Chapter 17

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-"Let me see... I really have to get into y'all's individual tarot reading because this is too interesting to be left out!" She said as she looked down into her shuffled cards.

Now I don't really know what everything she said meant, or what all the cards that she had on the table meant, but I will try to explain it as accurate as possible.

-"Alright. Mister Pisces... you have this energy that's really pulling me in... I see something has really been holding your inner wild spirit back from letting go! I see it's a past connection, past relationship that you might have had earlier this year... is that correct?" She asked him, looking up into his face.

-"Yeah, that's correct. I was in a relationship earlier this year. Although... I don't really think it counts as the relationship was very... on and off all the time." He told her pretty annoyed by that fact that he felt like he was lacking something.

-"Mhm, I can clearly see it. During that relationship you were lacking lots of stability, mentally from you partner. That later on lead to you perceiving this connection not as a relationship, but much rather as meaningless sex. Is that correct?" She asked him again, constantly craving reassurance from him.

-"During the last period of that relationship, yes." He told her disappointed.

-"Now... I see that when this happened you easily lost interest as you seek a deep and meaningful connection. But I also see that this relationship ended up with war... say... did this woman perhaps cheat on you with a very close person to you?" She asked him with no mercy whatsoever.

-"Yes ma'am." He said mad at the fact that she brought it up in front of me... making him feel small and weak.

-"As I thought... this person who was your partner has tried to get into your life multiple times though... haven't they?" That question was followed up my Wonho agreeing to the statement.

-"This person is going to try to get into your life multiple times in the future too... but you have to be careful! They have very bad intentions. They want to ruin you for some unsolved issues that you don't have any physical connections with. But they won't show mercy! So be careful and whatever you do, do not let them into your life again! Ok, mister?" She asked him, basically begging for his agreement.

He nodded and kept his eye contact with her as she turned over to me.

-"When it comes to you miss Virgo, I see complications... even though virgos are seen as the most organized people in the zodiac!" She said kind of surprised because of the outcome.

I kind of ignored it and prayed that her hair would start burning or something... just so that something would happen and we would have to go. Spare me the embarrassment and shame, god!

-"I see... it's past connections for you too?! But here it's really close people... blood related. Perhaps... siblings?... or maybe... a parent?" She asked as she peaked up at me.

I was obviously shocked to her response as my gaze was glued onto her face.

-"Yes... I believe my father." I said as I lightly coughed, and scratched my neck, looking away onto her little pot with a bonsai tree in it.

-"You're right... I am seeing a manly figure in this picture! He got involved with a stranger that happened to dislike you... even though you really tried to like them, and really tried to live up to their expectations... didn't you?" She asked me once again, searching for an answer on my lips.

-"Yes... at a very young age... actually." I quietly told her, but this time I held eye contact with her the whole time as I could see my reflection in her dark brown eyes. Drowning me into cocoa dreams.

-"Mm... I see that. But they were never satisfied. I also see that at some point later in your life they even attempted to hurt you physically... I see... they tried to poison you to death. But failed. Is that so?" She asked me.

-"Yes... it is, unfortunately!" I said as I tried to giggle it off because it sounded so brutal. Not because it wasn't, but because... it just felt so uncomfortable in that moment. It brought back so many unwelcome feelings into my heart and I welcomed flashbacks into my brain.

-"But fortunately you survived, as we have a relevant example of that today!" She said smiling and pointing at me with her whole right hand, getting a hint that we should ease the mood a little bit.

However, Wonho was pretty concerned about this whole story and really wanted to get to know more as he only stared at me without saying a word. Waiting for me to fill in the rest.

-"Well... no need to worry about that now. Although this person will also try to re-enter your life again, trying to hurt you even more! You shall not be fooled by their actions as the consequences are very extreme... stay away from this person at all costs, and if you're ever alone in the same room as them you have to make sure you get someone else into the same room as the two of you, or else... things can turn out very... very ugly!" She told me very strictly while holding my hands, as they somehow ended up on the table on top of the cards.

This lady was gentle, yet aggressive which reminded me of my own grandma... making me trust her even more. I really trust her instinct.

My fate is in this woman's hands... as they should...

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