Chapter 3 - Wings

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I stared at the note, my face burning in anger. It was my first day at WMHS, and I'd already made myself an enemy. And I had done absolutely nothing to her. At least, that I knew of. She was such a bitch!

"What's that?" Sam asked, curious, leaning over to try and read the note.

"Nothing." I replied, scrunched the paper into a ball, and threw it straight into the paper bin.

"Good shot, Marley." Sam whispered under his breath. I forced a smile onto my face and looked at him briefly before continuing with the class, as Sam should've, but he kept on staring at me. It made me feel uncomfortable. 

Class ended forty minutes after the paper incident. Everyone raised from their seats as soon as the bell rung for recess, and everyone pushed themselves out of the room, not caring if they got squashed between the people and the doorway. I was the last out of the classroom, because today wasn't the day I wanted to be a pancake. 

Sam pushed his way through the crowd without saying goodbye and made it out first. I guess that's the last I'd be seeing of him for a while.

After everyone had left, I walked back and forth in front of the door, waiting for Brittany. I was going to ask her where the auditorium is, because surely she'd know! I was ready to audition for Glee club - although I might have been nervous, I was excited. 

"Ready?" I heard someone say from behind me. I turned around suddenly to see it was Jake - of course, I should have recognised the spine chilling voice. I kind of forgot what his voice had sounded like.

"Yes." I nodded, following Jake Puckerman through the rush of people that were going to the cafeteria. And then I remembered; mom was going to be in the cafeteria today, and if I didn't appear, she'd be worried. After all of the nerves today, I almost forgot. 

There was this voice in my head telling me, You won't be long. Plus, being last will let you talk to her more. I went with the voice in my head and plastered a smile on my lips, trying to mask my nervous face.

I continued to follow Jake through the hallways (where things were starting to die down) until we made it to a big black door. We entered through it and saw a line of seven or eight people standing beside a thick, navy blue curtain.

"Ladies first." Jake smiled sweetly, pushing me forward by placing his hand on my back. Now was even more nerve racking than when I first walked into that classroom this morning. I was tempted to run right out and never look back. 

And I probably should have. 

The seven or so people infront of me went, some alright, others horrible. I had a feeling in my gut that I was probably going to embarrass myself infront of Jake and the people in sitting in the audience, the Glee club. How many of them were there, anyway? Oh God, maybe I should just run away now. This was a mistake. A big mistake. 

"Next!" I heard from the audience, and my whole body seized up. I looked at Jake, who nodded, then at the queue slowly forming behind him. There was so many people that would hear me. So many people who would know I was an embarrassment. 

I walked - well, stumbled - to centre stage. I stood in front of the microphone stand and squinted up at the people in the audience. The stage lights blinded me, and they refused to let me see anyone sitting in the auditorium chairs. 

My eyes adjusted eventually, and there were people I knew sitting there, and others I didn't really recognise. Artie was there, so was Sam, and surprisingly, Brittany sat in the seats, her eyes wide with curiosity. Why did none of them tell me about the Glee club? I'm sure that the conversation would have come up sometime, right?

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