Chapter 7

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It was as if war was about to be declared and the biggest volcano in the world was going to erupt. That's how strong the tension in that room was.

Lucas found his words to an end and began speaking:
-"Actually I wasn't expecting you to be here this early, but I guess I was mistaken." He then turned to look at me: "Anyway, I was on my way to work and grabbed a coffee on my way there, but while I was in the cafeteria I saw this cookie that reminded me of you... so... here! :3" He said as he reached a sugar cookie glazed with the text "I LOVE YOU, DADDY" on it.

Without even realizing it, a face of slight disgust started to shape on my face, but I was quick to erase that face and put on an awkward smile.

-"Why? I mean... why did it remind you of me?" I said and then awkwardly chuckled a little to shake the tension off that this situation caused.

-"What do you mean? Do you already not remember?... Maybe I have to remind you tonight, again?!" He asked while looking deep into my eyes. That act was later on followed up by a gentle smile and him leaning closer to me over my office desk.

-"Excuse me mister, but as far as I have understood you are not that close to miss Dior over here, and she clearly looks uneasy. Just letting you know that if you try any other move on her I won't hesitate to call security!" Wonho told him while Lucas' back faced him, he didn't care. He was focusing on his head while telling him all of this. Giving him that one uncomfortable feeling of being watched so that he would turn around and face him.

That worked like magic, and Lucas turned over to Wonho and said this in a teasing way, while keeping his head up and looking down on him:
-"Oh really? Well she surely wasn't feeling that way last night when she was on top of me!"

For some reason that got interrupted by my office phone that started to rang, and you better bet all your money that I thanked the lord from saving me from that historical moment that could've easily escalated.

-"Hello?? Rosa sweetie, is Lucas there with you? That son of a bitch won't pick up his phone!!!" Everyone heard a high pitched old voice shouting in a heavy New Jersey accent. All eyes where on me while I was holding the phone.

Both Lucas and Wonho looked hella confused at me.

-"Uh, yes Mrs. Ferrari. He is here with me. Do you need to tell him something important or....?" I asked grandma confusingly on the phone, scrunching my eyebrows almost frowning.

-"Yes, tell that figlio di puttana that if he doesn't show up to work in 15 minutes, he is fired. One minute later and he can securely apply for a new job!" Granny said and hung up the phone.

-"Uhm... m-mrs. Ferrari?? Hello?!?!" I kept saying after she hung up, before the beep started playing on the phone.

Lucas clearly heard the whole conversation because he was quickly out of the room leaving my office by saying:
-"Shit, I'm screwed! I have to go sorry!" He said as he kissed me on my cheek and then left.

Wonho didn't comment on it, but he followed all of his moves until he was out of his sight.

I looked shockingly at the door but was fast to look down onto the documents on my desk, ashamed of what had just happened.

~Fuck. This is exactly what I have feared. This motherfucker caught feelings.~ was what I was thinking until a male voice suddenly interrupted:

-"Oh. So I see that the two of you are in a relationship.... if I am not mistaken then, that means you lied to me?" He said looking angrily at me.

-"Look, I didn't lie to you" I said as I reached for his hands. Our hands found each other pretty quickly and we were just holding each other in that moment.

-"It's just that something came up last night and he was really stressed, so I thought it would be nice of me to help him relieve some of that stress... AS A FRIEND OF COURSE!" I quickly added and looked helplessly at him.

-"Oh well. Wether you are telling the truth or not, I did say that I didn't care if you were in a relationship or not. So I shouldn't be so mad after all, since I'll still get what I want in the end. And remember... a promise will forever be a promise until it's fulfilled." He said while deeply searching into the entrance of my soul. My eyes. I felt such comfort that I haven't felt in... god, it must have been years. He was gently smiling and stroking my tiny, soft hands.

~I wish I could just stay like this forever~

-"Thank you for understanding," I said while smiling as well "and trust me, he won't get in our way anymore. I'll make sure of it!" I told him.

-"Our way?" He softly asked with that same soft smile on his beautiful soft lips of his, where he was looking at me with big eyes filled with hope and sparkles drowning them.

-"Yes... our." I said as I held his hands tighter. For a solid second there I really wanted to kiss him but his manager finally called him out of my office off to some other places where he was needed.

~Boy, I was sweating the whole time. Anyway... I have to end things with Lucas, as soon as possible... or... how about... tonight?~...

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