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Bong-cha pov

So news flash I am currently in jail but for only two months. Ha! Jisung thought he could get rid of me that fast! Yeah, right he'll never be able to get rid of me and I'll never stop loving him.

"Miss?" A guard said outside of my jail cell. "Yes?" I said as I turned around. "There's somebody here to visit." The guard said as he unlocked the jail cell and opened it.

"Who the fuck would come see me?" I quietly mumbled to myself and exited the jail cell and following the guard.

As I walked through the door I saw Jisung sitting there. "What are you doing here?" I say as I sit down. "Well you see, I was wondering how long your sentence is." He replied not looking at me. "2 months why?" I said trying not to get my hopes up. "Just wanted to know. Anyways I have to leave now, I have date with my boyfriend." He said emphasizing the boyfriend. When he exited I immediately wanted to scream, but I didn't. I can't believe he just came here to ask how long I was staying here and not how am I. I went back to my jail cell afterwards.

"He doesn't even care about me anymore! Why do I keep trying?!" I said, talking to myself 'But I can't move on, it's impossible he's the only person to ever actually treat me as a human. Ever since I was younger my parents only cared about my sister. I didn't even get fed half of the time they would just lock me in my room while they ate and I was stuck smelling all of that delicious food and stuck hearing them talking to my sister all nicely. Sometimes I would imagine them talking to me like that but of course it wasn't me. Then the next minute they would come upstairs and beat me to a pulp that brought me back to reality and realize I'm never going to be good enough for them. One day after they beat me they threw me outside and told me to never comeback and that they don't love me.' I thought to myself. 'But that day was one of the best because after they threw me out it just so happened that a squirrel like boy just happened to walk past and saw the whole thing and saw me sitting on the sidewalk, crying. He then ran up to me and asked if I was okay and when he saw all of the bruises on me he offered to bring me to a hospital...


"GET OUT! WE DONT LOVE YOU! AND NEVER COME BACK!" My dad said as he threw me out of the house. I sat there crying for a while until I heard somebody approach me and looked up. It was a squirrel like boy. We sat there for a bit until he spoke up. "Are you alright?" He asked. Then looked at my arms and noticed the bruises then he said "Let's get you to a hospital." He said as he put out his hand to help me out.

We then went to the hospital and told us I was fine I just needed to treat my wounds. Once we left the hospital I told Jisung, he told me that was his name, anyways I told him that I had nowhere to go. Which was the truth I didn't even have any friends so he let me stay at his house until I can find some place to go.

Once we got there I noticed all of these pictures on the wall and there was this specific one that caught my eye it seemed like the guy was proposing to Jisung but I wasn't sure so I asked him about it. "Hey, Jisung is this guy proposing to you in this photo?" I asked him but he just shook his head and said "No, it was a promise ring that someday we would get married and live happily ever after those were the exact words he said to me but it was all a lie he broke it off with me yesterday because he was moving to America." He said as he broke down in tears. "I'm so sorry Ji.' I said hugging him and trying to comfort him. "hey, Bong-cha." he suddenly called my name. "Yeah?" I replied but the next thing that came out of his mouth was surprising. "Will you be my fling?" He asked and I just nodded.

We dated for 1 year until he decided to call it off.

He came home and saw me fucking his best friend, Eun (not a real person) and immediately broke it off with me no matter how many times I told him I loved him and him only and I was just drunk and thought Eun was him.

End of flashback~

That's right I knew it was a fling but I still agreed.
Because I never expected he would break it off in the end cause I thought I could make him love me back but of course there's no such thing as happy ever afters.

I'm FINALLY back at school after two weeks! and I'm feeling better. Anyways this chapter is kind of a filler hope you enjoyed!

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