(1) Coming to the Sakamaki Mansion (1)

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As the ghosts of the three mothers sit in the car that heads to the Sakamaki Mansion along with 2 girls, the Komori Sisters. Only one of them is able to see the three of the mothers. One of the Komori sisters is writing in a journal and the other is looking out the window oblivious to the three ghosts watching her.

Monsutas POV

Hello! My name is Monsuta Komori and I have the ability to see ghosts! Well... Let me explain in a bit more detail. Since I was a baby I've has the strange ability to see LIVING ghosts from the dead. Apparently nobody but me can see them which is awesome! But I particulary found three women that helped me grow into who I am today. 1st you have Beatrix, a Hard working woman who loves to read and drink tea! She taught me the basics of manners and serving tea.

 2nd you have Cordelia, She was completely against me when I first met her but she gradually came to see me every day with the others since she apparently 'Likes me enough that she wants to protect me' yeah I can tell thats fake she probably is a tsundere or something.... Oh well! She taught me herself all the subjects at school and how to act around some people of different Persona's..... A weird skill to have but it's useful when I need it. 

And finally the 3rd woman.... Christa! She's my favourite out of the three and taught me how to dance, grow roses and to speak Spanish, French, English and Chinese! I personally love speaking Chinese because of the culture they have. I love that kinda stuff ok?

Anyways right now I'm heading to a place called the Sakamaki Mansion and I'm so excited! I finally got out of that dumb F*cking church. I can finally do so many things without being judged by the nuns and Seiji along with Yui..... I really am pissed that she's coming with me but atleast she can't lie to Seiji anymore.... But something has caught me as weird though. All three of my friends Beatrix, Cordelia and Christa looked really nervous when Seiji said we were going to the Sakamaki Mansion... Perhaps it's because of-

"Hey B*tch! We're at the Mansion now. You can stop writing in that stupid book of yours." Yui said to try and piss me off. It didn't work on me however it certainly broke a nerve on Cordelia's part. She trying to punch Yui but it's just phasing through her! I chuckle a bit and that seems to get Yui's attention.

"Why are you laughing at me?!? Don't tell me it's because of your 'Real' friends." Yui retorted at me. She should've seen the mothers faces all one of them especially Beatrix! All her calmness and monotone face, GONE! Anyways..... After that I got Yui and I's suitcases because if I didnt get hers Seiji would beat my ass and make my life hel-

"Monsuta..... Please stop using such language in that journal of yours." Beatrix says quite mad after what Yui just said. "Oh be quiet Beatrix! Let her do it. She's a teen and will probably grow out of it. Anyways let's go! I wanna see how my sons have grown~" Says Cordelia in a sweet tone which I can't tell is fake or not.

"Let's go then! Yay!!~~" Says Christa Excitedly as she runs into the Mansion. Probably to see Subaru now that she doesn't have a mental disorder.... I follow behind with Beatrix as Christa and Cordelia decide to full on SPRINT into the mansion. Seriously though..... I wonder if other people can see ghosts too? Oh well... Looks like I'll have to speak soon. I've been lucky that I haven't had to use my voice yet. Let's hope I can keep it that way as long as I can.

"I can do this..... Let's go meet my new roommates!" I whisper as low as I can. "Is everything okay Monsuta? Are you worried about mine and the others children?" Beatrix asks while staring at the gargoyles on the old looking mansion. Sh*t, Looks like a I have to speak now. "Y-Yeah... Everything is fine. I'm just surprised that Cordelia isn't acting like herself, Ya know?" I replied hesitantly.

"I'm surprised too if I'm being honest. I thought she would've been- Excuse my language but.... I thought she would have been b*tching the whole way about why she had to come here. Especially with Christa and I at that matter."  Said Beatrix slightly smiling while she said that but quickly put a monotone face as we heard someone screaming in the mansion. "Let's go." Said Beatrix obviously wanting to know who's already done something to Yui.

(A/N: Welcome to this book everyone! I hope you read the character Profile's even if you know this franchise rather well. I added a couple different things to Cordelia so make sure to read that Profile in particular if you want to know what's going on. Thanks for choosing to read this book!)

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