Chapter 32 - Paint Fight!

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"God, I hate paint so much." Tina sighed loudly, dumping a bucket of white paint on the floor.

Artie rolled his eyes and picked up a paintbrush. "I have to agree."

"Better get to work! Let's get this over and done with." Sam said glumly, picking up a paint roller. 

"I can't believe I'm spending my afternoon doing this." Sugar whined, picking a paint brush up between her fingers and whinging when a splash got on her fur coat. I tried not to laugh.

The wall we had to paint over was on the far side of the school that no one but the stoners went to. The walls were covered in swear words, offensive drawings, and terrible slogans. It was gross to look at, and for the most part I felt sick having to look at them. I picked up a brush off the ground and painted over the graffiti nearest to my head. 

"What are we going to do about the stuff up there?" Jake asked, pointing above us. Everyone turned their heads up and saw some drawings just out of our reach - the long brushes wouldn't have been able to get them. 

"I could... er, climb on Ryder's shoulders and reach them?" I suggested. I looked at Ryder next to me and he winked. In return, I gave him a punch on the shoulder.

Ryder bent down to let me get on his shoulders - I almost kicked Sam, Jake, and Artie in the process, and I almost fell into a paint tray, but we managed to get our balance. Ryder had his head tilted up at me, and stared at me with these big puppy dog eyes. 

Just as I was about to finish the first part of the wall, I dropped my brush and the paint from it went all down Ryder's shirt and jeans. "Oh, my God! I'm so sorry, Ryd!"

"No worries, Miss Rose," Ryder stated calmly, bending down to pick up the brush. As he brought it up to me, he painted a white stripe down my leg.

"Uh, are you thinking what we're all thinking?" Kitty smirked, dipping her brush in the paint pot again slowly.

"Paint fight!" Sugar shouted, flinging her brush as Artie and covering his lenses in paint. Ryder helped me off his shoulders (using the wall and getting paint along my back) and settled me on the floor. I gasped, turning in a circle to try and see my back to see how much paint was there. Ryder just laughed at me, before throwing a paint brush at the side of my head.

"Bring it on, Ryder Lynn!" I shouted. I covered the side of his face as he continued to paint my body with another brush he'd found on the floor. He ran it up and down my arms while I ran my brush down his neck. 

Jake splashed Ryder and I with a freshly opened bucket. He let out the loudest laugh. "Jake," I whispered, wiping some paint off my arms and from my eyes. "You're going down!" I leaped onto Jake and rubbed my paint covered hands all over his face. He laughed and tried his best to shake me off, but I refused to let go.

I saw Ryder throwing paint at Tina and Artie who were huddled together, trying to shield themselves. I was going to run over to him to help, but then I saw Kitty throwing paint at her cheerleader buddy. Brittany. I smirked and picked up a tub of paint to my right. "Kitty!" I called, walking closer to her.

She turned her head at the same moment I threw the paint at her. She gasped and yelled back, "I'm going to kill you!" She took some of the excess paint off her body and ran her hands through my hair, mixing in the paint with my hair, knotting it together. We couldn't stop laughing. 

When I looked back at where Ryder was, I saw Artie and Sugar making out and Sam and Ryder awkwardly watching them, flicking paint on the couple. I laughed and continued to flick paint on Kitty and Brittany, who were both squealing. 

"What the hell's going on?" Finn's voice came out of nowhere. He stood by the fence, hands on his hips. He didn't look that angry. "Where's all the paint gone?" Finn picked up the empty cans and stared at them in confusion. We all looked at him. "No, I'm not dumb, who started the paint fight?" 

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