(20) Another Day at School (20)

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"Sometimes, it's best we leave most questions unanswered. She knows something, and it's now my duty to find out about what that scent was doing here." He replied, shutting the door that I forgot to close.

On with the chapter

Fuck this- I'm not going to school again. Apparently, while I was with the Tsukinami's, Kino let Yui free around the castle so she can get ready to go to school... So now we're waiting for this dumb bitch at the entrance. "For fucks sake, where is that pathetic human!?" Shin calls out, growling a bit at the end. "Calm down, she will arrive soon." Carla replies eyeing the stairway. "S-Sorry I'm late everyone!" Yui shouts while running down the stairs. 

"You're late, Eve." Kino glared. "Let's just go. I want to get school done quickly." I said, while opening the castle doors and entering the limo, thanking the driver in the process for opening the door. "Thank you." I smiled. He just nodded in response with a blank expression, staying behind the door for the others who are walking out now. They get in the car without a word and sit far away from eachother... What happened when I left? "Sorry for the wait Monsuta-chan!" Kino beamed, his glare at Yui quickly changing when focused on me.

"It's alright I guess?" I answered really confused. "What's with the 'chan'?" I added, noticing him sitting quite close to me with his phone out. "I realised I'm not as friendy as you are to me so why not change that?" He smiled. This is so out of character- and not as friendly my ass! "Don't change yourself for me. Did Yui say something to make you like this?" I asked, placing a hand on his. He just ignores me and grips my hand while playing on his phone with one hand.

This dude is acting a bit yandere like... God damn it Yui! "I would like to thank you again for finding and washing my scarf, Monsuta." Carla suddenly says when he notices me acting a bit uncomfortable. "Oh! It was no problem... I was just helping you out since I know how some fangirls can get..." I giggled at the end. "Still, I don't usually owe people like this. How can I return the favour?" He asked. 

"Hmm... I don't know, and it doesn't really matter anyways. I don't need this 'do me a favour and I'll do you a favour' crap." I finished, not looking Carla's way so he doesn't continue. I see Shin looking really pissed at me for rejecting Carla's rare offer but to be honest, I could care less. I just want to see Ayato again and pull pranks with him... Kino might snatch me away though now that I think about it. "Kino, could you let go of my hand please? I want to sketch something..." I pleaded, sighing aftr when I notice he's not listening on purpose. 

"I swear to god, this man is so clingy. You don't want a man like this Monsuta." Cordelia said to me, making sure Kino couldn't hear her. "Yes, take dating advice from Cordelia why don't you." Krone sarcastically replied. "Guys, it's fine. I can just talk to you until we get to school or something like that..." I trail off, telepathically of course. "I get that you two haven't seen eachother in forever but this is ridiculous..." Cordelia sighed, hands to her face. 

"Yui said to Kino how he should just quit being friends with you because he clearly doesn't act friendly towards you. That's probably why he's trying so hard, especially since he has a huge crush on you." Beatrix sighed after Cordelia. "Doesn't everybody have a crush on me though?" I teased. "Have a mindset like that and I won't hesitate to increase your study difficulty." Beatrix replied with a playful glare. "Yes ma'am." I shakily replied. 

"Anyways, you should definitely try to stay away from him once you get into school. He can't teleport out in the open so it'll be a huge advantage for you." Krone explained with a thumbs up, eyeing Carla and Shin every so often. "Got it, thanks you four." I smiled. "Ah, it seems we've arrived." Kino said while standing up, pulling me with him. "Are you going to drag me around?" I asked, not even phased by his cheeky smirk. "Drag isn't the correct word, we'll go with you trailing behind me." He replied.

"For gods sake..." I sighed, accepting the fact that I probably won't be away from him unless I'm in class. "Oh for heavens sake Monsuta... Just snatch your hand and run into school!" Cordelia shouts trying to pry Kino and I's hands away from eachother, it didn't work though... "I can't I tried in the car, what difference would it make standing up!" I telepathically shouted back. "Besides, there's people staring!" I added, avoiding eye contact. "Your homeroom is 1-E right?" Kino asks, not looking behind him. "How did you know that?" I asked back.

"Secret." He winked. "You little stalker...!" I joked while punching his arm. "Well, well, well... If it isn't the slut with 3 more guys!" A drama queen spits. "Did you come back to show off your new boy toys? It's a shame nobody is listening to you, ever!" She added, blowing a raspberry at me childishly. "I do not have the patience to mess around with you Katamuchi." I sighed while walking closer to Kino. "I'm so sorry Kino-sama! Is she bossing you around? Would you like me to save you from her?" She asks, switching focus to Kino.

"Aww, you're so sweet for thinking that! Sweet for being a complete idiot." He replied, fake smiling. "Huh?" She let out, faking a gasp. "I know you started those horrible rumours about Monsuta. Just leave my childhood friend alone." He glared, making her fake shock becoe true. "Wait... Childhood friend!?" She shouted, making most students in the hallway look at us. Some take their phones out and start recording... fuck. "He's my childhood friend." I facepalmed. "I... see.." She mumbled while smirking shortly after.

"Perfect." She finished while walking away. What is she planning now...? Oh well, I have bigger fish to fry than her. "Shall we continue?" He suggested. "Sure, it's not like I have a say in it anyways..." I sighed while allowing him to drag me again. 


"Here we are!" He smiled while finally letting go of my hand. Thank god, my blood circulation was starting to cut off. "Thank you..." I muttered while sitting at my desk. I look around the room to see Ayato staring at me with an expression I don't recognise. Is he angry at me? Oh! He passed me a note...

'Where were you? Did they hurt you?'


Ah, so he's worried. Okay... This is unusual- I start writing on the back of the note saying that they didn't do anything too weird. He nods when receiving the note and looks at the teacher walking in... What the hell?

This isn't Mrs Tachibana...

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