.Information about this whole book and the future.

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Hey! Author here.

So... I have a lot to say to the small few who message me asking me about this book.

I owe them too so here we go....

Why this book is ending

Shit this is going to be hard to write, here we go.


Don't bother reading that, you won't get much information from it.

School has been really hard. As I've been moving up I've been requested to do more shit I don't want to do and therefore don't have as much free time as I'd like. I have personal commitments I really want to keep up with (including writing to get better at English) but at home I rarely get to do them.

This book started with zero plan. ZERO PLAN! All I knew when writing this was Monsuta could see ghosts, was Yui's sister like all the other dl books and she was meant to reflect me in a type of way.

Turns out, I sucked at writing back then so her personality was completely random and at times acted completely different to what I originally planned! (Even though there was no plan lmao)

When I first found Wattpad, I was obsessed with Yui's sister because it put the whole anime in a different direction and POV. The main character wasn't dumb as hell, actually was probably written (in most of them) and in the end, were all different.

Each sister had their own personality and had different traits. Plus, they were really funny and entertaining to read back then.

If you were paying attention, (probably not lol) I started losing interest and motivation for this book in the middle of 2021 when COVID was starting to calm down in my country.

This book was a distraction from reality and still is to this day when I laugh myself to sleep because of how stupid this is. I don't want to get into too much detail but my parents argue a lot so burying myself in my iPad underneath my bed's covers was my world back then. It only lasted an hour at the most but I loved it when I was under there.

Writing this book though, no matter how terrible it was, helped me a lot in English. I used to be a C student and now I'm getting A's so despite the bad writing at least it motivated me to learn better grammar and vocabulary.

Even if this app is about fan fiction I wanted to make sure I was doing everything right.

...Except autocorrect, I can't help if my iPad wants to be an asshole.

What shit I planned and didn't plan

Monsuta seeing ghosts was meant to be the main plot actually. I wanted her to meet Kino during school while she was walking with Ayato to a video game store and bump into him but HEY GUESS I CHANGED THAT LIKE MY LIFE-

Also, Don't ask me why Ayato immediately clinged to Monsuta. I have no shitting idea why he got so close. I planned Ayato and Monsuta to have the best friendship out of the whole Sakamaki family but I never gave the others the exact amount of time which I apologise for... Sorry everybody! Personally out of the Sakamaki's, Shu is my favourite. But I never gave him much time because I was afraid it showed. Look what happened with Ayato as a result lol.

Y'know, I DID actually plan Ayato and Cordelia's moment but I wrote it really bad. I feel if I made Cordelia's personality more like the original but obviously less bitchier because she's kind of good now it could've been more humorous like I somewhat planned. The talk was meant to be lighthearted and Monsuta was meant to watch... But I took her out because I realised if I didn't want to fuck it up, I had to leave it to those two.

As for the 'dying' part of the last chapter.... I think you can reference it to the chapter name and why I stopped the book to find the reason.

Anyways I'm going now, I've got a cat to cuddle, who has also shit in the litter box and now needs to be cleaned out 🤦‍♀️

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