(15) Meeting Kino (15)

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"Hello... Are you into... Pain?" Azusa asks me with a masochistic smile. "Azusa, You've already asked me that now everybody step away from me before I blow a fuse." I smile while shaking slightly due to my anger then storm off to a random bedroom. What a joke this is. Let's hope the others find me and report to the Sakamaki's right away.

End of Flashback.

Ughhh it's so boring here! I don't want to sound bitchy but I can't help it! First of all I don't have my ghost friends, second of all the Mukami's are keeping me from school, third of all I can hear Yui bitching to herself because my room is right next to hers and the walls are so thin. Seriously though, she moans to the slightest touch.... Touch! She's giving these four mosquitoes the wrong idea! "Oi, I need help." Yuma barges in and starts. "Oh here we go.... What do you want Tall man?" I sarcastically ask while rolling my eyes and sitting up from my bed.

"The sow is unconscious right now because she doesn't know how to farm properly so you'll just have to do instead." He states while crossing his arms with a smirk. "So, your treating me like a replacement?" I ask, clearly not giving a shit. "Exactly. Because that's what you are. Anyways come on. Time doesn't stop for anyone." He answers while grabbing me, forcing me to walk with his pace. "Bro! I don't have long legs like you! Slow down!" I shout while struggling to keep up with his pace. Why this dude gotta walk to fast?! I know he just wants to farm but can't he see that I'm clearly struggling?!? "We're here." He calls out while grabbing a basket and throwing it to me. "That was fast...." I mumble.

"Well... Teleporting is my favourite way to travel." He winks before guiding me to the ripe tomatoes. "Pick these. And make it fast, my patience isn't the best." He says before going over to another row. "'My PaTiEnCe IsNt ThE bEst'" I mimic quietly before picking the tomatoes and putting them in the basket neatly. "I'm hungry, can I eat one?" I ask, pouting slightly. "Just one. Okay?" He sternly glares, not looking my way surprisingly. "Yeah, okay." I respond eating a tomato, marvelling at the taste. "You like it?" He asks FINALLY turning my way.

"Yeah. It's delicious." I smile slightly while moving to the next row. "Ah-ah, not those ones. They're still too small." He scolds while looking at me in the eye. "Aye, Aye, captain." I salute. He just roles his eyes in response and goes back to picking the tomatoes. Well okay then.... This has suddenly turned very awkward.... "So um... How are you?" I ask, clearly not getting the memo. "......Y'know, I could be better if you shut up and got on with picking those damn tomatoes." He glares while slowly turning around to intimidate me. "Uh.... Okay..." I mumbled quietly before standing up and going inside. "And where do you think your going?" He asks out of nowhere just as I open the glass door.

"Back to my room. I picked all the ripe tomatoes in my area so technically I helped you. Besides, from how you said you were it seems you don't want me around." I respond before going inside to be immediately greeted by Yui. "Hm? Oh Yui. What do you want?" I ask monotonously. "I just came here to give you this." She gloomily answers while handing me a letter. "Yui, who is this from?" I ask suspiciously. It can't be from Yui because knowing her she'd never give me a letter. Not only that but if she were to give me a letter she wouldn't admit it in front of me.... "I don't know. A bat dropped it on my balcony. Now go away bitch!" She shouts before pushing me and walking to the kitchen.

Well, curiosity killed the cat. I might as well open it since it's directly for me. Besides, I'm already heading to my room so there's no point in ignoring it. It could be from the Sakamaki's! ......Nah I doubt it. I don't think the Mukami's are that stupid. The letter looks.... Old. It's a beige colour leaning to the yellow side a bit and it's got what looks to be burnt corners and a little flower sticker to keep the envelope closed. I open my door and lean stomach first on my bed, I start to open it but suddenly get a bad, almost nostalgic feeling when I peel the sticker.

"What is.... Why does this sticker seem so familiar?" I mumble to myself while sticking the sticker to my forehead as a little joke, forgetting that the ghosts aren't with me. Alright, I guess I'm not reading this letter out loud then... Here we go....

Dear Monsuta,

It's been awhile.... Hasn't it?

I guess I should introduce myself or something since it's been at least 10 years since we've last talked. This is Kino speaking.

The reason I've suddenly sent you this letter is because I saw you at school but you were always around somebody and I wanted to speak to you in private really since you don't have the best reputation when it comes to school life... People call you insane since some people have seen you speak to yourself...

Um, oh yeah! The principles daughter? She's kinda buying everyone to start rumours about while your not here.... Don't ask me how I knew where you were! I'll explain more when we meet in person.

By the way, did you recognise the sticker? I used one of the packs I used to buy for you! I was surprised they still had them... But that's not important. When I next see you at school expect me to give you a big hug!

Love from you're childhood friend, Kino.~

P.S, Go to you're balcony at dawn. You don't have to but we can meet there if you want answers as soon as possible.

Kino...? But I don't know a Kino... Unless... OH! I know who this is now. This is the boy that wouldn't stop following me around when I was a child. Of course he was a good friend but it kinda got annoying when he'd follow me everywhere. I need to know how he got this letter here. Of course I could just wait until dawn but hell nah! I need sleep! But... I do need to know since this is kind of freaking me out. Alright! I've made up my mind. I'll go to my balcony and wait for him. As long as he's not gonna kidnap me or anything... Oh wait! I've already been kidnapped! I'm sure I'll be fine.

"Oi! Don't just walk away like that." I hear Yuma scold while barging into my room. "Aaaah! The tall man is here!" I jokingly shout while hiding the letter under my bed. "I'm not that tall! Anyways Ruki told me to get you, he wants to have a private conversation." He rolls his eyes before stomping out the room, probably going back to the garden or something... "Better go see what he wants...." I mumble while I step out the room shortly after.

(A/N: Sorry for the short chapter guys! I've been really busy with tests and stuff. I really don't have any excuse other than that so sorry... Ill be working on a long chapter for you all next time though!)..... (Also just want to point out real quick, I never read over the chapter once I decide on publishing it. I'm lazy sooo.... Yeah.)

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