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"Minho, I have question." Jisung said as him and Minho were alone in the room.

"What is it?" Minho answered back.

"Who exactly pushed you in the water?" Jisung asked, worriedly.

"I don't know who it was exactly, but it was a girl she did look familiar, I think I saw her once in your social media posts." Minho answered

"Is this her?" Jisung said as he pulled out his phone and showed him a picture.

"Yes! That's her!" Minho exclaimed

"Oh no, that's my ex-girlfriend." Jisung said while Minho looked at him weirdly.

"You had a girlfriend, I thought you were fully gay." Minho asked.

"I am. It's just that I went through something while you were gone." Jisung answered.

"Okay? So what are we going to do about her?" Minho asked

"I don't know I think we should avoid her if we see her." Jisung said

"Okay. I have a question." Minho said

"Ask away." Jisung said

"Why won't you go on a date with me?" Minho asked.

"Well, you see I would love too but this situation is getting in the way." Jisung said, getting up and laying next to Minho and cuddling

"We shouldn't let this get in the way." Minho said, hugging back.

"I guess you're right but I'm just being cautious you have to understand." Jisung said kissing Minho on the forehead, then the nose and his cheeks and out of habit kissed his lips. Minho quickly responded kissing back kind of needy. Neither of them knew what was happening, but they both knew they wanted each other but couldn't have each other but either way they are going to try to get through this to be together.

Love once again- minsungOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz