(5) Meeting the Mukami's and School! (5)

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"MOTHER THAT DOESN'T EXPLAIN ANYTHING." Subaru yells at nowhere in particular because he's so confused. This is really awkward for me because I know everything and everyone else doesn't so you know what? I'm just gonna act like Shu right now and sleep to avoid people yelling at me to explain. Peace!

End of Flashback

"...Up.... Wake up Monsuta-chan!" I hear a familiar voice say. I open my eyes to see a purple haired vampire infront of me while I hear shouting outside the Limo... Agggh god. It's so loud! I need those headphones that you wear to block out sounds... Wait.... Thats actually a really good idea! Im such a genius.

"Oh yeah... Right. School, Something we all have to go through. Greeeaaat. Oh Kanato! Do you mind helping me to the principals office?" I ask Kanato because I seriously have no idea what the f*ck I'm supposed to be doing since Beatrix, Cordelia and Christa home-schooled me because Seiji wouldn't allow me to go to school like a normal person. For some reason I'm really grateful that I didn't go to school now. 

Oh well... I can always ignore the lessons and study at home. Beatrix will help me I hope... I almost forgot! Cordelia wanted me to find a certain book in the library at the mansion when we get home. I wonder what it could be? "Did you hear that Monsuta-chan?" Kanato asks me. Uh oh... I wasn't paying attention but I'm not in the car anymore which is strange. How on earth did I get here? By the way if you haven't noticed I'm a very chill gal. That is if anybody can hear me?

"O-Oh yeah. I heard you loud and clear Kanato! I'll just be at the principals office now.... Bye!" I say quickly so I can avoid the smug smirk Kanato was holding since he knew that I wasn't listening at all. I just decide to full on ignore him and head on in to the Principle's office to get the goddamn papers I need... Jeez why are schools so complicated? I never thought I'd be here, ever. Right lemme talk to the Principle who looks business-worthy... I think? Idk anymore. 

"Greetings Miss Komori. Yes I know your name thanks to your sister who spoke about you in a very 'Pleasant' way. Since we have no records of you being in school can you take a test? Don't worry I have already told the other teachers you won't be attending lessons today." The Principle questions/informs me. "Wait a minute this test is going to take all day?" I ask making sure I heard her correctly.

 "Yes for we want to know you have the basics under control." The Principle Replies. "Okay then... I'll just take the test then." I say as I sit down taking a look at the piece of paper which felt like a book because of how many papers were stapled together. "Tell me when you're finished... By the way don't cheat. I have security camera's watching you at all times." The Principle tells me. 

"Don't worry I wouldn't cheat. Wouldn't want to get told off by such a professional lady!" I reply beaming at her with a big smile on my face. "That's what I like to hear. You will be heading to the Cafeteria at 9:00pm to have lunch. Understood?" The Principle asks me. "yes Ma'am!" I say beaming once again. Man I sure do charm people with Cordelia's skill huh? Good thing too.

And so there was me doing paperwork until 9... 

Mann I sure am hungry! And I got half of the test done too! I should probably head to the Cafeteria now though... "Hey Beatrix any advice or little corrections I need on the test?" I ask Beatrix. "Hmm. I'm not supposed to tell you but oh well... You've got nothing wrong here so far and I advise you to add a little more detail in explaining the answer in question 47... Good?" Beatrix explains. "Good thanks!" I smile. "Hey! Ya know you could've asked me!" Cordelia Pouts.

"Sorry Cordelia but I'm afraid math isn't your strong point... You did say it yourself did you not?" I reply smugly. "O-Oh you're on the math part of the test? In that case I'll see you at the Cafeteria... Bye!" Cordelia says quickly then sprints off. I start laughing as well as Christa next to me while Beatrix is just smiling... Oh yeah, did I forget this test has 100 questions on each subject? WHAT THE ACTUAL F-

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