Chapter 24

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I was completely shocked, and stood at the entrance frozen. Like a statue.

The lady was in her mid 50s and had straight dark brown hair that reached her shoulders. She had intense dark blue eyes, that almost looked violet, and a malicious look on her face.

She was wearing a ruby red lipstick as her lips were forming an evil smirk.

-"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked her with barely any emotion in me.

-"Oh, but can't I just visit my lovely stepdaughter every now and then? After all... I've missed you..." she said, trying to make me feel pity for her.

-"You tried to kill me! I doubt you miss me... does father know about this?" I sternly asked her, as her face expression turned a bit more serious when I confronted her about trying to kill me.

She cleared her throat, played with her little pearl necklace and gulped so hard.

-"No... actually I came here to tell you that... he is dying. And I need your help to put some money for the funeral." She said looking up at me.

At that point I took a seat in the guest chair right in front of her, where I stared into her eyes for a good minute without blinking, emotionless.

-"... No." I simply told her, as I kept the eye contact.

She scoffed and looked away over to my drawer with important files and documents. Although she quickly found her way to my eyes again as she proceeded:

-"Hah... Such an ungrateful child. After all he's done for you, this is how you chose to treat him? Are you really that heartless?!" She asked scrunching her eyebrows at me, and leaning her face forward, closer to mine.

-"Yes! BECAUSE YOU ATTEMPTED TO POISON ME, AND FATHER HAD ONLY REJECTED ME EVER SINCE I WAS BORN! ALL YOU'VE EVER DONE WAS CAUSED ME TRAUMA AND TROUBLE!!" I started shouting at her, with tears forming in my eyes of anger, not giving a fuck wether my coworkers were going to hear me scream like a maniac!

She scrunched her nose out of anger, narrowed her eyes and aggressively grabbed my neck, trying to choke me.

I almost stabbed her arms with my nails, for her to let me go. Although Wonho came right in time with a terrifying and shocked look on his face when he saw my face starting to turn purple and my motions were starting to slow down!

He immediately grabbed the woman and got one of the guards close by to handcuff her, and placing her on the ground.

-"Who the hell are you and why are you approaching miss Dior like that? DO YOU HAVE NO SHAME?! NO COMMON SENSE AT ALL?! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! LET ME TELL YOU, YOU ARE SO LUCKY THAT YOU'RE A WOMAN BECAUSE OTHERWISE I SWEAR TO GOD I WOULDN'T HESITATE TO BEAT YOU UP-" he shouted at her widening his mouth to really get his words out. He was grabbing her by the shoulders and was sort of shaking her, as if he tried waking her up.

I interrupted him by kissing him, still with tears roaming on my cheeks as I went in for a passionate kiss.

The lady was crying, looking down on the floor.

Where me and Wonho were lost in our own little world.

He didn't close his eyes for one second when I kissed him, and as soon as I broke the kiss to catch a breath, he pulled me in for another one, only this time he actually closed his eyes.

I quickly dragged myself away from him, but he was holding me onto his chest. He wiped my tears and asked what was wrong. He noticed that I struggled to tell him what was on my mind so he placed my head on his breasts and patted it. He stroke my hair slowly as he was comforting me.

-"It's okay... let it all out. Don't forget to breath, and get it off your chest, okay? You're doing amazing, darling." He kept saying as I was slowly starting to calm down.

The cops arrived and I was interrogated, as well as Wonho. I told them Mrs Leona Dior, or the lady who attacked me, tried to kill me for the second time, and that she was insane.

Wonho told the cops that he has no idea about what the fight was about, or the reason of why we even fought in the first place. The only thing that he remembered was hearing me yell something, and getting into my office saving me.

The police was satisfied with the response and decided to put her on probation, but on the way out I couldn't help but ask her:
-"How did you find me?"

Mrs Leona smiled at me and said:
-"Well I got in contact with Lucas. I've seen him around you... doing intimate things with you!" She said smirking widely, and so awfully.
"Although... because you guys got so intimate with each other it's pretty bizarre how he didn't hesitate over giving me your address... even though he knew my intentions!" She said, still searching deep into my soul as my eyes were puffy from all the crying.
-"Oh well... that's my call to go. Bye bye!" She said as she smiled and duck her head to get into the police car as they drove off.

-"That was something different." Wonho said as he stood behind me the whole time when I watched the cars getting smaller and smaller with the distance.

-"Yeah... hey. How about I explain to you what happened in better details. Tomorrow. Let's go clubbing!" I told him, even though my mascara had already run down my entire face and it looked like I was being extremely sarcastic.

-"Are you sure?" He asked, really craving reassurance.

-"Yeah... plus, I really need to speak to a certain bastard! Motherfucker played the devil... or so he thought!"...

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