(6) Visiting Reiji and A Special Book? (6)

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What the heck is a fancy scarf doing on the floor? I found this... black scarf with white streaks and a scottish emblem on it... I think I'll take it home so I can wash and return it tomorrow. I'll just put it in my pocket and carry on. Yeah let's do this test and go home! I can do this.

End of Flashback

I'm honestly so tired right now! I just got back from school and let's just say.... Things got a little crazy. Although I can't blame them... It must be hard having so many siblings. I pray for you Reiji. I really do...

Another flashback lol 

I make my way to the limo feeling like I'm about to faint since that much work in one day? Dont get me started... I need to focus. Anyways about this scarf... Whos is it? It looks very expensive so I should try to return it as soon as possible oh dear what if they're looking for it now??  I'm such a failure!

"Amai-chan? Are you going to actually get in the limo or not? I want to sit next to you!~"  A familiar boy says. Thats Laito! Why would he want to sit with me though? Is he trying something!?!? "Whats with that face? I'm not gonna try anything~" Laito adds pouting because he could tell my intentions were saying no. Goddamnit I have to sit with him now. "Hey. She's sitting with me. Get lost!" I hear Subaru say... My saviour! "No way! Monsuta-chans sitting with me!!"  Kanato suddenly speaks up. WHY IS EVERYONE ARGUING NOW?

"U-Um guys? Laito did sorta ask first... And I sat with Kanato and Shu on the way here." I murmur quietly "Also your kinda starting a scene... I'll sit with Laito and Subaru since they were the first two to ask." I add on. Go me! Maybe I'm not a failure. "Alright... But your sitting with me tomorrow and Subaru I expect you to watch Laito carefully." Reiji replies with a VERY stern look right now. Also I don't like the fact that Beatrix, Cordelia and Christa are being so quiet. Imma get revenge on them later >:3

End of the (Other) Flashback

Imma try to get some sleep now because I can't function properly without my rest- WAIT SHOOT I FORGOT ABOUT THE BOOK I'M SUPPOSED TO FIND FOR CORDELIA... SH*T! "Yes. You did forget about the book I asked you to read!" Cordelia says in a very frustrated tone. How did she read my mind? Maybe it was just a coincidence? "Sorry Cordelia... I'll go get the book now before dinner! 

"Beatrix do you think I should ask Reiji first?" I ask. "Hmm, well personally I would ask Shu since he's the head but he probably wouldn't care knowing him so I say yes." Beatrix answers honestly. Mkay guess I'm gonna visit Reiji then. "Oh um Monsuta?" Beatrix suddenly pipes up. "Yes, Beatrix?" I reply... She never gets nervous so why is she acting like this? "Don't... Don't eat or drink anything he gives you in his room... Okay?" She informs me. 

"Okay! But what should I just say to him then?" I ask. "Just... Just out-smart him in someway... He'll try to poison you while your in his room." She says. "But... How do you know that?" I ask. Wait shoot that's a stupid question. "Monsuta... He's my son and we're paranormal." She says in a strict voice. "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah... I knew it was a stupid question when I opened my mouth. Thanks for telling me!" I exclaim. "Your welcome, now go before somebody sees you talking to yourself." She informs before disappearing somewhere in the mansion. 

I head to Reiji's room feeling very and I mean VERY nervous... If he poisons people then what if he injects me with something... Y'know what? f*ck it I'm going in! I knock on the door gently just incase he was sleeping because hey? I personally hate to be woken up when I'm sleeping so I'm gonna treat people like me. "Come in." I hear a stern voice inside the room. Well there's no turning back now I gulped while heading in the room. 

"H-Hi so um Reiji can I ask you a question?" I ask nervously. "Sure, and why do you sound so nervous?" Reiji asks me. "Oh nevermind that. Please take a seat." Reiji states. Mkay I guess I'll just sit down then. "So what was it you wanted to ask me? I'm going to go make tea by the way, what flavour do you want?" Reiji asks me. "Oh um.... I'm more of a coffee person sorry... And I wanted to ask if I could take a book from the library? I promise to return it!" I state.

"Hmm. Well if you promise to return it then okay. By the way I made some coffee for you since you don't like tea." He asks while giving me the coffee and prompting me to drink it. I completely forget Beatrix's warning and was about to drink it until I hear her voice. "No Monsuta don't drink it!" Oh my god I was about to drink it! "Well um... I'm afraid I don't fancy drinking coffee right now so I'll be taking my leave now...!" I say while bolting for the door. 

I take a glance behind me and see Reiji just staring at the ceiling in his own mind. Beatrix must of made sure Reiji could hear her to help me escape. Anyways better run to the library before I get cau- "Hey b*tch! Watch where your running!" I devilish voice calls out. Aww sh*t why did it have to be Yui? "Heyy Yui... Could we do this later because I'm kinda on the run at the moment..." I sweatdrop. 

"No! You ran into me so I'm going to say this... The brothers are mine, you hear me?" Yui remarks in a snobbish tone. "Yui! I really don't have time for this. Monologue about yourself later but right now I've go to run. See you later!" I say while sprinting to the library. "Your going to regret ever stepping in my way, Monster!" Yui yells down the hall. Obviously knowing that nickname would hurt me and you know what? As much as I hate to admit it that nickname really hurts me.

It hurts me because thats what everyone calls me because of my birth name. You see I was the un-planned child so when I was born my parents called me Monsuta which means monster in english. After that they just threw me away... Like I was......Nothing..... No! I shouldn't be thinking about that. It's their loss I have this special power so I'm going to use it to prove to them that I can be useful and am not a Monster! 

By this time I have made it to the libary and am looking for the book. "Hey Cordelia..? Can you hear me?" I whisper incase somebody's actually using the library. "Yes I am! You want to find the book correct?" Cordelia whispers back. "You do know you don't need to whisper right? Nobody but Monsuta can hear us unless we want other people to hear us." Christa explains. "Oh well in that case..... FOLLOW ME MONSUTA!" Cordelia yells in the most loudest voice I've ever heard. 

"Please be cautious of my heairng too.." I snap in a low voice. "S-sorry... Anyways follow me!" Cordelia says while floating to the very back of the library with a lot of dust... Nobody's been back here in a long time. "My oh my... It certainly does need cleaning back here." Beatrix speaks up. "Oh your back! How did distracting Reiji go?" I ask while smirking. "He didn't suspect a thing." Beatrix says while smirking. 

"Oh show off! Anyways here is the book Monsuta. I'm off to see if there's any way I can cancel out me going into Yui... See you at dinner!" Cordelia bids farewell and then she teleports... Well then. Time to go to my room and read the book... But little did I know that on the way back a certain vampire was watching me, shocked because I was supposedly talking to myself and mentioned names that should be forgotten.

(A/N: Hewwo everybody! I'm back and better than ever. I'm going to be working on my BNHA book for awhile so this book might not be updated as much... By the way who do you all think saw Monsuta talking to Beatrix, Cordelia and Christa? I'm stuck between two people so whoever gets said the most out of them two will be the person. Hope to see you all soon and hope your all safe!)

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