(3) 'The Usual' And Playing With The Mothers (3)

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"Is..... Something wrong?" I ask unsurely. "Yeah.... I'm just puzzled on why your name is Monsuta and why I feel like I'm being watched.... I'm okay though! I'll get through it!" Kanato says while grinning. .....Ok so he's onto me. I have to make an excuse! "You see I'm very tired so I think I'll be-"

I try to say until a singular yellow scroll flies into the room catching Cordelia, Kanato and I in surprise. "What the-" I say. "That shouldn't even be possible..... Please do open it! I wanna see what it says!" Kanato asks. "Yes please do Monsuta. I'm very concerned about what it says since I recognise the handwriting." Cordelia adds onto Kanato's words.... Mother like Son I guess....

"Ok then......" I say as I open the letter

*End of Flashback

"Huh...." I mumble while reading the scroll. "What does it say Monsuta-chan!" Kanato beams with an innocent smile. "A-Ah well you're not going to like what it says but I'll read it out anyways..." I respond as I give Cordelia a side glance. Cordelia nods and hand motions me to read the scroll.

"Dear Monsuta...

I'm writing this letter to tell you that something bad is going to happen in 2 months, I can't tell you what it is because of my brother which I'm annoyed about. Cordelia is awakening in Yui's body soon so please don't trust her if you see her! But don't relax once you've dealt with her because more misfortune is coming your way. I will reveal more when we meet in person. Good luck with The Sakamaki's.


"I don't know what to say...." Says Kanato eyes wide while gripping Teddy like his life would be over if he let go. Suddenly Kanato frowns and heads towards the door. "I must take my leave now. Yui's gone somewhere I don't like. See you later Monsuta-chan!" And with that Kanato shuts the door behind him silently.

"That Yui.... Always being so nosy." I say quietly. "Y-You have a lot of e-explaining to do C-Cordelia." Christa says angrily but quietly out of nowhere. "A-Agh! I've been caught oh well... I'll explain at once." Cordelia says seriously, "Please do. And please tell the truth because I really value our friendship.... That must sound really cheesy sorry." I reply. 

Cordelia sighs then says "You see, when I was alive I was a very bad person, and when my sons killed me moments before I died I asked Richter to cut out my heart and plant it in somebody. That person would be Yui and I now regret asking him to do it. I promise that when the awakening takes place I'll ask Reiji to make a potion that will destroy me so I can be back with you!" Explains Cordelia.

"A-Although we never got a long when we were alive I'm glad were friends now C-C." Christa says happily. "C-C? I like that nickname! You will now address me that way. You too Monsuta!" Cordelia grins. Yeah no..... I'm still calling her by her real name.

"Why are you still awake? If you're gonna speak to yourself then do you mind being a little quieter?" Shu says popping out of nowhere while Beatrix enters aswell. "Don't worry you don't need to explain. I heard everything since Shu was listening in aswell.... Only he couldn't hear what you had to say Cordelia." Beatrix says while smiling lightly. 

"I agree with Christa though. I'm glad we're now friends." Beatrix adds on. "Uh hello?.... Are you done staring at the bed? I wanna sleep." Shu says, snapping me out of the conversation Beatrix, Christa and Cordelia. I suddenly get pushed onto the bed with Shu cudling me in a spoon-like shape. "W-What are you doing?" I ask slightly startled by the sudden action.

"Sleeping.... What does it look like?" Shu asks. "It looks like your trying to sleep WITH me and I like to me spread out when I'm sleeping so if you could kindly let me go that would be great, Thank you." I ramble on. Cordelia and Christa suddenly start laughing while Beatrix was smirking while mumbling "Hentai...." as I push Shu off the bed and out my room.

"Goodbye!" I yell.... "Game of Monopoly anybody?" I ask while smirking. "OH YOU'RE ON!" Shouts Cordelia while Beatrix was getting the board and Christa was settling on the floor. "Alright let the game commence." I say. And so I proceed to sit on the floor and choose a character.

(A/N: Let me just dub it for you below the video XD)

*Pretend the house is the Sakamaki Mansion*

Cordelia: I HATE YOU!


Beatrix: Cordelia. Give Monsuta your $200, You landed on her property.



Christa: Beatrix, why is Monsuta screaming?

Beatrix: Oh shut the f*ck up Christa! You don't get to talk after stealing my last railroad! 




(A/N: That's where it ends. By the way if you say that I got some of the lines wrong then that was intentional UwU)

Suddenly a loud bang is heard at the door. I can't see because my back is facing the door, REAL SMART MONSUTA! "MONSUTA ARE YOU ALRIGHT? I HEARD YOU SCREAMING!" Says a familiar voice. I turn around and see-

(A/N: Lol that's next chapter. See you there I guess? Have a nice day/night!)

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