𝑰𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒆𝒏𝒅 ⭒

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"You remember?" Joshua asked trying his best not to make any sudden movements. "You thought you were the only one?" Yiren scoffed before focusing her attention on Joshua.

"I knew from the moment I saw you in LA, I started dating you so that you wouldn't find him anywhere cause I knew you were too nice to break up with me, for some damn reason I thought he would be a girl" Yiren moved the knife closer to Jeonghan's throat seeing the terror in Joshua's eyes.

"Don't forget how you were so obsessed with Ashley, I thought it was her at first until the day you made us both meet and then I knew it was that good for nothing Queen who was the reason he was killed that day" Joshua moved forward wanting to tackle Yiren at the mention of Ashley but Mingyu successfuly held him back.

"Hyung, what's happening?" Mingyu asked confused but gave up when he realise he was not going to get a response. "Let him go, we'll help you find Dokyeom" Joshua tried to reason with Yiren knowing it was pointless.

"He's not here, guess we're not all lucky like you, what are the odds of him being here now? It's too late isn't it Shua?" Jeonghan was crying at this point, he knew he could escape if he tried hard enough but he was crying because he thought he deserved this, they deserved this.

He knew that there was some truth in what she was saying. His tears were only meant for Joshua, it's like they couldn't be happy no matter how hard they tried. In the past life, in this life and possibly in every life they get from now on.

Their love seemed doomed from the start and he had no one to blame for that. Maybe they weren't lucky enough, they weren't meant for each other. "Jeonghan, it'll be okay baby. Yiren please don't do this, you'll go to jail if you do anything to him. Do you really want to ruin your life like that?" Joshua asked hoping to change her mind.

"Both of us aren't getting out of this alive" Yiren managed to say before taking a step backwards. Mingyu's eyes widened as he noticed the drop from the cliff.

"It's deep and rocky, If they fall then there's no surviving it" Mingyu whispered making Joshua even more panicked. "I can't express how sorry I am to you but please don't do this, I'm begging right now. Please don't take him away from me again" Joshua sinked to his knees as his emotions overtook him.

"Please, I just got him back. I can't loose him again" Joshua closed his eyes like he did the day he lost Jeonghan centuries ago and waited to hear any form of an ultimatum.

There was a long silence before Yiren dropped her knife. "It isn't fair" Yiren slowly spoke as she let Jeonghan go. "I hope you both are happy" she smiled sincerely and moved back before letting herself fall as she heard Joshua's screams for her to stop.

Yiren opened her eyes when she knew that her fall was prevented by a pair of arms that had pulled her close to him. Her head was pounding but she somehow managed to look up at the person holding her.

"Dokyeom-ah?" She asked quietly as she caressed his face weakly. The boy blinked in confusion before his brain recognised her. "You found me" he hugged her tightly confusing everyone around them.

"Chan, what are you doing?" Mingyu said running up to them as Joshua rushed to be beside Jeonghan. "I was trying to be useful and go behind them so I could get the knife from her hands but I was too late for that and instead got there in time to save her" Joshua and Jeonghan walked up to them not having heard the conversation.

"Prince Jisoo" Chan bowed as if it was an unconscious motor instinct and Joshua's eyes widened. "Is it?" Yiren's demeanour was soft and relieved for the first time since he knew her and she smiled awkwardly. He got a nod in response as Chan pulled Yiren back towards him.

"People you really need to fill me in? What is happening" Jeonghan put an arm around Mingyu with a smile on his face knowing that it was over now and maybe they had a happy ending in this life after all.

"Hansol!?" Jeonghan laughed in surprise and looked at Mingyu who just blinked in confusion not knowing what was happening. "Wait does that mean Wonwoo is Seungkwan?" Jeonghan excitedly turned to Joshua at the thought of his bestfriend being reincarnated with him.

"You're all just naming random people now!" Mingyu whined in annoyance as he made his way to the car. "I'll tell him later" Joshua chuckled and placed a kiss on Jeonghan's forehead.

Yiren cleared her throat to get their attention as she approached them , she opened her mouth wanting to say something but closed it when she realised she had no idea how to apologise. "I understand, now go be happy with him. I don't plan on holding anything against you and I don't thing Jeonghan will either" Joshua turned to Jeonghan who smiled in approval.

Chan walked up to Yiren before taking her hand in his and walking towards the car leaving Jeonghan and Joshua alone. "I'm so happy nothing happened to you, I promise I won't let anyone touch you ever again" Joshua promised as he held Jeonghan close.

"I know, I don't mind dying for you again though" Jeonghan said playfully making Joshua pout in disapproval. "Not funny" Joshua said and walked ahead of Jeonghan in annoyance.

"How about we take a trip to your favourite waterfall again?" Jeonghan suggested earning Joshua's attention. "How about tonight?" He questioned as Jeonghan got up to him.

"Maybe, keep moving prince" Jeonghan teased and pushed Joshua towards the car as he let himself be happy at the feeling of being wrong, wrong about the fact that they won't have a happy ending, wrong about thinking they weren't meant to be, wrong about wanting a life without him because in the end his love, his Joshua was perfect in every way and he wouldn't change him whether or not the odds were in their favour. He was thankful for Joshua and he loved him more than he could ever explain and he was happy with their story, their past and their rendezvous...



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