(7) Uh Oh And A New Ghost Friend (7)

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Well then. Time to go to my room and read the book... But little did I know that on the way back a certain vampire was watching me, shocked because I was supposedly talking to myself and mentioned names that should be forgotten.

End of Flashback

Monsuta POV
Hmmm.... Ugh I'm lost again. This mansion is way to big! "Hey Monsuta! You lost?" Cordelia asks me. "I hate to admit it but yes I am. Could you help me?" I reply. "Of course I can! Just follow me n-" She try's to say but fails when somebody who was suspicious of me from day 1 comes around the corner glaring at me, and this person is known as Ayato Sakamaki. "I knew there was something up with you. Who are you really?" Ayato asks me.

"Really.... Did you hear everything?" I ask replacing his question. "Yes I did now explain before I suck you dry." Ayato threatens me. "No need to threaten me. I would like to talk about this where nobody else is.... May we talk in somewhere private in case somebody is listening in?" I ask. "Sure but you BETTER explain everything." He replies. "Okay let's go." I say then we walk out of the mansion and in a gazebo next to a lake? I mean damn I didn't expect to come out here. Oh well it does the job it's supposed to.

"Wow! What a nice v-" I try to say but is RUDELY INTERRUPTED. "Talk. Now." Ayato threatens me again. What is with vampires and interrupting? I just don't get it. I sigh and take a deep breath and say... "Icansortofseeyou'redeadmothersbecausetheyfollowmearoundforsomereason. ImeanIdon'thatethembutIhateitwhenCordeliabeatsmeatbilliards." I ramble. "Hold on. You said that so fast I didn't understand anything in that whole sentence." He says clearly confused.

Ugh I thought he would understand that... Alright let's get this done with. "My name is Komori Monsuta. All ghosts call me the Death Talker but my friends call me by my first name. I can speak to ghosts if you didn't figure that out, in my childhood it was hard for me to fit in because I didn't know that they were ghosts until your mother along with Beatrix and Christa came to help me and now we're best friends! Well... in a competitive sort of way." I monologue. "Wow... So like, how is my mother?" Ayato asks me facing away.

"Oh she's changed her ways. Although she does flirt with male ghosts but if they make a move Cordelia quickly says no then runs off. Hehe.. it's funny when she runs away to Beatrix and Christa. Oh she's a sore loser too!" I explain. "Wow I'd love to see her again. By the way what happened in the limo? How could we hear Christa's voice?" He asks facing me with a serious expression. "I.... I don't actually know. I might ask around the other ghosts to see if they have a solution." I answer sympathetically.

"Well okay. Are you going to tell the others?" He questions. "No. I prefer this secret to be kept as long as possible... Will Ore-sama help me keep it?" I reply smugly. "Haha! I'll keep it a secret. We don't want chaos right?" He says laughing. "Haha... I guess not. I'm going to go read. I'll be in my room if you need me. Also please don't bite me ever." I state glaring playfully. "Don't worry you've proven yourself to not be bitten by me ever. See you at dinner." He says then teleports away. Well that could've gone worse.

Time skip to an hour before Dinner.

I'm back in my room with the mothers and we're all going to read the book together let's go! It seems to be about creatures called founders... I remember Cordelia mentioning them 1 or 2 times before... "C.C...? Why did you want Monsuta to read this book?" Christa asks Cordelia. "I think she's the right age to Let's just read the information about them.


Founders are the ancestor race of all the demon kinds in the Demon World. They possess all the basic racial skills of the four superior demonic sub-races (Vampire, Vibora, Wolves and Adler), but they don't possess their weaknesses. They also have the ability to transform into bats, snakes, wolves, and eagles. They have high strength, speed, and regenerative abilities. Most of their senses are heightened, and these include vision, smell, and hearing. They can only die as a result of decapitation. They can use magic and summon familiars. They are the strongest race in both the Demon World and the Human World. But lately there has been a special disease made by a professional scientist and into the kingdom of Founders called-

The papers cut off? Damnit! "W-what's going on? Why.... WHY IS THE BOOK PARTLY RIPPED OFF?!? FOR GODSAKE! THIS IS WHAT I WANTED YOU TO KNOW THE MOST!" Cordelia screams. "C-calm down Cordelia. I'm sure another ghost knows." Christa stammers. "Well your not a founder are you? This subject for founders is very sensitive and I do not want to inconvenience my auntie!" Cordelia exclaims with tears in her eyes. "Wait Cordelia your a founder? How come I didn't know about this!" Beatrix exclaims slightly annoyed.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you all this stuff, I promise to explain every-" Cordelia try's to say but it interrupted by a new voice? "Now, Now my niece. This isn't like you to stress about this sort of thing." The new voice states. "Who's there?" I ask. "Hello Everyone! My name is Krone and I'm Cordelia's auntie, and the mother of Carla and Shin, the last remaining founders." She states taking a step back and looking at everyone in the process. "Why are you here?" I demand. Well I sorta am their boss so they have to obey me. (A/N: Obey Me the game anybody? In love with that game XD)

"You see, when you opened this book it awakened me in some sort of form. I'm not comfortable in saying yet. Umm the scarf you have on your desk there... It's my sons. His name is Carla." Krone states while slightly smiling. "Okay then... Are you gonna stay for awhile or just do your own thing now that your free from that book?" I ask unsure if she's telling the truth because ghosts always lie to me. I don't know what I do wrong T^T

"I was hoping to stay with you all for awhile.... Hope that's okay." She smiles while facing her head away. "Of course! The more the merrier! But first since I keep forgetting... Do you mind popping this scarf in the wash? And handing it back to me by tomorrow?" I ask hoping she'll say yes because I'm lazy as fuuuuuu- "Oh, sure!" She replies smiling. "Wait what the hell I wasn't expecting her to actually say yes... oh well this is her problem now. "Thanks!" I reply. Then suddenly someone opens the door.

It's Ayato! Thank god. "Yooo! I heard you talking. We're you talking to them?" He greets. "Yeah! I made a new friend!" I say then jump up to hug him. He lightly pats my back while blushing slightly. "Anyways... I came to say that dinner is starting in 5 minutes and I wanted to sit next to you." He breaks the silence. "Oh, sure! I'd love to sit with you. Let's go?" Is ya as I look behind me urging the mothers and Krone to come with. They understand and walk towards me as sign saying their ready to go. "What are you doing?" Ayato asks.

"I was just asking them to come along and were ready to go." I reply. "I really need to get used to my mother following me." Ayato says with a sweat drop. "I'm sure you will. Let's go!" I exclaim while holding Ayato's hand and running to the dining room. The mothers and Krone are just sweat dropping while floating behind us and laughing awkwardly because of my behaviour. Well! Better get to dinner. I wonder what will happen since Yui is around.

Yui's Sister (All Diabolik Lover Characters x OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang