(4) Recognition And What It's Like in the Limo (4)

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Suddenly a loud bang is heard at the door. I can't see because my back is facing the door, REAL SMART MONSUTA! "MONSUTA ARE YOU ALRIGHT? I HEARD YOU SCREAMING!" Says a familiar voice. I turn around and see-

End of Flashback

Subaru! Why is he here though..... "I'm alright... Why are you here? Its not like you care about me, right?" I say innocently. He tenses up while blushing and says something along the lines of 'I do care but I don't want you to know' Of course I didnt hear him properly but I think thats what he said? Ehh whatever...

"Tch.... We're heading to school. Get changed then come on." Subaru says while opening the door. "Excuse me? I can't change while you're watching." I replied sassily. Subaru then decides to not answer and just wait outside. "F*cking tsunbaru....." I mumble "I heard that!" Subaru yells from outside. "Sorry but we know it's true Subaru!" I say while glancing at the mothers to see them laughing their asses off.... Including Beatrix which surprised me.

*Time skip*

Okay so I'm currently sat between Shu and Kanato while Yui's glaring at me for some reason... I didn't even do anything to her except exist but that's her problem I guess... Also why the actual f*ck is Cordelia, Christa and Beatrix on the floor playing billiards! I wanna join but I can't because everyone will think I'm a crazy person... *sniff* I hate thissssss!

I suddenly feel weight on my lap. "What in the actual-" I start but then finish because Shu's giving the look that reads: 'Stay quiet and I won't punish you later'. I'm not gonna lie right now.... I was really scared. Meh whatever Beatrix will save me later, For some reason it was comfortable that he was on my lap so I sorta just... Accepted it?

I don't know what I was thinking but whatever.... I was comfy and that's all that mattered. Yes I could feel the glare hardening on Shu as I was just leaning back on the chair shutting my eyes when I suddenly felt my head slide down the seat and onto something quite hard but comfortable I open my eyes and see the mothers looking at me doing.... Questionable things.

Cordelia was just fangirling the hell out while jumping around sporadically while yelling and I quote... "OH KANATO'S WINNING! YOU TWO NEED TO STEP UP YOUR SONS OR I'LL WIN THE MATCH!" I quickly roll my eyes at her and mouth the words: 'I'm not a game Cordelia and you guys better not be guessing who's my boyfriend.'  Cordelia quickly jumps back and sits next to Ayato sweat dropping.

Beatrix was just looking with a smile while flailing her arms around while yelling "GET THE CAMERA AND TAKES LOTS OF PHOTO'S CHRISTA!" I've just had enough of their shouting for one day so I just sorta snuggle my head into Kanato's shoulder getting myself really comfortable because hey? It's gonna be awhile to get to school and I haven't had much sleep so this is fine. Right?

"I AM BEATRIX! I'M TAKING PHOTO'S. DON'T EXPECT ME TO DO THIS EVERY SINGLE TIME." Isn't that Christa? Oh my god actually kill me..... Wait a minute... Why is everyone quiet? I open my eyes to see all the brothers looking around frantically. While Subaru is in tears... Are they always like this? That doesn't matter right now. DID THEY SERIOUSLY JUST HEAR CHRISTA SPEAKING!?!?

"Uhh guys why are you acting strange? Did something happen?" I ask 'obliviously'. "So you're telling me that you didn't just hear a womans voice right now?" Subaru asks.... Well more like demands. "Well I mean yeah but Christa doesn't like lots of attention..." I say quietly. "Christa do you mind telling them because I'm really tired now that I'm in a comfy position?" I ask because I'm tired as hell! I'm not joking, Its too late for this kind of talk...

"Okay so! I guess I'll just say everything.... Hello it's Christa's spirit here! Beatrix and Cordelia are here with me right now but you can't hear them but we're here playing Billiards right now. Sorry Beatrix and Cordelia were fangirling earlier like IDIOTS but- Yes Cordelia whatever. OH SHUSH! I WAS JUST TAKING A PHOTO. Anyways.... Yes. Please just know that we're always watching oh and.... Love you Subaru! Bye" Christa explains.

"MOTHER THAT DOESN'T EXPLAIN ANYTHING." Subaru yells at nowhere in particular because he's so confused. This is really awkward for me because I know everything and everyone else doesn't so you know what? I'm just gonna act like Shu right now and sleep to avoid people yelling at me to explain. Peace!

(A/N: Okay so! I just wanted to say to check out my other book 'One Trip to Paris'. I know it's really bad but some people say otherwise sooo yeah.... Anyways I just wanted to say thank you so much to @moonlightstone101 for giving me inspiration for future chapters! She's been a great help to me and my future ideas with no end. Thanks for reading guys!)

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