𝑼𝒏𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 ❀

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"The prince and princess are almost here!" Jeonghyun jumped up and down excitedly as he held onto Jisoo's arm. "I've never met anyone who's Chinese. I just know that they'll be really friendly" Jisoo tried to not pay attention to the eccentric Jeonghyun and tried to pay more attention to the clock that seemed to terrorise him with each passing second.

"Prince, why aren't you paying attention to me?" Jeonghyun asked with a tone of disappointment laced with sadness. "I have to pay attention to the Shenzhen princess and prince" Jeonghyun stuck his tongue out at Jisoo to bother him more.

"Well then you better start, they're here" Jeonghyun pointed out as he noticed the carriage emerge from the distance led by an attractive young prince on a white horse.

He was dressed much more wealthier than his soldiers with gems of various lands decorating his headband. Soon the prince and soldiers approached their crowd of people along with the carriage which was not too far behind.

The royal family along with the hwarangs and commoners bowed their head to show respect to the guests from the neighbouring kingdom. The prince of Shenzhen got off his stead before walking up to the queen to show his respect and glanced at Jisoo.

"I'm prince Wen Junhui, the first born to the kingdom of Shenzhen. I'm here in hopes to find a good match for my sister and an honourable alliance for our kingdom" the queen's face lit up at the mention of the alliance.

"Yes prince Junhui, we look forward to joining our two kingdoms" Junhui bowed once before walking up to Jisoo. "I'm the crown prince of Silla, honored to be in your presence" Jisoo payed his respects as he looked up at Junhui.

"My sister is in the carriage, would you like to accompany me to go and escort her?" Jisoo gulped as he looked at his mother for assurance. "It would be a pleasure" Junhui's face morphed into a smile as he waited for Jisoo to follow him.

"The princess is a bit silent but I'm sure that she would be more comfortable with you once she gets to know you more" Junhui said and placed a hand on the drape separating the princess from them.

"Her korean is in need of work but she knows enough to hold conversations" Junhui explained as he removed the drape. "Meihua, come on" Junhui extended his arm into the carriage and a frail one looped itself with his.

The entirety of the people gathered around was stunned at the princess' beauty the second she stepped out. Her jet black hair framed her fair complexion and her feline eyes made her more attractive.

Everyone in the crowd was awestruck except for Jisoo who just smiled politely and held out his hand for Meihua to take. The princess smiled warmly at Jisoo who happily returned the smile. The princess was escorted into the palace with the prince of silla and her brother on either side of her.

The women of the village stared in jealousy at both the Chinese prince and their very own prince since it was his first time showing himself in public. The queen thought that it was only ideal if he revealed his identity now.

"They look wonderful together" Seungkwan said as he caught up to Jeonghyun who trailed behind everyone. "I don't think so, and maybe the prince doesn't either."

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"You've been eerily silent ever since the princess came" Jisoo stated when he noticed Jeonghyun standing outside his chambers at night with a bitter look on his face.

"I'm not being silent, I'm doing my job" Jisoo could sense the distaste in Jeonghyun's voice but he chose not to bother him about the details on why.

"But I'm inside the chambers and you usually come inside so why are you standing here?" Jisoo asked earning a glare from Jeonghyun. "I'm not anyone important to come into your chambers, maybe ask princess Meihua. She seems like she'd be more than happy to come" Jisoo couldn't help but feel satisfied when he heard the jealously in Jeonghyun's words.

"But I want you" Jeonghyun looked at Jisoo uninterested before turning away from him and facing the other way. "Prince, you should get some sleep. You have a long day with the princess tomorrow" Jeonghyun said trying his hardest not to roll his eyes.

"But that's tomorrow, I have the night and you. Don't take away a good night sleep from me. I've gotten so used to you standing guard inside while I sleep" Jeonghyun thought about it for a moment before pushing past Jisoo and into the room.

"Get to sleeping then" Jeonghyun said as he pulled up a chair to sit on. Jisoo got into bed before covering himself with a blanket. After a few minutes of tossing and turning, he sat up to face Jeonghyun who was watching him concerned.

"Do you want me to get you something to drink so that you can sleep better? Or is it the blanket? I'm sure I can get you another one" Jisoo wasn't sure where all this new found confidence was coming from but he knew he wished that Jeonghyun was in the princess' place.

He wanted nothing more than to spend his last moments of freedom, however long it was as someone who's heart belonged to Jeonghyun. All he wanted to do was be Jeonghyun's.

"Come sleep next to me" Jisoo tapped the space beside him in bed making Jeonghyun stare at him confused. "Are you okay, prince? You want me to sleep with you?" Jisoo just nodded and propped himself up on his elbow as he waited for Jeonghyun.

Jeonghyun wearily walked up to the bed before getting under the blanket. Jisoo unexpectedly wrapped his arm around Jeonghyun before pulling him towards his body.

"What are you doing!" Jeonghyun asked not knowing how to react to Jisoo back hugging him while they were on his bed together. "I don't know how to make you believe me but I don't want to be next to the princess" Jeonghyun turned around so that he was facing Jisoo who opened his eyes that were closed a second ago.

"I don't want to be next to anyone but you, the princess doesn't make me want to go to the ends of the universe for her or make me want to listen to her endless conversations about why each star in the sky happens to be there for a reason. Nobody would make me want to do that because I know exactly who I would do all that and more for" Joshua stopped as he looked at Jeonghyun's eyes.

"Be mine Yoo Jeonghyun, I want to be yours if you let me. It isn't right, it isn't natural. There are so many arguments in my mind but in the end the one thing that always remains is the fact that I want to be yours. For whatever reason it is, my heart wants only you."


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