(21) It's a Never Ending Story (21)

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Ah, so he's worried. Okay... This is unusual- I start writing on the back of the note saying that they didn't do anything too weird. He nods when receiving the note and looks at the teacher walking in... What the hell?

This isn't Mrs Tachibana...


"Why is Karlheinz covering your lesson today...." Cordelia scoffed, her arms crossed. "I don't know... But if anything, he spells trouble." I replied in my head, doodling on the back of my sketchbook. "To be honest, this isn't unusual. He DOES 'work' here after all." Krone suggests, leaning on Ayato's table. "Krone don't do that, he can see you." I sighed. "No. We enabled ourselves to be invisible again since we don't want the same thing to happen again. We agreed it was the best solution." Beatrix denied, shaking her head. "You guys debated something important without me again!?" I whined.

"Miss Komori, is something wrong?" Karlheinz asked, acting all 'concerned'... "Nothing sir. Please continue." I politely smiled back. "Sorry Monsuta. But you'd probably immediately ramble to my son if we told you earlier." Cordelia giggled. "Would not!" "Would too." "Would not!" "Would too." "WOULD NO-" "Everyone needs to tone it down... Monsuta you look like a crazy person..." Christa trailed off, pointing to the elephant in the room, also known as Karlheinz. "Sir, may I go to the toilet?" I asked, noticing Ayato ready to follow. Shit, I'd prefer it if he didn't come with me for once... I trailed off in my head.

"No." He replied, dismissing me as fast as his acknowledgment of me. Oh come on! At least let me go on the toilet! What if I was on my worst week Hmm? He's lucky I'm not, the shit-head. I hesitantly sat down while avoiding the sympathetic stares from the students around me. Well, except the principal's daughter... Dumb bitch can't be bothered to pretend anymore. Suddenly, the whole classroom heard a loud noise outside. Karlheinz, 'concerned' for his job goes outside the classroom to make sure it wasn't somebody getting hurt. Everybody immediately started talking to each other in worry.

"W-What if that was a super evil spirit?" I heard somebody murmur to their friend. "Don't be silly, Miyuki. It's probably just somebody playing pranks." The friend replied, scoffing while staring at the door. Suddenly, the whole classroom went dark. "WHERE IS THE TEACHER?" The teachers pet of the class shouted, probably Sykudi. "HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO KNOW? I THOUGHT THIS WAS A RICH SCHOOL!" Another person exclaimed. "Monsuta. Do you think..." Ayato trailed off, walking to me. "Most definitely. Karlheinz is planning something." I replied. "Everyone needs to calm down! I'm here, so everything is okay." Yui hesitantly shouted, nobody heard her though which almost made me laugh.

"Monsuta-channn!" I heard Sakilo cry, running towards me and hugging my arm. "Sakilo...?" I mumbled turning around to face her. "I'm scared the dark!! Hold me!" She cried, shaking in my arms. "Sakilo we go to night school. NIGHT school! How the hell are you afraid of the dark?" I questioned, watching Ayato sigh. "Monsuta we should investigate around the school." Beatrix suggested, Krone nodding after. "Good idea. Monsuta, you should stay here and make sure your classmates are safe. This isn't a regular power cut." She replied, going off with Beatrix somewhere.

"Monsuta, get down." Ayato sternly said out of nowhere. ....What? "Where's the duck? Ayato what are you talking abo-" Is what I was trying to say until I felt my vision turning black? Felt? Huh?








"Monsuta!" I heard my name being called. My vision suddenly cleared back to normal.... weird. "Kino? What's-" there I saw, on the ground when I turned around, myself laying on the floor with a bloody mess on my head. Dead.

"How.... What.... Why.... HOW!?" I screamed, kneeling to my dead body and staring at my own even more soulless eyes now. "Why didn't you listen to me!? I said duck down!" Ayato shouted, tears in his eyes like the rest of the room.

"Ohhh.... That explains a lot..." I mumbled to myself. No! I should be taking this seriously. There I am, my dead body on the floor in Ayato's arms. What can I do in this situation?


I'm... Powerless... I can't do anything now. I'm a human. An ordinary human who has just died. I'm not powerful vampires like the mothers, I won't be able to contact anybody!

"My queen, are you ready to ascend back to your own kingdom? You served this world well." I heard a distorted voice call out to me, making me realise I wasn't alone.

"Queen? Who are you? Are you the person who killed me?" I skeptically asked. Truthfully, I wasn't mad. If she did kill me there's no point in being mad since I'm already dead.

"No. That was a vampire Karlheinz hired. I don't know how he found out how to kill you but he did it..." The voice trailed off, emerging from a portal.

Wait this woman looks so cool! She had purple hair and eyes with two red masks on the side of her, red horns on her head.

"My name is Raiden Mei. You can call me Mei though since you're the person I serve. Are you ready to leave now?" She asked, introducing herself in the mean time.



"Wait shit. Do I agree or disagree?"

Yui's Sister (All Diabolik Lover Characters x OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang