(16) Behind the Scenes (16)

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Last time:

"Oi! Don't just walk away like that." I hear Yuma scold while barging into my room. "Aaaah! The tall man is here!" I jokingly shout while hiding the letter under my bed. "I'm not that tall! Anyways Ruki told me to get you, he wants to have a private conversation." He rolls his eyes before stomping out the room, probably going back to the garden or something... "Better go see what he wants...." I mumble while I step out the room shortly after.

End of Flashback.

Cordelia's POV

"Ayato! Are you an idiot!??! They kidnapped her because of you're stupid idea to make her run away!" I scolded, watching as Ayato's pride deflates. What am I going to do with him??! I thought I taught him better than this! He should know that vampires teleport since he is one! "I'm sorry mother... I didn't expect that-" "I don't want to hear you're pathetic excuses! Why did you tell her to run?" I shout, interrupting him in the process. "I.... I have no excuse. I'm sorry mother..." Ayato mutters while looking sad.

"See? I told you mother would go back to her old ways." I hear Kanato say from behind me. "It seems so... And here I thought we could be one big happy family~" Laito agrees. "W-Wait! It's not what you think. Ayato here told Monsuta to run away from vampires so she doesnt get kidnapped. But she got kidnapped anyways!" I stutter, gaining shocked expressions from them. "Wait, Monsuta-chan got kidnapped!?!?" Kanato asks, gripping the teddy I gave him tight. "Ayato, that was a stupid idea. Even I know that..." Laito pouts playfully.

"Shuddap! We need to get Monsuta back!" Ayato shouts while sitting on his armchair. "Indeed. It seems we're missing Yui too." Beatrix says out of nowhere. Confirming that both girls have been kidnapped. "What is this mother? What's going on? Why have we been called here?" Reiji asks, feeling left out as he normally calls these gatherings. "M-Monsuta and Yui have been kidnapped..." Christa forces out, on the brink of tears while Krone rubs her back lightly. "What!?! How come we didn't smell their scents then?" Subaru asks while walking to his mother.

"They may have used a spell. Or maybe even disguised their scents as ours so we wouldn't realise." Reiji suggests, going through a book of chemisty to check if such a thing exists. "That could be it, although something was off about their arrival." Ayato pitches in. ".....And what would that be?" Shu asks out of the blue, wanting to know for a reason. "She was the one who woke up first." Ayato finishes. Gaining looks of confusion.

"What if she just woke up in the middle of the night?" Kanato asks, visibly confused as everyone else. "No, he said it wrong. Monsuta woke up first because she felt their presence." Beatrix explains. Gaining looks of shock and realisation. "How...How can that be?! She's just a stupid human!" Subaru complains while going to punch the wall, but Christa quickly stops it by putting her gentle hand on Subaru's. Thats sweet, I wish my sons would let me help them.... 

"Actually. We beg to differ. Monsuta's blood level, intelligence and ability to see ghosts is quite remarkable." Beatrix explains, gaining nods from the others. "But her scent is completely human. Also she doesn't have fangs! She's obviously human!" Ayato denies, shaking slightly.

 "Ayato... The girls and I have been around Monsuta all her life. Even if she isn't a vampire or founder we still think she's some sort of rare being. We just haven't told her." I sympathise, Patting Ayato's head slightly to calm him down a bit. "Besides, we'd love her either way. Despite what she is or what not." I add, smiling slightly. When was the last time I smiled like that to someone other than the girls or Monsuta? Hah... it's been too long to think about...

"But.... If she is truly not human....." Reiji mutters, gaining the whole rooms attention.



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