(13) The Beginning of a New Chapter (13)

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"How long are we going to have to deal with him Nii-San?" The eye patched boy frowns. "Not very long Shin. We must be patient for my plan to work." He states before staring at the full moon with his brother staring at him from behind feeling sorrow and impatience.

End of Flashback

"Please.... Just let me speak to my mother..." Subaru pleads while me being the lazy piece of shit I am, I'm going to sleep. "Not now Subaru.... I'm sleepy." I say very slowly just to tease him. "Don't go sleeping now!" He shouts in a frenzy. "Subaru I'm just so exhausted after the whole incident~" I tease while hiding my head under the covers. "You did nothing! This is why idiots like you really piss me off!" He shouts while yanking me out of my bed. "Agh! It's cold!" I yelp while getting out of Subaru's grip. "Heh, at least you're out of bed now." He slyly states while crossing his arms.

"Ughh, fiiiiiine~ Christa I hate to interrupt your nap but your son wants to speak to you." I said while getting up and going out the room. "Where are you going?!" He shouts while walking up to me. "If the talk with your mother is sooooo important then it must be private, so I'm leaving you in here where I called Christa. Now good day." I finish before slamming the door in his face. What a tease... Better go and find Yui to explain everything. She must be in a dazed state considering what just happened. "Huh? Oh it's just you." Yui annoyingly said while I enter her room, closing the door behind me as I do so. "Yes. It's 'just me'... What did you think was gonna happen?" I ask clearly mocking her.

"Oh I don't know, maybe being drained by the 6 vampires we live with!?!" She shouts back clearly annoyed. "I was being sarcastic Yui. Anyways I need to talk to you about something before we go to school." I sigh while sitting across from her. "Well, go on then." She motions while showing disgust that I was sitting in front of her. "Yui, I know you don't like me but you've got to understand that no matter what, we'll always be together in this mansion. This is why I need to tell you-" "We are not in the same situation. You haven't been bitten once!" Yui interrupts.

"IF YOU WOULD LET ME FINISH- I need to tell you that I have my own problems going on. Also we need to be more careful from now on." I 'calmly' state while crossing my legs. "Now you've got my attention. What do you mean by being more careful? I'm always careful." Yui pridefully replies while putting her hands in her hips. "Yui.....No. Just no. Anyways back to the topic at hand, there's 7 more vampires after us. The Mukami's, Tsukinami's and a boy called Kino." I explain while waiting for her response. "So?" She questions after 5 minutes of thinking. "Yui you make me wait 5 minutes just to hear you say one word?" I state annoyed.

"I'm just a dumb human, your just a dumb human. There's nothing we can do about this. The situation is out of our hands and we're not in control!" Yui hopelessly says while looking down. "Besides, I found out when I first got here that we're not actually sisters! My whole life has been a lie! How do you do it? How do you act so positive?" Yui panics while gripping onto my shoulders. "Yui. It's just as you said, to stay positive. You've got to look at the good side of things. Besides, We go to a nice school.... Nice food.... And hot boys! Just stay positive. I know you can do it." I smile slightly before closing the door behind me. "Where are you going?" She asks sniffing.

"....To get ready for school of course." I answer while walking back to my room. If Subaru is still in there I'm kicking him out. He can't just be in my room for no reason. I burst through my door to see absolutely nobody in sight, thank god for that. Might as well get ready for school now... Fucking school....

In the Limo

"Monsuta, you owe us a clean explanation about yesterday." Reiji demands while glaring at me. "Oh Reiji I have no idea what you mean.... I did come through to you clean." I reply with an uninterested look. "To be fair, you didn't explain properly.... All you said was that you've seen us since birth." Beatrix sweat drops whilst I just shrug. "Also please can you get HER out of here?" Kanato asks with a threatening look to Cordelia. "Hehehe.... Monsuta I told you not to reveal us to the, so quickly..." Cordelia giggles slightly while covering her mouth in embarrassment. "Shut up, bitch!" Laito shouts, siding with Kanato. "Guys! She isn't like that anymore." I plead.

"Monsuta, I appreciate it but they are reacting in the way I expected them to. Not only that but I do sorta deserve it." Cordelia said while trying patting my shoulder. "But...." "No buts! I'm going to prove myself like a true lady!" Cordelia says with a determined look. "Oh, shut up..... You're ruining my music..." Shu says slowly, to which Beatrix just pouts, "This is all you're fault you know." Kanato said turning to Yui. "Huh? Because of-" suddenly the car turned an odd direction and was in the middle of the air. "Everyone get out the car!" I yell while breaking a window and climbing out.

Not caring that Laito could definitely see my....Unmentionables. Gross. Anyways! As I flip onto the ground I look beside me to see my ghost friends but no Sakamaki's.... Suddenly I hear Yui scream and then the car flips into a tree, starting a forest fire. "What the hell just happened?" Ayato questions breaking the silence as he floats the the ground, not without Yui of course. "Oh my god, you're heavy.." He adds. Of course, a snide comment. It wouldn't be Ayato if he didn't add something snide at the end. "Ayato, not now." Cordelia scolds but not before patting Ayato lightly on the back with a wink. "Cordelia you're not helping." I sigh. "I know." She smirks.

"T-Thank you for saving me, Ayato-kun.." Yui mumbles, upset about him calling her heavy. "Don't get excited. I only did it to have my meal later." He responds while glaring. "What happened? Was it an accident?" Yui stupidly asks while standing up in her classic shy girl pose. "Yui don't be an idiot. You call driving off the opposite side of the road an accident?" I sarcastically ask while pointing to the forest fire, getting bigger at the second. "Not only that but, the driver was a familiar. They are incapable of this kind of carelessness." Beatrix adds stepping besides Reiji. "Yeah, but this isn't some random occurrence." Shu said sluggishly. "Uh guys?" I ask. "What's up Monsuta?" Christa asks carelessly.

"I think I've found our answer, the Mukami's." I explained while pointing at the top of the conveniently placed cliff. Then everybody looks to where I'm pointing to see the 4 Mukami's themselves. "Hey Asshats! I was wondering when you were gonna show yourselves! Haven't seen you in awhile!" I jokingly shout out. But no answer came... They just looked at Yui and I with smirks until, "Eve.....Eve and the chosen one." A voice calls out. Yui just whimpers in response. "So you're not going to officially reply back? Rude!" I respond childishly.

"Alright, who are you?" Ayato asks breaking my childish tension by putting his hand on my mouth. "Hey!" He shouts before giving up quickly as the dust covered the 4 then teleported away. "Who were they?" Yui asks while looking at me. "Yui, didn't I tell you before we left for the limo? Those were the Mukami's, and they're after us." I explain while struggling to get Ayato's hand off my mouth. "You can stop now..." I say in a muffled voice. "Ugh, they stink like the dead." Subaru complains while covering his nose.

"Ahh~ Half-Vampires always makes me shiver inside~" Laito said while tipping his hat. "Are they?" Yui suggests. "Yes, they're like us but these are impure morons." Reiji confirms while crossing his arms. Well so much for going to school....

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