(17) Officially Meeting Kino and a Surprisingly Fun Dinner (17)

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"Hey! Idol Kou-Sama here~ Just here to say dinner is ready~" He winks while doing a little performance. "Oh here we go.... I'm not hungry, you ass." I glare while crossing my arms. "Too bad!" He smiles before grabbing me and pushing me out the door. So much for my opinion....

End of Flashback.

As I'm walking down with Kou and the mothers I am currently dreading this dinner. What if it's as awkward as the Sakamaki's!? "Here we go!~" Kou chimes before pushing me down in my seat. "Ugh, finally! I never thought you'd make it! Where's that Sow?" Yuma asks with a smirk. I just shrug in response while getting comfortable in my chair. "Well! No time to waste... Let's dig in!" Kou shouts before grabbing all the food he can and stuffing it in his mouth. "Oi! Don't hog it all!" Yuma shouts while also grabbing what he can and putting it on his plate.

"Aww... There's only 2 left..." Kou pouts. "They went down that fast!? Azusa and I haven't had any!" I said. "Well, I guess Azusa and Monsuta are getting the last fried shrimps." Yuma finished while passing us one. "I don't.... Really want it..." Azusa mumbled. "I guess it's mine then!" Kou lunges while locking his lips. "Ah-ah! Azusa do you want it or not? I won't let this greedy gut get all of them." Yuma asks while the innocent fried shrimp was stabbed with the fork again. "I'll just take it..." Azusa said with a small smile. Yuma setting the fried shrimp on his plate. "Aww, no fair! Monsuta-channnnn~ Can I have yours? Pretty please?" Kou asks with puppy eyes. I just take the fried shrimp and eat it whole as a response.

"Noooo!" Kou sulks. "What a funny bunch..." Christa giggles quietly. "I know. And here Monsuta thought that it would be really awkward." Cordelia laughs. Oh shut it you 4. I pouted psychically. Suddenly Ruki comes in with another platter of fried shrimps and salad. "What have I told you about eating with your hands? Also don't speak with your mouthful." Ruki scolds while setting the food down. "Feel free to take what you want." Ruki said while looking at me with a slight glare. Oh yeah... I was supposed to speak to him in private but instead I talked to the ghosts... Oops.

"You didn't come when I asked you too." He glared while grabbing some food on his own plate. "In my defence, Yuma asked me. Plus I was busy." I replied, crossing my arms. "With what?" He asked with an odd face. "Erm... Sketching! I love to sketch so I kind of got lose in my own thoughts..." I lied. That was close. Good going Monsuta. "And surely you'll let me see these sketches? They must be good if you love to sketch." Ruki sarcastically asks with his arms crossed. "Umm.... Sure. Although I wouldn't call myself a good artist." I bit my tongue. Shit... Beatrix could you go to the mansion real quick and grab one of my sketches? It's urgent.... I asked with a straight face.

"On it." She quickly said before flying out the window. "You should eat too." Ruki said out of nowhere staring at Yui who was peering from the door. "Oh, um... Sure.." she mumbled while taking a seat next to me. "Well, we all better get ready." He said while Yui slowly put a fried shrimp in her mouth. "Where are we going?" Yui asks stupidly. "We are going to school while you and Monsuta are staying here." He stoically responded while standing up. "Huh?" Yui let's out confused. "Azusa will be staying here with you to keep an eye out." Ruki explained before standing with everyone else out the front door.

"Now, Now M-Neko-Chan~ Be careful with Azusa... He can be a bit of a handful~" Kou warns before winking after and closing the door. "U-Um..." Yui stuttered. "I'm not helping you." I said before going to my own room. "B-But!" "No buts. You hate me so I don't know why you'd want me to help you." I interrupted. "Fine." Yui pouted before running away into her room. "Jesus Christ this girl runs so slow..." I muttered before closing the door to my room and looking out the window. "I've got the sketches." Beatrix said while going through the window. "That's good. What took you so long?" I asked. She never normally takes this long... Where did she go?

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