(2) Meeting The Sakamaki's And An Unknown Scroll Sender? (2)

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"I'm surprised too if I'm being honest. I thought she would've been- Excuse my language but.... I thought she would have been b*tching the whole way about why she had to come here. Especially with Christa and I at that matter." Said Beatrix slightly smiling while she said that but quickly put a monotone face as we heard someone screaming in the mansion. "Let's go." Said Beatrix obviously wanting to know who's already done something to Yui.

Monsuta's POV

As I run into the mansion with Beatrix by my side and we stumble across a red headed boy over Yui. "What are you doing?" Yui asks innocently which I know is fake. "What am I doing? Well I think you already know.... I'm about to take you of course." Says the mysterious red head. "Monsuta. This is Ayato.... The first child of Cordelia." Says Beatrix scowling at 'Ayato'. 

"Got it..... Tomato-Head. Thanks" I whisper as quietly as I can. Ayato turns my way because he probably heard me and said while having a bit of blush tainted on his cheeks "Oi! Who do you think your calling Tomato-Head??! Also who are you talking to!" Cordelia then bursts out laughing but sadly Ayato can't hear it. 

"T-Tomato-Head *Inhale* I..... I can't breathe!" Cordelia struggles to say due to her laughing so much. "HEY! LISTEN TO ORE-SAMA!" Shouts Ayato since I was focusing my whole attention on Cordelia. "Oh sorry I wasn't listening Oreo-Sama.... What did you say again?" I asked sounding as innocent as I could but sadly this facade was ruined because of my triumphant smirk on my face.

"YOU'LL BE SORRY FOR TH-" "What's going on in here Ayato? This is an Entrance hall not a Playground." Some butler looking guy suddenly said who suddenly glares at Yui and Ayato. "Damnit... It's Reiji" Ayato Curses. Beatrix suddenly gasps which brought my attention to her. "M-Monsuta this is my second son... Reiji..." Beatrix struggles to say. 

"Uhh hello? Miss? Is everything ok? Why are you looking over there?" 'Reiji' says in a strict but confused tone. "Oh sorry about that. My name is Monsuta Komori and that Wooden Board over there is my sister, Yui Komori. We were sent by one of the local churches to live here since our father aband- I mean... Left to go on a business trip in another country." I reply Politely.

"Thank you for telling me Miss Komori. Ayato! What is the meaning of this?" Reiji strictly asks. I hear Beatrix snicker since Reiji just asked Ayato a question which he could not answer. "Huh!? Why are you asking me? I know nothing about Pancake and Mouse-Chan coming to live here!" Ayato exclaims. 

"D-Did you just call me Pancake?!?" Yui asks shocked. "Of course I'm talking about you, you're the only girl here who's as flat as a Pancake here but I like Wooden Board much better!" Ayato says while checking me out so I give him the 'In your dreams look' he seems to get the message but carries on doing it anyways... Now I see why this is Cordelia's son. He's stubborn just like her.

"Whatever..... Who are you anyways?" Yui asks. "This is not the place for that...... Come. Please take their luggage. Follow me you two." Reiji demands while Cordelia's looking at Ayato and me wiggling her eyebrows. I glare at her giving her the 'Stop otherwise I will make sure you never see the light of the moon ever again look' she not only notices but flinches and decides to follow Reiji Instead.

I follow behind Reiji but then Ayato asks me a question which made my heart stop for a second. "Hey. Why do I smell familiar scents when you're here?" Oh no.... I didn't think they could smell ghosts! Think, Think! "Quick use this as an excuse!" Beatrix exclaims and quickly put something in my pocket.... 

Woah I didn't know she could pass me things! Good to know. "I have this if it's what your smelling, Vampire." I say coldly which Beatrix nods at me. Ayato then widens his eyes "HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET TH-" Ayato tries to say. "What's taking you two so long? Hurry up!" Reiji shouts from the other room. Thank you Reiji! I can't believe you jsut saved me without knowing.

I quickly run into the room everyone else is in so I don't have to explain to Ayato. "Now that your here please take a seat." Reiji says. "Monsuta sit there." Yui demands while pointing to the floor, I obviously have to obey because of Seiji so I just sit on the floor while Ayato and Reiji look sadly at me. "Don't worry Monsuta! I'll sit with you." Says Cordelia while grinning and coming over to sit with me.

I smile lightly at Cordelia. She would've never done that when we first met! Good to know she's changing. "Now I already know your names and business but I'm going to ask you this time, What is your name?" Reiji asks. "Ahh well.... I'm-" Yui tries to say until a new boy comes into the room. 

"Ara, Ara~ Looks like two cute little human girls have come to visit us.~" The boy said who has a black fedora on with a red ribbon around in. "That's my third son Laito. He flirts all the time but don't worry. He doesn't mean it most of the time." Cordelia says while smiling lightly but had some shame in her eyes... I'll have to ask about that later. 

I get cut out of my thoughts when I get picked up by somebody... And that person would be 'Laito'. "Waaaaaa put me down! >.<" I said while flailing my arms around like a helpless baby. Cordelia just chuckled while Beatrix and Reiji were glaring at Laito. "Laito put that woman down this instant! That is not how we treat our guests! The same goes with licking them." 

Reji strictly says. "But isn't tasting something so sweet natural? Kanato agrees with me!" Laito says while pouting and pulling me closer to him. "Yes I do. Also I want the girl... Laito hand her over to me."'Kanato' replied. "This is my second son Kanato. He's very clingy with things he likes and if he doesn't like something he screams so please be careful." Says Cordelia.

Suddenly Reiji takes me out of Laito's arms and sits me down on the sofa next to Yui. Yui's response to this was glaring. "What did I tell you? Get down on the floor!" Yui demands. "And while she's under the roof of this house she won't be sitting on the floor any longer." Reiji says while glaring Yui. 

I smile and nod at him in a thank you while Beatrix tries to pat Reiji's head. Of course he couldn't feel it which made Beatrix cry inside but she just kept the monotone face on while staring at him. "Stop it you three! Ore-sama will be her first everything. I don't care about pancake over there, you can have her." Says Ayato in a snobbish tone. 

I swear this guy acts so much like Cordelia. "I'm so sick of hearing you call yourself Yours Truly." an unknown voice suddenly spoke up. "Screw you Subaru! I know it's you! Where are you?" Ayato demands while looking around the room. "I'm right here, Idiot." 'Subaru' says rudely. "You must be Christa's son then..." I mumble quietly.

 Thankfully nobody heard me although I was getting suspicous looks from Ayato STILL! When will he just take the hint I don't wanna talk about it.... It's not like I'm gonna just tell everyone 'hey so I can kinda see you dead mother. Don't worry it's not that big of a deal considering She's one of the only friends I have!' Like what? No! I'm not gonna tell him that!

I get cut off of my thoughts AGAIN by seeing Yui on the ground with a scraped knee and THE WALL BROKEN IN A FIST LIKE SHAPE! "This is getting boring.... Can somebody please take me to my room?" I ask boredly while ignoring Yui's calls for help. "B*tch, I'm not gonna help you. Also no taking my phone. I need to play games on it." I add on clearly insulting Yui.

"Promise your not gonna call for help on that phone?" Reiji asks doubtfully. I nod...... "I'll show you to your room Monsuta-Chan!" Kanato exclaims while taking my hand and running up the stairs. I give the eye to Cordelia saying that she must follow, she get's the hint and follows us with Beatrix and Christa staying behind to watch their sons some more.

*Timeskip to the room*

"Here we are Monsuta-Chan!" Kanato say happily while showing me a confused expression. "Is..... Something wrong?" I ask unsurely. "Yeah.... I'm just puzzled on why your name is Monsuta and why I feel like I'm being watched.... I'm okay though! I'll get through it!" Kanato says while grinning. .....Ok so he's onto me. I have to make an excuse! "You see I'm very tired so I think I'll be-" 

I try to say until a singular yellow scroll flies into the room catching Cordelia, Kanato and I in surprise. "What the-" I say. "That shouldn't even be possible..... Please do open it! I wanna see what it says!" Kanato asks. "Yes please do Monsuta. I'm very concerned  about what it says since I recognise the handwriting." Cordelia adds onto Kanato's words.... Mother like Son I guess....

"Ok then......" I say as I open the letter

(A/N: I'm so proud of this chapter UwU. You have no idea! This is one of the longest chapters I've ever done. So I'm happy! Have a great day/night everyone!)

Yui's Sister (All Diabolik Lover Characters x OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora