Chapter 4

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I put my car on park mode in front of granny's house on... you guessed it. Long Island!

She thanked me for the ride and kissed me on the forehead. I told her not to forget to check up on her only granddaughter more often rather than just once a year. She chuckled and reassured me that she will do so. She closed the door and I took out my phone and put on my favorite playlist, because I know I am not the only one that loves listening to music in the car late at night. It just... hits different, you know?

And so the night started with me playing music to the cars speaker until I finally got to my apartment building and I parked my car in the buildings underground parking lot.

I quickly got out of my car and led the way to the elevator. Pressed on the 85th floor, and waited a whole 7 minutes until I reached my destination. It's kind of funny now that I think about it because if I was to make out with a person on my way to my apartment in this elevator, then the metaphor "7 minutes in heaven" would actually accurately make sense!

However, I finally got out of the elevator and got into my luxurious apartment. It was dark... cold... and empty. Just how I like it. The view from my living room is just so extraordinary that I only want to live in it.

Sleep, eat, bathe and breathe in it.

However I kind of got the same view from my bedroom, so it's not that much of a difference.

I took off my heels the moment that I step into the doorway, where I also take off all of my jewelry and undress myself.

And yes, all of that still in the living room because fortunately no one can see me on the outside of my glass wall, plus I have time to tidy up later on. I like to think that I have all the time in the world.

So there was my Chanel $12,000 dress, laying so lifeless on my white faux fur carpet.

But I didn't mind since I found my way into the bathroom where I double cleansed my face on my black marble sink.
That led me later on, into my matching black marble bathtub that I had filled with warm water while I was cleansing my face, it was filled with foam and I didn't even hesitate to get into it.

I had almost fallen asleep in my tub of water when I heard a loud ding dong at the door.

It kind of startled me, because it was so late that I hoped it was granny or someone dear to me that forgot something important at my place.

But when I got my white Prada bathrobe on and opened the door, I was told something else.

-"DAMN YOU HAVE ALREADY TAKEN OFF YOUR MAKEUP?!?!" A loud yelling was heard as soon as the door opened.

It was Lucas, who was standing in my doorway at 2 AM, SHOCKED!

-"What do you mean?" I asked in confusion, having no clue of what he wanted to tell me, while dragging him into my place so the neighbors wouldn't hear his yelling anymore.

-"Look, sorry to interrupt your little date night or whatever, but I just got off my shift earlier than usual to come here and stop the two of you!" He said, proudly.

-"... why?" I asked calmly.

-"Why? WHY?! Not even a little 'thank you for coming all the way here and leaving work when there were lots of costumers and you are going to get shit from your boss tomorrow'??" He asked kind of panicked. He was catching his breath and took a seat by the kitchen island, since the living room and kitchen sit together.

-"I am happy you came here, because that clearly shows you have interest in me, so... I'm flattered. But... you didn't actually have to come all the way here." I told him, stroking his arm while he was looking down onto the islands table.

-"I know, I'm just... such a fool. Where is he by the way? Isn't he waiting for you? Or isn't he mad that he heard me? WAIT— MAYBE HE IS INTO THAT KIND OF STUFF!! I KNEW IT ALL ALONG, EVER SINCE HE WINKED AT ME AT THE CLUB I KNEW HE HAD THE VIBE OF A THREESOME DUDE!!" He softly yelled with big eyes and a subtle smile left on his face.

-"What are you talking about? Either way, he is not here. We decided not to take things any further for tonight..." I told him and then looked away, out to the streets through the window.

-" Wait, are you saying... that I can have you tonight, anyway?!" He asked excited, like a little kid finally getting a puppy from his parents.

-"Well to be fair I was in the middle of a bath, but unless you don't mind then we can continue that bath together?" I told him while seriously looking into his eyes and stroking his left thigh.

Lucas got pretty aroused and it showed. He started biting his lower lip and he placed a hand on mine.

-"Well then... How about we skip the bath and go straight to the bedroom. I don't have all night available, babygirl." He said with a smirk on his face.

I grabbed his hand and nearly dragged him out of his chair, into my bedroom. I threw him onto the bed as if he was my dress from earlier this night. He was right, we didn't have all night available, so one thing led to another and we found each other suffocated in the sheets...

Yearned phases Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora