Chapter 29

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And so the minutes passed by as I looked for flaws to fix in my makeup, while the red satin was tightly hugging my body as I was sitting down in front of my mirror. I was sitting in the walk-in closet, from my bedroom in my little makeup corner.

But then the time had come for me to attend the show I run, so I admired myself one last time in the mirror before leaving the room and going out into the living room.

As soon as the door slid open his eyes were focused on my, studying every inch of what is on the surface.

I mean... I don't blame him glaring at me since who could could ignore such a lady with class in this dress?

-"Did I perhaps, make you wait for too long?" The words left my mouth as a cocky smirk was forming on my face while I grabbed my purse

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-"Did I perhaps, make you wait for too long?" The words left my mouth as a cocky smirk was forming on my face while I grabbed my purse.

-"Ah... n-no, of course not!" He said as he was giggling in an anxious way looking away from my eyes and almost down onto the floor.

-"Oh, I'm sorry did I make you anxious?" The black leather purse was on the kitchen counter as I bent over him on the couch where he was sitting. Getting closer to him, really searching into his eyes as sparkles were forming in my eyes because of the pitch black darkness outside blended with lights from all different sort of places and corners.

The light in my living room wasn't too present either, which if I'm being honest I am not quite sure wether it was a good thing... or a horrible mistake.

But from the angle that I was put in, he was almost forced to look up, and look me in the eyes.

His jawline was sharper then ever and his facial expression more scared than I've ever seen it before.

This man feared me with his whole life! Pathetic, I'd think... but something about the way he placed one of his hand on my waist, and the other on my thigh trying to calm me down... he read right through me.

And suddenly the hand started to slowly move back and forth, as the friction started to build up and the warmth was turning into heat, my phone rang interrupting the moment.

He was already smiling at my previous reaction, and he started chuckling at my irritation when my phone rang and I had to go pick it up.

I turned around eyes rolling back, and the jaw was clenching as I tapped of the green button on my screen.

-"Hello?" I asked irritated as if the person calling me had absolute no business calling me.

-"Hey girl, we are waiting for you at the club, where are you?" Michelle asked, one of my best friends. She sounded almost confused on the phone over the fact that I was late when I am usually the earliest of all the girls whenever we meet up.

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