(10) Kanato's Doll Room and Catching Up With Richter (10)

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Last Time On Yui's Sister!

"I don't need help from a fake person. Wouldn't want to bring back the people who envy you the most, Karlheinz." I whisper at the end smirking before going onto Ayato's back and asking him to take us back to the mansion.

End of Flashback...

Aww f*ck.... My head hurts. What even happened to me? The last thing I remember was..... Oh yeah... F*cking Katamuchi happened... Her group pushed me down the stairs when I wasn't paying attention. "Oi.... Are you sure you're alright? That looked like a prettty nasty fall..." Ayato mumbles while going down the exact staircase I fell down. "I'm fine. Just a simple bump." I reply monotonously while shoving my face in Ayato's back, oh yeah? Did I forget to mention that I seriously went onto Ayato's back? I'm tired as f*ck right now and am really tired.

"That did not look like a simple bump Cupcake..." Ayato answers pouting slightly. "Don't you need to go to class or something?" I ask looking down on him. "You slept through all the remaining classes. You're lucky that Ore-sama ran to each of your classes to tell your teachers you weren't going." Ayato replies smirking with a fake crown above his head. "Please shut up.... I'm tired and your being to loud..." I mumble while shutting my eyes. "O-Oi!! Don't steal the lazy potato sacks line!" Ayato replies blushing slightly. "Yeah, Yeah, yeah.... Whatever...." I say while going into the world of dreams.

"Amai-chan~? Wake up~ The buzz kill wants you~" A flirty voice coos. "Mmm....." I mumble while turning away from the voice. "Go away...." I sleepily state. "Hey b*tch! Get up!" I head a familiar whiny voice shout. Suddenly I feel pain in my cheek and open my eyes, I put my right hand up to my cheek to find out that Yui did in fact slap me. "Really Yui?" I ask sarcastically. She shrugs her shoulders 'innocently' then goes to sit back down.... Wait are we in the limo?!?! "Glad to see your awake. I woke you up to give you this." Reiji says out of nowhere while handing me a cranberry juice box.

"Awww man.... Does this mean you guys are gonna start sucking my blood n' sh*t?" I curse. "You're lucky that none of us have actually bitten you yet. I would've given you this box earlier but you were asleep on your first day of school." Reiji states glaring at Yui slightly. "Right... Ayato you won't bite me right?" I ask him glaring slightly. "Only with your permission of course." Ayato says while smirking and looking down. "My oh my~ The first time Ayato actually respects somebody~" Laito sings. "Shuddap!" Ayato barks. "Ayato... Code nine." I say. "Right!" He answers.

"So.... Code nine, really?" Beatrix sweat drop. "Hey! I couldn't think of a better name...." Cordelia pouts while crossing her arms. "Well I think it's lovely." Christa smiles gently. "Yeah but.... I think we should have a code name that doesn't exactly scream 'code name' you get it?" Krone asks. "Well then.... Do you have any ideas?" Cordelia asks glaring playfully. "No.... What about you Monsuta?" Krone answers while pointing at me. "Hmm.... Well it's got to be short and quick with a little bit of pizzazz! What about.... Mariposa's?" I ask blushing slightly. "No. Just no." Ayato deadpans.

"Yeah, no. Also doesn't that mean butterfly in Spanish?" Christa asks. "Whatever.... I'm going out. Call me if you guys find a good name." I say before going to the balcony and climbing down. "Jeez what's her problem?" Cordelia asks sceptically. "Just give her time. She must be a little stressed right now." Beatrix concludes.
————————————(A/N: Sorry about all the lines....)

All this stress is really getting on my nerves. I think I'll go to Christa's garden. That calms me down. "What are you doing here Richter?" A familiar voice asks. "Oh dear Subaru.... Why don't you call me uncle?" 'Richter' answers. Oh sh*t! This is the guy who sent me that random scroll! "Get lost. Your not welcome here." Subaru says while glaring at Richter. He then teleports away which gives me chance to talk to Richter.... Here I go I guess! "Uhh.... Excuse me?" I question as Richter turns around. "Yes little lady?" He asks sceptically. "Are you the Richter who wrote this scroll?" I ask while holding it up.

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