10k Special!

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Omg, we just reached 10k! I don't know how to thank you guys.... I guess I could write a special chapter? That'll have to do since I'm bad at literally everything else 😅. I feel like crying, why do you all like this? 😂

My fan fiction is very OOC and the reason being is because I just wanted to have fun and be free, not wanting to worry if a character is having the right personality. There are some great fan fictions on Wattpad and AO3 so I recommend you go on a little search for some others!

Please beware that this is a shitty fan fiction about a game/anime/manga that fucking sucks! I'm not a good writer and never will be, but I'm really glad you guys like this! Enjoy the chapter. x


"I can't believe you let us out here today Reiji!" I beam, my dress swaying in the light breeze. "Why of course. Everyone has been so stressed lately, I thought we might as well enjoy ourselves while the weather is hot." He replies, bowing slightly. "Don't be so formal Reiji, loosen up a little! I mean, we've got a whole beach to ourselves!" Cordelia laughs, raising her hands to her lips. "Mother can we get ice cream? I heard a new parlour opened up near here with sweet flavours!" Kanato asks, tugging Cordelia's hand like a toddler. "Sure, does anybody else want ice cream while we're there?" She asks, turning towards me.... She remembered my weakness!

"May I get a coffee flavour? I want to race Ayato since he's been bragging that he's a better swimmer than me." I sarcastically said, turning to Ayato while doing so. "But we could just race at the mansion-" "Yeah, but the sea is more challenging!" I interrupt with a smug smile. "Get me a coffee flavour too. I have to see this." Shu said with a light smile. "I'll do with a strawberry! And macaroons on the side if they're available~" Laito chimes, hands in his trunks pockets. Damn, this really must be quite weird for these guys, they've never had a family day out with eachother.

"I'll get that for you now. I'll be back in five minutes, text me where you lot will be setting our towels and picnic." Cordelia waves before disappearing behind a street with Kanato, likely going to teleport since Cordelia and Kanato hates large crowds. "So, where should we put our stuff?" Krone smiles, looking elegant as always. "Probably a more secluded area, the last time we went into a public area we were swarmed by fan girls." Carla suggests, hand in hand with his mother. "Good idea...." Azusa mumbles while fixing his beret.

"But.... This is a secluded beach? Why would we need to go to a secluded area?" Yui asks in a very skin tight bikini. Well, at least its covering her.... Last time wasn't the best. "Because Yui, although this is a secluded beach hikers can still walk up the mountains. If any know who we are they could post it on social media." Beatrix explains. "Ohh... I see..." She mutters with a thoughtful glance at me. "Whats with that face?" I ask with a worried expression. "Do you like that swimsuit?" She pouts while crossing her arms. "I'm not the biggest fan of it, but I think it looks nice..." I mumble in response. "It.....It suits you..." She said before turning away from me.

......Does Yui actually care? Oh well. I'm glad she said that, I thought it made me look like I was wearing a corset. I'm wearing a black swimsuit with crossed straps behind my neck, with a black swimsuit cover-up that's a dress.

"I'm going to go find daisys to make daisy chains! Anybody want to join?" Christa asks with an innocent smile, clearly wanting to change topic. "Pshh, this is fucking stupid. Of course I'm coming with you mother." Subaru scoffs before following his mother to a field beside the beach. "This is not how I imagined a day out to the beach would be like..." Beatrix sighs while I pat her back slightly.

"Well, this isn't exactly normal... How are your injuries?" I ask while sitting on a towel. "They're better. Not fully gone though, much to my complaint." She answers smiling lightly, showing a scar on her stomach. "That's good to hear. Where'd Krone go?" I ask while looking around the beach. "She went to go play in the sea with Shin and Carla. Founders like playing in water in their wolf forms." She smiles, chuckling to herself slightly. Pointing at the three wolves jumping in the water happily. "Oh hey, Shu." Beatrix randomly says out of nowhere.

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