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It has now been a month since Jisung and Minho have been together and they were both not ready for next month because it's when Bong-Cha gets out. They even considered moving into a new house obviously together. Minho has been considering going to see Bong-Cha to settle this and he decided he would. Today. Sure he was nervous that she would kill him but then again they were in a jail with all of these police officers around so she wouldn't dare to.

As Bong-cha walked in she saw the one person she currently hated the most. "What are you doing here?" She said as she sat down. "Listen, I don't want to be here as much as you. But we need to settle this i can't just live in fear for the rest of my life." The purple haired boy replied. "Settle what?" She said questioning him. "I need to clarify this yes Jisung is my boyfriend but we didn't start dating until I got out of the hospital and please leave him alone he doesn't deserve this and he's gay. He told me the story about you two the other day. I do feel sorry for you and I understand he was the only person there for you." He said. "How do you know that? You have no right to feel sorry for me!" She said and the guards immediately ran over to her and dragged her to the cell 'well I guess it isn't settled' Minho thought to himself

Later that day another person came to visit Bong-cha. As she walked in she saw one person she literally hasn't seen in years. "Hey,sis." The girl said. "Long time, Mina." She said. Yes it was her sister. "I wanted to see you, because ever since you left dad and mom started abusing me and I really want to leave but I don't know how." Mina said. "How am I supposed to help?" Bong-cha questioned. "You have a house right? Can I please stay there." Mina said practically begging her sister. "Yes, I have a house. This is the address and an extra key should be under the flower pot." She said because she knows what her sister is going through and still cares about her dearly. "Thank you! So much!" Mina said and left.

Once she got there she noticed it was a small, nice apartment she went inside and it was perfectly clean. She was so glad she could sleep without worrying about her parents so that night she slept so well.

Who would've guessed Bong-cha and Mina were related I actually just made it up in the spot but oh well. Also I might as well write a chapter everyday but don't actually expect anyways I'm going to Florida tomorrow and I am really excited because I live in Indiana and it is so cold literally it is 23 degrees right now and snowing so I am super excited to go to Florida.

Oh and I started writing a new book but haven't published it. It's called We were never meant to be and it's Seungjin and basically Seungmin and Hyunjin are trying to get through all of the hardships going with Seungmin having a homophobic dad and Hyunjin gets into a arranged marriage and that's basically it.

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