(18) Rotigenberg (18)

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"Okay... Can I come in?" He asked while jumping off the railing, landing with a pose on the balcony. "Isn't it already a risk that you're here?" I asked. "Nah, I made my scent invisible." Kino brushed off. "Okay. You can come in then." I said while leading Kino in my room.

End of Flashback

"Nice place you've got here..." Kino muttered awkwardly, looking at the unfinished sketches on my bed. "Thanks. I know, it's soo exciting." I sarcastically replied, chucking my suitcase on the bare side of the bed to start packing. "What even is there to pack?" Kino asks, sticking another Konpeito in his mouth. "Clothes, books, sketching materials.... Thats literally it. Everything else is at the Sakamaki mansion." I said, packing those things in my suitcase. "Why do you need a suitcase then? Just use a bag, moron." He said, rolling his eyes. ....... "Okay, Okay! You're not a moron..." Kino added, putting his hands up after seeing my glare. "Thank you." I curtsied.

Oh my god this is so awkward.... "So um... What kind of games do you play nowadays Kino?" I asked, zipping the suitcase. "RPG's.... I'm the best at those, top of all the leaderboards!" He pridefully responds, fiddling with his phone while doing so. I just ignore him while running up to the balcony, my suitcase behind me. "Kino...?" I muttered while turning around. He picked me up and jumped off the balcony, not forgetting my luggage of course. Wait a minute.... We're flying! This is amazing! "From your expression, I take it you've never flown before?" He smirked. "Never, I must say I really like it!" I answered, smiling widely.

"So do I, there's something calming about flying through the night sky with a light breeze." Kino said, completely out of character. "Wait a minute... Are you just saying this because you can't use you're phone while flying?" I asked. "Maybe..." Kino replied, defeated. I knew it, he's just saying this because he can't use his phone here! "I wasn't lying though." Kino adds, a clear pout on his face. "I figured...." I said while giggling slightly. "Wait what? Are you being serious?" I added, eyes widening. "Uhh... Yeah? When I'm away from my phone I like to look at the night sky...." Kino replied awkwardly. Jesus Christ this is so awkward....

"Why are you grimacing? Are you in pain?" He asks while shuffling me around a bit. "Yeah, I'm in pain because of the awkwardness I replied dramatically, putting my hand on my forehead to mimic a damsel in distress. "Oh quiet you." Kino scoffs with a playful smirk.


"Here we are, home sweet home...." Kino mumbles while setting me down on the ground, feint miasma being pushed away from my feet. "Huh? That's odd.." he mumbled to himself. "What's odd?" I asked, stretching. "Nothing.... This is the entrance cave. When we go through it there will be a small miasma forest. It's kept there to keep out enemies." Kino explains, pointing to the dark entrance of the cave. "Ugh, I knew there would be disgusting miasma here but I didn't think it would be THIS bad...." Cordelia grumbled while holding her hands to her nose.

(A/N: Don't mind this lazy thing, I'm proud of myself though since this took way longer than it should've

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(A/N: Don't mind this lazy thing, I'm proud of myself though since this took way longer than it should've.)

"Cordelia.... Shut up." I said, staring at her with dead eyes. "Fine...." She replied, her hand going onto her head to clear a spec of miasma. "Anyways, lead the way captain!" I said, saluting to a giggling Kino. "Pfft- Come on." He turns while motioning me to follow. "Before we go in, I need to warn you about something." Kino warns while coming to a sudden stop, making me bump into his back. "What is it?" I ask while standing up straight again. "Ghouls aren't the nicest people... Especially to others that aren't their own kind..." He muttered.

"What I'm telling you is if you get thrown insults then just know that it's because of that." He adds before leading me through the cave to the miasma forest. "Wow!!" I gushed. "Is it really that nice looking?" He asks while observing a tree, gooping with misty miasma. "Of course! Everything looks so rotten but alive!" I smiled while trying to touch a... leaf? It doesnt look like a leaf but its where leaves are normally on a tree... Oh well, this situation is already abnormal. "Monsuta... Don't just touch it because it looks pretty..." Beatrix sweat drops, smacking my hand away from the leaf. "Miasma is quite literally a disease. I doubt you want to catch a fateful illness..." She adds, scolding me.

"I wonder how my roses will grow here? Will they just die or have a new colour?" Christa questions while skipping round a tree, growing an odd type of fungus at the bottom. "I-Intruder!" I hear a new voice. All of us look down to see a little boy with miasmic hair and big eyes. "Ugh, Fresoli.... They're with me don't worry." Kino scoffed while shooing away the little boy. "I-I'm still telling the others about this..." He muttered to himself before running away. "Don't mind him. He's a disappointment to me and his family." Kino shrugs while leading us through the forest again. Is Kino actually serious? That was a little boy, even if he's right he shouldn't say such things....

"Tell me, what do ghouls do here exactly?" Krone asks while hiding behind Christa. So she still feels scared of this place... I'm sure she'll settle down soon. "Before I moved here all they did was stand around in despair. It was the only thing they could do." He replied, showing no interest whatsoever. "Kino stop acting like a baby, if you're bored then just teleport you to your house or something." I scoffed while folding my arms. "As much as I'd love to, while you're in the miasma forest you can't teleport." Kino replied, flicking my forehead with a smirk. "God damn it Kino." I cursed while shoving him forward a bit to make him hurry up.

"This suitcase is fucking killing me so could we pick up the pace?" I added, struggling with the suitcase behind me. "Monsuta watch your language." Beatrix pipes up, leading me to glare at her. "Let her do it Beatrix. I've told you this numerous times now." Cordelia face-palms while taking my suitcase from me. "This isn't even heavy... What are you complaining about?" She asks while looking back at the suitcase. "It was getting annoying." I pouted before going side by side of Kino to get a better idea of the forests plants. "How are living beings surviving here?" Beatrix asks, gaining a shrug from Kino. "I don't know? Who do you think I am? A scientist?" He responded sarcastically.

"Woah...." I let out as I look over the open cliff leading out of the forest. "Water.... There's water here!" I added gaining everybody's attention. "How!? How is water here!?" Krone questions. Kino just ignores Krone jumps off the cliff towards the small but noticeable pond. "Come on, let's follow him." I ordered while getting on Beatrix's back to also get down. As she jumped off with the others I couldn't help but hear Kino speak to himself. "It got bigger? Shit, I'll have to go through great lengths to get rid of it...." Why would Kino say that...? Why is he wanting to get rid of the water? Isn't that a good thing for the ghouls? I'm so confused...

"Uhh, Kino? You alright?" I asked, patting him on the back slightly. "Yeah. I'm okay.... I think." He replies dazedly before shaking his head and putting on a smirk. "Right! Off to my castle!~" He boasts. "Kino... Did you just say a castle?" I asked, deadpanning in the process. "Yeah...? I live in a castle since I'm the strongest person living here...." Kino explained vaguely, taking in my look of confusion. "Let's just go. I shouldn't think about it so much." I waved off, following Kino as he tries to speak to me. I can't think about that. Not right now anyway.

"THIS is your castle!?" Cordelia asks excitedly, her smile widening. "Hm, it's a castle none the less." Krone scoffs. "Let's just get inside..." I mumbled while taking my suitcase back from Cordelia, muttering a thank you to her int he process. "Woah, what's got her so moody?" Cordelia asks. "Just give her space. She's probably feeling a bit vulnerable at the moment." Beatrix answered, gaining a stare from Kino.

(A/N: Sorry guys! This chapter will have to be shorter than the others since I simply don't have time to upload chapters at the moment! Btw thank you for all the support!)

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