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Michang special! (Idk where I got this idea from but I'm gonna do it. Before I start this chapter I want to clarify that Mina and Chaeyoung are not dating yet hint hint)

After everybody had left Mina told her sister that she would be spending the night at Chaeyoung's which her sister was okay with. They walked to Chaeyoung's and when they got in Mina turned around and told Chaeyoung that she was going to shower and headed upstairs.

When she went into the bathroom she took off her clothes and turned on the water. While she was waiting for the water to heat up she opened her phone and went on spotify and was too lazy to add stuff to the queue so she turned on her on repeat playlist and it started blasting 'Love Die Young' by Eric Nam. (Currently one of my top songs. I you've never listened to it I highly recommend and not just that song but all of his songs.) Right when she was going to get in the shower she heard a knock. She opened the door not thinking about her being naked I mean they were both girls so what could possibly happen. Chaeyoung then spoke up, heat rising to her cheeks. "Uhm, h-here are some clothes." She said handing Mina the clothes and right when she was about to run away she was pulled back. "These clothes are to small. Just give me a pair of shorts and I will wear the shirt I had on today." Mina said giving the clothes back to Chaeyoung. But Chaeyoung didn't move she was staring at Mina's beautiful body, she had abs decorating her chest. "Like what you see?" Mina asked smirking and raising an eyebrow. Chaeyoung immediately snapped back to reality. "N-no!" She said quickly. "You sure?" Mina said walking towards her way and cornering. "I-I'm sure." Chaeyoung said trying to run away, but didn't succeed Mina then said "I'm going to go turn off the shower water and put on clothes then we can talk. ok?" She said and the other girl only nodded in response.

After Mina turned off the shower water and put on clothes she walked out and saw Chaeyoung sitting on the bed and Mina sat next to her. "I want to say. I've always liked you just didn't want to confess because we were such great friends and I didn't want to ruin that." Mina said reaching out for Chaeyoung's hand and rubbing it reassuringly. "I've always liked you too just didn't have the courage too for the same reason." Chaeyoung said. They then looked at each others eyes getting lost in them. Chaeyoung then put her hands on Minas cheeks. Mina then leaned in to the touch and Chaeyoung leaned in, connecting their lips. They kissed each other slowly saying that they were meant to be and that they loved each other.

"Well, ms. Son will you be my girlfriend." Mina asked. "Of course." Chaeyoung said and leaned in for another kiss.

Love once again- minsungWhere stories live. Discover now