Chapter 18

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-"Well... how about we get to the bottom with this and take a look at the cards that are laid out on the table." The old lady said as she signaled to us with her right hand, to look at them.

Both me and mIsTeR wOnHo leaned our heads forward on the table and peaked down.

We saw about 5 cards with strange figures and texts on them, which confused us a lot, but the lady was generous and lead our way into what those where representing.

-"Now, I understand that you might not understand anything, but let me tell you!" She said while smirking and looking at Wonho, then at me and back at Wonho again.

-"This relationship between the two of you... like I said earlier, it's a connection that's bound to last forever. It's simply destiny. Hey, I don't make the rules, It's just written in the stars!" She told us very confidently, throwing her hands all over the room.

I was pretty impressed by that answer as I tend to have short term relationships with everyone around me, unless those people are family members like my grandma.

So I was really interested in getting to know what was about to happen.

Wonho was surprised as well, and was waiting for her to continue the reading.

-"I see that both of you have related emotions, and will easily find your ways into each other's minds. You will have a beautiful connection. One of these that will make everyone around you envy you... sometimes even your significant other. This can lead to issues, but don't let them break this bond!" She told us as she was pointing at the card that had "Ace of cups" written in cursive on it.

She moved her hand as she proceeded:
-"This relationship will bring you lots of fulfillment! Lots of it will be emotionally, as you will feel like your communication skills will be at the top between you two. But I am also sensing a potential business between you two, meaning that lots of money will come in your way!" She said as she pointed at a card that had "Ten of pentacles" written on it, in the same beautiful cursive style as the previous card.

-"But like I said earlier, I see two of those cards represent lots of jealousy. So keep an eye open for people who might try to ruin this bond between you two!" She accentuated once again, making sure that we follow her instructions.

-"Although... unfortunately every beautiful beginning has an ending. I see the death card, which actually means big changes in life and has absolutely nothing to do with death itself... but based off the vibes and the spiritual connection I am feeling right now... I am afraid it actually means death. One of you can be expected to die within those next few... months." She said scarily, looking at the both of us in a terrifying way.

I was shocked, and so was Wonho. You would believe his eyebrows were so high up that they'd reach the ceiling. Literally!

-"Unfortunately you cannot escape death, to say... you can't really cheat on it. When your time has come... then it's already here. So my advice to the both of you is to live your life to the fullest as if you might die tomorrow!" She said with a sarcastic smile on her face.

She then proceeded to tell us that this was it for today, and I reached for my wallet even though Wonho wanted to pay, I didn't let him. Not this time.

We took our things, said our goodbyes to the lady, and then headed to the elevator.

As the doors where closing, a hand found its way on my cheek.
And a figure was standing in front of me with its back facing the doors as the elevator was continuing its way down.

Soft, full lips were felt on top of mine. Like honey... they tasted like honey.

Eyes were shutting close as the kiss grew more and more, passionately into a beautiful rhythm of memories that were about to be made.

Hands exploring my whole body, and fingers running through my curls, soft like a melody.

He... he was so gentle... yet so intense...

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