Chapter 23 - Look At Me, I'm Sandra Dee

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"This all happened in one day?"

"Yes! All today? Like, how crazy is that?" I exclaimed, staring at the ceiling above my bed. "I'm excited to go to school tomorrow. Who knows what tomorrow will be like, ya know?" 

"Sweetie, judging on how well you can sing, I know you've got this in the bag," mom said, sitting down beside me on my small, single bed, resting her hand on top of mine.

"Thanks, mom," I blushed, sitting up and hugging her around the waist tightly.

"I love you so much," mom whispered to me, kissing my head lightly. 

"I love you so much too." I hugged her tighter than before, never wanting to let go. When I'm hugging mom, sometimes I feel as if I want to stay that way forever. I feel safe and the world is completley blocked out. I just want to stay in her comfort forever and ever. 


The next day, I walked to school as usual, except with a bit more of an excited air about me. I was excited for the cast list for Grease to be put up today. I mean, Artie didn't exactly say when the list would be finalized, but my gut was telling me today was the day that would probably seal my fate for the next few months... and whether or not Ryder and I would be spending more time together. 

I walked into school that morning with the biggest ever smile on my face, greeting all the people I knew with a cheery hello and a bright, happy grin. I was excited for what the day would hold, and I wasn't in a bad mood anymore. I basically skipped to my locker, and when I got there, someone was leaning against it, waiting for me. The familiar face gave me a big smile. "Hello again," Ryder said, moving to the side to let me into my locker. 

"Hey!" The smile on my face just got bigger, if it was even possible. Seeing Ryder very first thing in the morning was bound to make my day a whole lot better.

"Finn Hudson is putting up the cast list later on today. You excited, Mar?" Ryder asked, tossing the book between his hands again. I thought to myself that it must be a nervous twitch of some sort. 

I shook my head lightly in response."Nervous, more than anything, but yeah, super excited."

"So am I." He said, his caramel eyes burning into mine the second I looked at them. "But we've got nothing to worry about, we'd be the best Danny and Sandy ever." Ryder chuckled at himself. I just grinned back, happiness flowing through my veins. My face ached from smiling but I couldn't stop myself. 

From behind Ryder, I caught a glimpse of Finn up ahead. I told Ryder to look behind him, and Finn came strolling towards us with Mike and Mercedes on his trail, almost storming in slow motion. They looked like warriors in a hardcore battle movie. I saw a piece of folded up paper in Finn's tight grip, and Ryder saw it, too, and we both shared a look.  We didn't need to say anything to each other. We both knew it was the cast list. 

We raced after Finn, trying to keep as quiet as possible so he wouldn't suspect anyone was following him. When he stopped in front of the notice board, Ryder and I hid behind a locker, and watched him put the cast list on the notice board with a pin, slamming it into the wall with his fist. He then nodded in satisfaction which made Ryder and I laugh because the paper was wonky. 

Just as he moved away, a bunch of people came running up to look if their name was on there. Everyone I saw jumped up and down at the sight of their name, hugging with their friends and high -fiving each other. 

Eventually, when everyone was gone and had moved away, it was just Ryder and I standing next to each other, awaiting our fate. He was brave enough to step forward and go first, and I gave him a quick pat on the back as good luck. He scanned the list for a moment, five seconds, before scrunching his fist up in happiness.

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