was nervous. I readjusted my cap as I opened the door and stepped through, holding it for Sam.

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