(12) The End? (12)

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Fuck! I missed the perfect opportunity to bump into Monsuta at school! No matter. I'm sure I will get to officially meet her when she goes to school tomorrow. I'm surprised that stupid brother of mine hasn't realised I sit next to him in science! I'm sad Monsuta doesn't sit next to me at all- or we're in any classes together. Oh well, that'll change soon. I just have to wait for the perfect opportunity to strike. You better be prepared Monsuta, I'm not going anywhere this time.

End of Flashback

"You ready Ayato?" I ask cheekily to Ayato who was with me hiding behind the door watching the scene unfold. "Ready as I'll ever be. Should we act as if we are evil and really want mother to live again or do we act shocked and surprised too?" Ayato asks suddenly breaking away from the script. "Ohh Ayato. You've always known that drama is my speciality~" I sing while stepping forward. "Oh Cordelia how wonderful it is to see you're alive and well again." I state 'evilly' while making my way to hug Cordelia.

"Whats going on now? Im glad to finally be able to hug you now. Ah yes, the plan worked perfectly!" Cordelia whispers at first but then gets louder to keep on script. "Monsuta! What is going on?" Reiji demands, angry for obvious reasons. "It's as it seems, Reiji. Monsuta and I helped bring mother back to life!" Ayato answers psychotically. "Ayato-kun... I thought you hated mother just like us. How cruel of you to do this to your younger siblings~" Laito fake smiles but then breaks it later with a "Fuck you." "I didn't know you were going to help? Ah well, makes my job easier." Ritcher shrugs. Idiot. He doesn't realise how much he's fucked up. "Be quiet." Subaru says out of nowhere.

"You two don't belong here and as for Ayato and that other human, you both are stupid for joining their side." He adds while walking forward. "You put on a good show Subaru, too bad you couldn't use that skill to save your mother." Richter says while smirking. "Richter. I fucking hate your guts but that was way to far." I glare while slapping him. "I got you Subaru." I say while looking at Subaru and winking slightly letting him know Ayato and I are just acting. He gets the point and just smirks slightly, hard to notice but it's there.

"What was that for?" He asks menacingly while glaring at me. "Anyways, Mother should we kill them?" Ayato asks while grinning evilly. "Ah yes, We shall. You truly have become the perfect son for me. My love~ If you kill them I'll make you the head of this family~" Cordelia mewls while handing Subaru's silver knife. "So, If I kill them I'll be head of the family?" Richter asks with a smirk. "Yes dear, anything you want~" She replies while facing him properly. "Ah, but isn't that what you said when you lay dying?" Richter answers with a grin.

"Well, yeah I did." Cordelia responds breaking character. "Wait what? You weren't supposed to agree with that!" He shouts, his face suddenly filling with panic. "Oh dear Richter. You may have thought that you were the one using me but in fact, I was the one using you!" Cordelia smartly shouts back, not knowing she stole his line. "What are you going to do to me?" He whimpers. "I'm not going to do shit.... They are." She reveals. Then suddenly Christa comes out, takes the silver knife from Richter and stabs him with it!

"Ohhh nice! Can I get involved? I've wanted to do this for weeks now!" I excitedly jump before slipping over and kick Richter in the shin. "Oh you bitch!" He groans before teleporting away. "Well, I think that was really successful." Ayato states while putting his hands on his hips. "You haven't explained yourselves yet." Shu glares while standing up. "We'll explain ourselves later. Krone could you burn Richter and my filthy dress please?" Cordelia asks with a kind smile. "It would be my pleasure~" She chimes while grabbing Laito and teleporting away with him.

"10/10 stars?" Beatrix jokes. We all start laughing then face the rest of the brothers, minus Laito and Ayato of course. "Okay so this might be hard to understand but.... I can see the dead. I've had this ability for as long as I can remember and it's basically become the normal now. I ask ghosts for help and they usually help me without asking... I'm still researching about my ability but for now... I guess its a special trait I have?" I explain while smiling sheepishly. "So that explains the weird stuff that has been happening." Reiji answers after the awkward silence.

"Does that mean you've been talking to our mothers?!?!?" Subaru shouts while punching the wall. "Uhh, yeah. That's what I just said. Also side note, you're mother doesn't want to see you get hurt so stop punching the wall. What did wall-chan ever do to you??!?" I fake cry while hugging 'Yui'. "We should probably get you out of Yui's body now..." I mumble,suddenly getting serious. "Yeah. Well, its been fun everyone! And I'm sorry about the past Kanato. I promise I'll make it up to you and Laito." Cordelia apologises.

'Yui's' green eyes roll back then are suddenly replaced with the sickening sweet pink that I know so well. "Welcome back bitch!" I exclaim while pulling Yui to the couch. "W-What happened?" She asks while rubbing her head. "Thats not important. Im just glad to see you back to normal." I sympathise. "You wish! Also why do I feel so thirsty?" Yui asks confused. "Once again, not important." I answer before dragging Ayato to my bedroom knowing that the 'golden eyes' are watching me in disbelief.

3rd POV

3 men were standing in the first beside the mansion discussing important matters. "Nii-san, what do you think about her then?" The strawberry headed male asked to his older brother. "She's interesting, I can tell you that." He replies while adjusting the scarf to smell the scent of fresh lemons. "So you are interested~ I knew there was something weird about your first encounter." A dark grey haired boy adds while smirking. "Oh really, Kino?" The scarfed boy asks with a slight hint of amusement. "Indeed. But I just want to let you know that if you decide to go off our deal I will come for you. And you know I don't go down the mercy route." He replies while staring his amber eyes into the scarfed boys golden eyes.

"Oi! Don't get too close to Nii-san!" The other golden eyed brother shouts. "Now, Now.... Wouldn't want you to lose another eye, would you?" he responds while doing a childish pout, knowing he's getting close to making the other founder angry. "That's enough." The scarfed boy declared, glaring into the now empty place of where the vampire used to be. "How long are we going to have to deal with him Nii-San?" The eye patched boy frowns. "Not very long Shin. We must be patient for my plan to work." He states before staring at the full moon with his brother staring at him from behind feeling sorrow and impatience.

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