Chapter 19 - Sorry, I Mean It

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 "I think you got it!" I squealed to Unique as we exited the bathroom after getting changed into our normal clothes again. It was almost the end of lunch by now, but there was still no one in the hallways.

"I doubt it." She mumbled sadly, brushing down her wig with her fingers. She looked so upset, her eyes begin to fill with tears.

"Why, Unique?"

"I'm a girl, but down there I'm a guy. People don't accept that, Marley," Unique sighed, shaking her head at me.

"We do here." I said, walking along the halls, my bag slung tightly over my left shoulder. "We're always accepting here, Unique. At least, Artie is! And he's the musical director, right?"

"Some people just don't like it. Did you see how they were looking at each-other?"

"Maybe they thought it was a good idea?" I tried optimism, but she just sighed again.

"Don't worry about it, Marls, but I know you're going to get Sandy." Unique said, an air of confidence in her voice now.

I laughed and blushed bright red. "There'd have to be some competition! Plus I was not that good - you did so much better than me up there! I don't think I'll get the role, to be honest. And I can always try again next year, right?"

"Are you kidding me?" Unique stopped in her tracks, grabbing my shoulders. "You were incredible, Marley Rose. If you don't get that, I'll... I'll punch myself in the face." She smiled at me and made me blush again.

"Thank you, babe." I grinned, shaking my head. "You believe in me far too much."

The bell rang and we said our goodbyes, leaving in different directions to go to different classrooms. The door to my science classroom was already wide open, and I didn't bother to wait for the teacher and just let myself in. I was early, anyway - I'd be waiting for a while.

I sat down towards the back of the room, in the spot I sat in when I first came here, on my first day. The rest of the class let themselves in as well and pretty much everyone was sitting in the same seat as always, avoiding me desperately.

I tried my hardest to pay attention to the things we were learning, but I had learnt it all last year so I was struggling to listen closely. So for this lesson, I sat at the back of the class, day-dreaming about all of the things I wanted to do when I finally left school. With what I wanted to do, who needed science anyway? I wanted to be a singer on the radio, doing live concerts across America and writing inspirational songs that could change someone's life. Being a singer and having an album or two was my dream, and just thinking about it now made me so excited for what was to come.

The door at the front of the classroom opened loudly, shaking me out of my dream. I looked up to see Jake standing there, an innocent, puppy dog look on his face. "Mr. Puckerman," the teacher at the front of the class said sternly.

"I was in toilet, got a bit of a pooping problem," Jake broadcasted to everyone with a smirk, causing the class to burst into giggles. I just rolled my eyes.

"I'm not deaf, Mr. Puckerman. No need to speak loudly." The teacher said before signalling him to sit.

He took a look around the classroom and threw his head back in frustration, realising that the only free chair was beside me. He walked over like he was better than everyone else in the room and sat down, ignoring me completely by putting his hand up to block his vision. I tried to get his attention, tapped on his shoulder, but he wouldn't even turn to look at me. I wondered what I did wrong.

And then I tried doing something I've kind of wanted to do for a while. "Jake, I'm sorry." I whispered, pleading with him almost. I wished I could get my friend back. He turned his head to me and scanned me up and down. My tongue suddenly felt fat and I was mumbling out words and excuses I didn't mean. "J-Jake, I- You know... once a month-"

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