𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒈 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒓 ❀

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"Can you stop following me?" Jisoo stopped in his tracks and turned around to face Jeonghyun. He gave Jisoo a sheepish grin before continuing to follow him.

Ever since the queen allowed Jeonghyun to be the prince's hwarang, he had been having fun with it. He made it his mission to not leave Jisoo alone for even a single moment and stay attached to him through the days.

"Jeonghyun I need you to give me some space" Jisoo said as he stopped infront of his garden. "Why can't I come in there?" Jisoo ignored him before walking in leaving Jeonghyun behind. "Prince, prince Jisoo!" Jeonghyun tried to walk up to him but Jisoo grabbed onto him and pushed him against one of the overgrown shrubs when they were inside the enclosed rose garden.

"Hwarang, I've told you that I don't like you following me so why are you so persistent on doing just that!?" Jeonghyun ignored him before leaning up to peck his nose. Jisoo retaliated and fell back the moment he realised what had just happened. Jeonghyun was too busy laughing when he bent down so that he was crouching in front of Jisoo.

"Why do I affect you so much, my prince?" he asked before placing his hand over Jisoo's chest. "Well won't you listen to that, why is it beating so fast?" he leaned forward so that their faces were inches apart.

Jisoo stared up at the boy not knowing how to act or what to say in that situation. Jeonghyun placed his lips on Jisoo's nose again but this time letting it linger for a bit longer.

His hand was still placed on Jisoo's heart and he clearly felt it's pace accelerate. "Should I kiss you somewhere else then?" Jeonghyun asked in a whisper making Jisoo jump from under him. "Enough of the fun and games, let me walk around for a while" Jeonghyun pouted in dissapointment but moved away.

"You're no fun, I'll wait for you outside then" Jeonghyun huffed before going to the entrance only to turn back and wink at the prince. "I love how you act like you don't find me attractive" Jeonghyun smirked before walking out leaving Jisoo alone with his thoughts.

"What is happening to me" Jisoo put his hand where Jeonghyun had kept his earlier. "Was it really that loud?" He asked himself before shaking the thought away and walking further into the garden.

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"I was looking for you, hwarang" Jeonghyun bowed as the queen approached him. "Princess Meihua is going to be arriving in a few days, I would like you to advise the prince to be on his best behavior" The queen tilted her head towards the garden indicating to Jisoo.

"I do not want him to act disrespectful and be rude to the princess in the name of his freedom" Jeonghyun scrunched his nose hearing how the queen was talking about Jisoo. "I don't think he's disrespectful or rude, he's fairly kind my queen and he's charming. Your son wouldn't do anything that's bad for the kingdom, believe in him."

The queen didn't look too happy with how Jeonghyun was talking to her but she didn't get time to say anything to him when a voice spoke up from behind them. "Eomma, leave him be. I told you already, I will not dissapoint you" the queen sighed as she walked up to Jisoo.

Her hand grazed his cheek before fixing a strand of Jisoo's hair that had come loose and was falling on his face. "My son is handsome enough to make her fall, do just that. I need this alliance" the queen lightly patted Jisoo's cheek before moving back.

"Her brother will also be accompanying her so you would have to entertain him as well. I believe that our hwarang will take care of that" Jeonghyun nodded obediently as he flashed a reassuring smile to Jisoo.

"Oh and one more thing, you might want to touch up on your Chinese a bit. I'm sure she would find it extremely attractive that you know her language and she'll also trust you more. Listen to your mother" the queen bid her goodbyes as she escorted herself back to the castle.

"You know Chinese?" Jeonghyun went up to him excitedly. "A bit, yes" Jisoo looked at Jeonghyun noticing all the small details that he hadn't noticed earlier. His eyes were deepset and mono lidded, his nose button like that he would scrunch every so often. And his smile which caught his attention from the day he walked into his chambers.

And now hearing Jeonghyun defend him to his mother, not everyone does that. Jisoo couldn't help but accept the feeling that had began to settle at the pit of his stomach. He had to accept it at some point.

"Tell me something, anything" Jeonghyun held onto Jisoo's sleeve as he whined. Jisoo expected him to be annoyed by it but he was enjoying it, he was admiring how the boy could be so childish and cute.

"Okay but I won't tell you the meaning of what I'm going to tell you" Jeonghyun didn't like the sound of it but he agreed just wanting to hear the prince speak in Chinese.

"Wǒ xǐhuān nǐ" Jeonghyun blinked in confusion not knowing what he said but continued the conversation by talking about random things. Jisoo listened as he repeated the sentence in his head again.

'Wǒ xǐhuān nǐ, I like you. I really really like you' a soft smile spread on his lips thinking about what he said. "Why are you smiling?" Jeonghyun asked as Jisoo started walking towards the courtyards.

"Because I can, why should I tell you?" He replied bluntly as the smile still decorated his face. "You can't do that! That's not fair, you have to let me know" Jeonghyun caught up to him but he was just ignored.

"You should tell me because I'm your Hwarang" he deadpanned and Jisoo chuckled at his expression. "And I'm your prince, I don't want to tell you" he stated before walking ahead only to be followed again by a whining Jeonghyun.

It wasn't like he could tell him, there wasn't any way that he would let him know that he was the reason that he was smiling. He was the reason that he was happy.


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